Reviews from

in the past

boring ................................................................. unreal LOL

Nice gameplay idea, cool effects and options in storyline and the steam achievements add a nice touch to advancing in the game. Overall fun experience but nothing that will blow your mind.

Simulador de Tinder. Única diferença é que no jogo eu peguei o final bom onde tu fica com a pessoa...

Dps que tu finaliza ele desbloqueia o modo "realista", tu manda mensagem e a pessoa não te responde. Achei bem fiel a realidade msm.

Dito isso, é um jogo gostosinho sobre... Crush, distância, e pandemia. Me deu frio na barriga em alguns momentos, e me fez pular de alegria em um certo momento, me lembrou bastante das minhas paixões jovens recheadas de ansiedade sobre mandar a mensagem certa, e ter o sentimento correspondido.

Pretty fun little text based game, good story.

This is just a random (tad cringy) story that would've been better off as a short novel or something. Having barebones platforming square doesn't add anything

the main person is kinda unlikeable and sometimes doesn't let me make realistic choices was fun to play with friends tho

Hot Take: you didn't get it cause it wasn't made for you

Actually underestimated how dry and pointless this would be. I've been thinking a fair amount about dating/relationships and doing my own share and this still didn't strike a note with me--especially because you don't actually get left on read. The phenomenon of being left on read is so incendiary because for some folks text is where their thoughts and emotions can go unfiltered by meatspace, so for a love interest to go "k, not replying to that" can be pretty scarring. Yet the game is totally oblivious and uninterested in what its title phrase actually means, instead portraying cousin-who-you-text-annually-tier convos as some promising pen-pal romance instead of the banal drivel that it is. Not even cringe, because neither participants say anything remotely risky or potentially undesirable.

Sidebar: it's a personal pet peeve of mine when people pretend as if text is some alien & hobbled form of communication, and that nothing 'real' can form out of it. text-based friendships and romances have existed since dudes could put words on a page circa 4 millennia ago, pick up a history book.

Overwhelmingly sauceless fiction.

There's a younger version of me that might've given this game credit for being formally clever, but I've grown so tired of video games being the one medium where static, irreflective storytelling can pass simply because of the method. If you read a book that leaned on its hackneyed dialogue this hard, you'd accuse it of being written by the feds.

(The gall to have a jokey "realistic mode" that pads the time in between texts, as if even the fastest text speed would make this worth reading)

PS: Did anyone else feel incredibly weird about how the "my girlfriend is clearly depressed and I'm struggling to reach her through text" part was immediately followed up with the saccharinely happy ending? That 1-2 punch hit me harder than any other dramatic aspect of this story.

Might have been good but I slept halfway through the game sorry

I really dislike these emily is away type games as they end up being nothing games, no substance or interesting concepts except depression simulator only play these if you hate yourself or want to make your life worse.

I got up to the last message sequence I think, but then I looked it up and the time you had to wait for it was super long and I didn't want the game running for all that time so I dropped it. The story itself was pretty good though.

Yeah i got bored I don’t think im going back to this one ever😭

chatinho, parece uma cópia mal feita de emily is away com jogo de plataforma

Dudes will start a conversation with this shit in 2020 and wonder why they were left on read.

This happened to my buddy (me) once

A story about two cringe dry texting idiots that you know what, I enjoyed the most of it. Only real problem is the happy note of an ending doesn't feel earned or like anything was solved beforehand but it was not an hour I regret wasting

>probably never talked to a woman before
>makes a game that the entire premise is talking to one
>not having any personality at all and only making shitty refferences to memes and movies that came on the quarentine only so that in 5 years later nobody is going to remember

The idea of plataforming on a text chat is cool tho, just the developer is one of those people that unironically watches video compilations of reddit memes

i've never played a game where i have wanted so badly to torpedo a conversation just to get out of it. a remarkably realistic (read: unbearable) depiction of attempting to hold a text conversation with two of the worst conversationalists on the planet

if you didn't select the responses by platforming it would be even more obvious just how stiff and stilted this conversation actually is. it's a miracle either of these people decided to talk to the other after more than a week of this, because i was ready to tap out after 15 straight minutes of "just chillen, u?" In truth, the most wild detail of this story is that these bland conversations are apparently the noteworthy parts of this relationship over the course of several months.