Reviews from

in the past

lesbian romance visual novel not a huge fan of the approach to story progression here and i just wasn't very gripped by the story so it is what it is

Forgivably mediocre himedanshic GL in the style of post-merger Yuri Hime, but served as a vector for a greater evil in allowing Itou Hachi to write the manga adaptation and thus establishing a precedent for her work's international publication.

My favorite Yuri visual novel, hands down. If you're a fan of the Yuri genre, Kindred Spirits is an absolute must.

Probably the best that a yuritopia multi-relationship story has ever been done, especially because every couple is absolutely god-tier. The conceit with the ghosts is really interesting and their relationship, and the ending, was incredibly emotional. This is kind of like, everything that the yuri genre can be to me wrapped up in one game and it influenced me as a person, even, I think.

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idk dude, ghosts possessing people to have sex so they can move onto the afterlife just feels weird, even if its consensual

Although it's an nsfw vn with high school students (usually a no go for me... and also I played it while in high school) I love playing as an actual matchmaker so much! And the ghosts are just too cute :)

my rage for this game is never ending. aside from the teacher/student relationship which sucks the game is just poorly constructed as a visual novel, from the lack of musical diversity that drills a hole into your temples every time a song repeats, to the bizarre decision to tell long-winded events from two different perspectives without changing anything in the narrative. Every time this game has an opportunity to be interesting the developers made it weird instead. the protag is okay tho i guess


Errrrrrrrr well.......... I guess I'd sorta recommend it. Not really at the price. Get it on sale.
I'm mixed, I actually purchased this thinking illustrator Itou Hachi was involved in it, but she apparently just did the manga adaptation. Anyways,

I see a lot of reviews talking about how "realistic" the relationships progress in this game, but I really dont find this to be true. I think it might be realistic to..... overly moe slice of life tropes? But these play out and progress in such bombastic ways. The different relationships here are cute and fun in their own right, but really don't scratch the "realism" itch as well as something like Aoi Hana or Yuzumori San. Which, no, media does't have to be realistic to be enjoyable. Not everything has to be rooted in reality or straight faced. Schlocky-ness and overacting has its appeal and I don't tend to prioritize "realistic" dialogue and interactions in a visual novel, but I wouldn't be fooled by the prospect that there's some all girls school in japan where girls act like this and progress relationships in this way. It's over the top, it's kinda dumb, it's clearly unrealistic, but it's fun because of that.

The general set up is pretty great as far as VNs go. Playing cupid for two ghosts who otherwise can't interact with those they look out for is a great start. The main character is blank slate enough to where it's not jarringly different from any projected player personality, but not so boring that she's emotionless and a chore to read the dialogue of. The characters have cute moments but are pretty one dimensional sometimes. There's a few characters that are guilty of being able to be described in a single sentence: their one or two quirks and their appearance. A lot of anime media is guilty of this, but I think the appeal of Visual Novels is they kind of seek to remedy that.. Which this one finds difficult to do. The girl's interactions range from extremely mundane to........ well, less mundane more enjoyable none the less. The saving grace for what would otherwise be kinda stale interactions is the different perspectives you get to see in a non linear fashion. It's nice to see what people were thinking during certain past scenes, and to see their interpretations of events.

Voice acting is a mixed bag as well. You have a bunch of these over the top squeaky moe characters who just can't stop over acting placed alongside otherwise restrained and pleasant voice acting. Three of the characters have this sorta annoying "s" sound that keeps popping out and I can't tell if it's a lisp or just... bad mixing. Speaking of mixing...
THE MUSIC oughhhh.... I've had enough of these three basic school life tracks hahaha. They're not particularly good, not nearly ambient enough. They keep trying to throw in this pop rocky riff and chanting over everyday life dialogue and it's not only loud but just painfully unfitting. It's a 2 minute song loop that demands attention away from dialogue that already isn't that thrilling. It got on my nerves extremely fast...Maybe it wouldn't be so jarring if there were more tracks for these scenarios, but there arent.

It's cute, it's got a charming setup, but its execution feels really rough around the edges. For 35 dollars (45 with DLC) I feel sorta let down, but I'm not disliking it or anything. It has overwhelmingly positive reviews on steam but I'd be cautious.

Despite being a pretty basic story, it still makes me weep.

the student/teacher couple in this sucks ass but everyone else rules