Reviews from

in the past

Why in fuck does a Lego game have a decently fun open world this isn't right. Buggy as hell though lol.


Lord of the Rings


A Lego game adaptation of the Lord of the Rongs trilogy. An alright game but does suffer from some glitches and frame rate drops. If you are fan of the Lord of the Rings story, it is worth a play if you can get the game cheap.

The Mithril Disco Phial is based.

Another fun LEGO franchise game that somehow feels exactly the same as playing all of the other ones. Great for those of us that think change is pure evil and must be stopped!

But does anyone know why they won't add proper online co-op? These really seem like the perfect games for it and we've literally just experienced 2 years of everyone being confined to their own home, yet even the newest game in this series requires your friend to come over to your house just to play co-op lego games.

Very strange.

You'd probably guess that I'm ten years old giving a LEGO game a 5 star rating and calling it one of my favorite games. I don't think many people would agree with me after they play it., but I can guarantee that you would have a great time. I just have a place in my heart for LEGO games. Maybe it's just nostalgia, but I find the majority of them very enjoyable, even as I play new ones. Maybe if you have nothing to do next Saturday, spend a couple bucks and try this out. You might not walk away a changed man, but you will most likely have a good time, especially if you have a brother.

my thirst for a lord of the rings videogame as a 8 year old was quenched when this came out

Real fun lego game but it had few drawbacks, even though there's an open world there's not much to do in it but it can be understandable considering this game came out in 2012, other drawback is that the PC port can sometimes glitch and make it impossible to get 100%, for me as a person who likes mastering their games it was quite annoying. Otherwise the game was neat and I enjoyed playing it.

De mi infancia. Siempre me ha encantado TLOTR y este juego fue el que me introdujo a la saga cuando tenía unos 5 años

unironically the best lego game, wild fun

It was a fun lego game but the world just felt really empty outside of the levels. Fun as a kid with my little brother tho :)

"Why is Athene playing Lego Lord Of The Rings?"
Well, the easy answer is I'm Having A Bad One Right Now. Lego games are great comfort games for me. I like hoovering up studs and getting all the different bits and pieces. I like that there are still games in the modern era that let you activate cheats (without disabling achievements!) that do things that completely break the game.
Short answer, the lego games are great, brainless fun.
The LOTR one is just ok, though. I find my favourite of the lego games tend to be the ones with big open worlds full of micro-puzzles. Marvel Super Heroes, City Undercover and Batman 2 are the highlights here, but there's been quite a few now. LOTR does that, a bit, but not very well - there is an open world but it's mostly empty, and all the puzzles to get interesting stuff are fetch quests where you have to go back into the staged levels to find blueprints. You can kind of tell this is the one they did before Marvel Super Heroes - all the bones of the cool stuff is there, but they're not quitefully cooked yet.
Anyway, I'm dropping it to try Marvel Super Heroes 2 instead, which should hopefully be another go at my favourite of these.

Isso me introduziu no mundo de Senhor dos Anéis, muito bom

This was my first lego game and after reading the forums I guess it's not the best one out there.

We got Lord of the Rings trilogy in one neat game along with open world, puzzles, Lego visuals and all that. Which I guess is good. I honestly thought it would be open-world-collect-a-ton game like Just Cause of AssCreed which are good games if you play them once a year. Sadly, it was not.

But goddamn those platforming challenges, eye gauging blur and glorious sub-10 fps gaming caught me with my pants down.

Think I neither love nor hate this game and will forget I even played it in a week. I would prefer it to be at least something. After all, being bland is worse than being bad. And this shit is as bland as an unsalted boiled potato.

This one felt revolutionary. OPEN WORLD LEGO LOTR!!! I went crazy for this one and I wasn't even a huge LOTR fan.

I can only go off of memory for this game, as this game refuses to be put on modern hardware because of copyright or something and is like, the ONE Lego game that isn't backwards compatible. I remember liking it. I just wish TT games would port this instead of putting Lego Marvel on the Switch where no sane person is gonna play it

Continua impecável, facilmente top 3 legos, me deu sdds da minha infância e da relação que eu tinha com meu pai

This is a good lego game.

I never played this game but on steam there's this funny picture of bilbo walking through the snow

Not a huge fan of LOTR but watched all the movies and it's a good representation of the movie in a kid friendly way.

Played from – to: (2021-06-07 – 2021-06-11)
‣ 6/10 – The ring is bigger than their heads.
‣ Game Audio / Soundtrack - 8/10
‣ Graphics – 5/10
‣ Atmosphere – 8/10
‣ Main Story / Characters – 9/10
‣ Side Activities / Exploration – 5/10
‣ AI – 10/10
‣ Movement – 6/10
‣ Voice acting – 8/10
‣ Combat – 6/10
‣ Final notes: I really like Lego bricks till this day. I remember watching tons of stock motion Lego animations with silly little stories, so naturally playing a game that involves quality cinematics with Legos felt amazing. However, if I had to judge the gameplay it is not the best game I have ever played. Yes the story is a great recreation of the movies with more jokes and silly parodies, however the core game felt outdated. The combat was alright and honestly the boss fights were fun, but always readjusting the camera and trying to guess the perspective annoyed me. Because of the zoomed-out view at times it was difficult to guess how far I have to jump or move. The clunky movement did not help me either. But with all that said this is a very fun and short (if you avoid exploration) experience. Play this with a friend and you have a great split screen couch co-op game.