Reviews from

in the past

simplesmente o melhor multiplayer de kinect sem discussao

I played with friends many years ago, it was fun for a couple of evenings, but then there were few cards, and now I decided to go through it myself and it’s actually kind of boring, there aren’t enough cards, subsequent tests are just the same cards and that’s it, essentially this the game is needed to test the capabilities of the kinect, the same star wars kinect has a plot and it’s interesting to go further, but here there is no such desire.


It has VERY little content, but it manages to be very fun and a great introduction to what Kinect was, the music is very good but what works against it too much is the little content

use it only for exercise


I swear this was the only functional Kinect game, and was decently fun

So much great times playing this. Loved the rafting mode but co-op was odd. Amazing memories of childhood

A classic, possibly the most well known Kinect game. It's a fine experience, nothing special but can be quite fun. There's not much to add to that really, a simple review for a simple game. I just wish the game had more to it instead of being a glorified tech demo.

SCORE: 5.5/10

Meu primo tomava um sacode de mim.

precisei me exercitar na pandemia

el mejor juego de la historia no hay discusión

I think life was legitimately better when companies thought games like this were a good idea

Played it with my family when we first got the Kinect. I remember crying because my dad didn't want to let me play. The first and last time I played this game

This game literally just dosen't work or atleast it never has 4 me and the Kinect is garbage.

Veio junto com o console. Jogo extremamente divertido para jogar com a família! Sério, eu e meus sobrinhos, irmãos, nos divertimos muito com esse jogo e com as fotografias que ele tira da gente kkk. Para quem gosta de Kinect ele é um jogo obrigatório. Bons tempos...

je l'ai tellement poncé j'adorais y jouer

eu até que gostava desse também mas jogava muito pouco em comparação com o dos esportes. jogava tão pouco que nem lembro como é direto mas com certeza é legalzinho. saudade

why wont the fucking xbox kinect work

Kinect tech demo.
I remembering it being fun, but janky.
I ain't touching it again, that's for sure.

Meh, it's aight, but Kinect's dead. But hey, this was the first console game I ever played!

Um jogo party showcase do Kinect, é divertido de jogar com os amigos.

junta os mlk q tu fica a tarde inteira

depois que teve rumor que usavam o kinect como câmera escondida eu nunca mais liguei novamente 💀

Lo jugábamos en familia, era divertido y nostálgico.