Reviews from

in the past

eu considero esse jogo o melhor de todos da franquia lego, o mundo aberto desse jogo é sensacional

This is another of the best Lego games that Lego TT has ever created, it was truly stellar and still ranks in my top 5 Lego TT games.

Playing through Middle Earth as dumb little Lego Minifigs is just way too delightful.

The series fit quite well together somehow. Exploring Middle Earth in a whimsical way is nice. LEGO games always lead to some frustrations in puzzle solutions (with me), but lend themselves to good co-op opportunities.

This the only LOTR game I've played, which I would be ashamed of but it honestly slaps so it's all okay.

En azından basit de olsa gezilebilir bir açık dünya ve karakterler olması ile biraz daha fazla başında tutabiliyor sizi. Ve filmlerde gördüğümüz bazı tanıdık mekanları görmek tatlı.

Onun haricinde ise, LEGO.

One of the best lego games in my opinion.

im rating most of the lego games 4 stars because i need filler and i played them too long ago to remember any of them

It's a LEGO Game, but with Lord of The Rings.

Better than ave-actually, this one is pretty sweet.

Played from – to: (2021-06-07 – 2021-06-11)
‣ 6/10 – The ring is bigger than their heads.
‣ Game Audio / Soundtrack - 8/10
‣ Graphics – 5/10
‣ Atmosphere – 8/10
‣ Main Story / Characters – 9/10
‣ Side Activities / Exploration – 5/10
‣ AI – 10/10
‣ Movement – 6/10
‣ Voice acting – 8/10
‣ Combat – 6/10
‣ Final notes: I really like Lego bricks till this day. I remember watching tons of stock motion Lego animations with silly little stories, so naturally playing a game that involves quality cinematics with Legos felt amazing. However, if I had to judge the gameplay it is not the best game I have ever played. Yes the story is a great recreation of the movies with more jokes and silly parodies, however the core game felt outdated. The combat was alright and honestly the boss fights were fun, but always readjusting the camera and trying to guess the perspective annoyed me. Because of the zoomed-out view at times it was difficult to guess how far I have to jump or move. The clunky movement did not help me either. But with all that said this is a very fun and short (if you avoid exploration) experience. Play this with a friend and you have a great split screen couch co-op game.

Not a huge fan of LOTR but watched all the movies and it's a good representation of the movie in a kid friendly way.

Não tem o lego hobbit!!! Mas tudo bem porque minha review para os dois ia ser a mesma coisa: DA MUITO CONFORTO JOGAR!!! VC PODE PASSEAR NA TERRA MÉDIA E SER FELIZ, CURA TUDO QUE DÓI

ESSE É BÃO! Não imaginei que a trilogia pudesse ser passada tão bem na forma de LEGO. E as mecânicas são tão boas. Entrar nos espaços pequenos como Hobbits, ou pegar a Andúril no final e destruir tudo que é das trevas é brabo demais.

It's a really good game; the gameplay is nice, and while the 'open world' might be smaller than you would have thought at first sight, it's still fun to play every so often


I fought the Battle of Helms Deep like my life was truly on the line.

Neste jogo, eu acabei jogando com meu irmão mais novo, jogamos do início ao fim e isso acabou gerando memórias muito queridas por mim.
Enfim, a adaptação é muito divertida e jogabilidade mais ou menos.

do msm nivel que os filmes heim

One of the best LEGO games, I remember that I got the game on Christmas and beat the story on Day One.

lego oyunlarını ablamla severek oynarım aşırı da eğlenirim. yine klasik komedik sahneleriyle hafif bulmacalarıyla keyifli vakit geçirdiğimiz bir oyun oldu. ama tüm filmleri kapsamadığı için üzülmüştüm.

unironically the best lego game, wild fun

De mi infancia. Siempre me ha encantado TLOTR y este juego fue el que me introdujo a la saga cuando tenía unos 5 años

Real fun lego game but it had few drawbacks, even though there's an open world there's not much to do in it but it can be understandable considering this game came out in 2012, other drawback is that the PC port can sometimes glitch and make it impossible to get 100%, for me as a person who likes mastering their games it was quite annoying. Otherwise the game was neat and I enjoyed playing it.