Reviews from

in the past

Great for hide and seek on the Wii U

Fun powers, diverse cast including mutants makes for a nice time. As for most LEGO games, some frustrating puzzles. It hurts to have to look up a LEGO puzzle online, and even more so to then discover the solution makes no sense.

Jogos de LEGO são muito gostosos de jogar e esse específico me traz muita alegria jogando.
Joguei esse jogo na minha infância e recentemente peguei de volta para jogar e que jogo bom.
A história é meio fraca por ser um jogo voltado para crianças, mas é divertido demais de jogar.

Nostalgia pura
Jogava no xbox 360
Foi meu primeiro jogo e nunca vou esquecer , ele me fez querer jogar outros jogos lego. simplesmente impecável.

Can someone PLEASE agree with me that this is the best lego game ever made?

Nostálgico ganhei de presente de aniversário do meu pai pra jgr no x360 😭

Let me just start this shit off by saying that I don’t have the same nostalgic love for this game as many others do. I played it when I was younger don’t get me wrong, but even then I wasn’t a fan of it. I’ll be totally honest… this shit stunk. If you’re going to be playing this game casually, then it’s okay, but my journey to get this games’ platinum trophy was ROUGH. The levels and all the characters were cool and I like how the game tried to take an original spin on things with its story, but after I finished the story it was pure misery. The open world was just boredom, playing through every single level just to get the mini kits was fucking painful, and it just emphasised how empty of a game this felt tonally outside of the main levels. I got super worried that I wasn’t going to be able to get the plat for this as one of my mini kits glitched and wouldn’t allow me to view one of the Deadpool comics which I would’ve been PISSED at because it would’ve been 33 hours of my life completely wasted, but thankfully I was still able to get it. The games also got some shit voice acting too. Look, I know this is a fan favourite, but I absolutely despised it and because of this game I don’t think I’m ever going to replay a LEGO game ever again.

5.2/10 - cool missions and characters, but pure misery outside of those.

O melhor jogo Lego já feito de todos os tempos

It's not a big deal, just one more LEGO game

O melhor jogo de LEGO já feito.

Meu primeiro jogo de mundo aberto

In my humble opinion the last game in the Lego pantheon to have the precise balance of unique abilities, fun level designs, and well-populated overworld before the game formula began to boil over.

Heard a lot of great stuff about this but maybe I'm past the age I can tolerate LEGO games.

this game has aged so badly

nunca tinha jogado esse game e agora que o concluir posso dizer facilmente que está no meu top 4 jogos de Lego, a história principal do jogo apesar de curta é maravilhosa o tanto que me diverti enquanto jogava não tá escrito e o fato de ser mundo aberto acrescentou muito ao game, o mundo é vivo e repleto de missões secundárias a se fazer o que te dá umas boas horas de jogo após a conclusão da história principal e se liguem, pra quem for zerar pela primeira vez, não percam a festinha de comemoração na Torre Stark ein? hahaha

Me and my friend in elementary school would play hide and seek in New York as well as other self made mini games like beat grandma (which was basically just find and hunt one person who was playing Aunt May). This game really perfected what TT games was going for in Lego Batman 2. So good.

O tanto que eu joguei isso aqui é brincadeira

El mejor juego de Lego en mi opinión.

Es una carta de amor a los fans de los cómics, tiene muchas cosas sacados de ellos y como las películas aún no habían dado un golpe tan fuerte sobre la mesa, no había tantas referencias hacia ellas, Thanos no era el villano, Spiderman no era un fanboy de Iron Man y no había Spiderverse metido hasta en la sopa.

Los niveles y la galería de personajes están muy bien, con bastante variedad, habiendo muchísimos desbloqueables como es costumbre en Lego y dandote la posibilidad de explorar libremente los diferentes mapas que tiene, aunque un tanto aburridos en algunos momentos, está bien para encontrar misiones secundarias y acceder a nuevos personajes, vehículos o demás.

La version de 3ds no falla, sigue siendo una experiencia

franchement vrai classique lego hein, le monde ouvert était siiiiiiiii bien, quelle époque de fou ptn j'en tire de très bon souvenir