Reviews from

in the past

Jankier than you'd expect, but a great co-op experience with LOTS to do. Bonus Deadpool levels give you a reason to actually find all the gold bricks, which is a nice touch. This was probably the best-sized roster for a Lego game, things have gone a bit overboard in later releases.

Pois é, estou de volta.
Joguei praticamente nada esse ano, mas cá estou eu com uma review de Lego Marvel Super Heroes.
Afinal, nunca havia jogado algo relacionado a Lego, então acho que eu tenho coisas a falar da minha primeira experiência e uma das únicas experiências com jogos esse ano.

De início, eu não sabia muito o que fazer. Eu estava jogando com um amigo e ainda por cima eu estava usando teclado 💀. Pois é.
Eu apenas estava seguindo o fluxo do jogo, estava dando absolutos nada pro game. Tanto é que até me surpreendi com a minha platina.
Bom, a gameplay foi progredindo e cada vez mais eu achava legal jogar essa porra.

Porém, ao zerar o jogo eu me deparo com menos de 20% de jogo feito.
É, isso me gerou um ímpeto faminto de querer fazer mais.

Agora eu estava livre pelo mapa para explorar e re-jogar o modo história no modo livre.
Bom, agora aqui vem alguns comentários que eu queria ponderar:
O mapa é grande o suficiente.
É divertido demais explorar cada cantinho do mapa pegando os personagens, veículos e apostando corridas. Acertaram bastante no mapa.
Porém, os personagens que você coleta são meio... fodase?
Não me entenda mal, eu não estou falando que não ligo pro Pantera Negra ou a skin F.F do Homem-Aranha, mas estou afirmando que essas dezenas de personagens são pura encheção de linguiça.
Eles fazem praticamente a mesma coisa que os outros personagens que você já tem no jogo. É muito raro ver um boneco que REALMENTE faça a diferença em movimentos ou em habilidades ou em golpes.
Porém, mostro um ponto que pode até ser uma contradição ao que acabei de falar: é muito legal coletar esses personagens completamente inúteiskkkkkkkkk.

Você vê que o jogo te instiga a coletar tudo o que ele proporciona, até mesmo esses bonecos inúteis. A exploração é muito divertida. E você corresponde ao que o jogo te oferece, não é algo forçado ou algo que você cansa, é algo legitimamente divertido de se passar o tempo fazendo.
Eu descobri a felicidade de fazer um 100% em um jogo de Lego e de pacote descobri a depressão pós 100% Lego também...

E pois bem, fazer o 100% praticamente te entrega a platina, então foi assim que acabei platinando, depois de quase 43h, Lego Marvel Super Heroes. Curti mais do que devia, ainda mais pois eu não estava dando nada pro jogo inicialmente. Foram dias inteiros de jogatina. Ótimo.
E se você esperar uma promoção, dá para comprar por R$9, juro. Vale a compra.

(Eu não sabia como encaixar ali em cima, mas queria enfatizar que voar de Homem de Ferro e andar nas teias de Homem-Aranha é bem merda, mas nada que um treininho não ajude.)

Enfim, obrigado por ter lido até aqui.
Agora irei para Dark Souls, veremos o que me aguarda.

I miss when Lego games didn't talk and were designed around comedic mumbles and humor through body language.

I also question the switch to open world bland city design when the hubs with just specified levels were perfect for these types of games.

Regardless just like all Lego Games, If you enjoy the source material you will find things to like here.

Não é exatamente ruim, só não é nem o melhor Lego Marvel, foi uma introdução ok, os personagens são daora, só que o 2 também faz isso melhor, a jogabilidade é daora só que o 2 também faz isso melhor, a trilha sonora não é nada muito diferente nem dentro dos Lego Marvel, se eu fosse quase 10 anos atrás eu daria uma nota maior pro jogo, mas não é ruim

After playing a lot of other LEGO games, this one just felt like another one of those. Nothing special, nothing memorable. We quit about 1/3 of the way into the game because we got bored. There are far better LEGO games than this one.

Disclaimer: These are my brief thoughts based on my memory of playing this 8 years ago:

Cute, charming, does what it says on the box, and retains the best qualities of the PS2-era LEGO titles I adored so much as a child. The open world of LEGO NYC doesn’t add a whole lot here, but it’s fun to run around and collect characters. This also didn’t need much of its linear story, but it helps with overall “direction” and purpose, I suppose. Most of the boss fights are pretty bad and repetitive, but since they’re so low-stakes where you just watch LEGO bricks explode, it’s still enjoyable to power through. Very easy to get in a quick rhythm once you understand each character archetype and their corresponding powers and abilities. Also great to see a lot of lesser-shown Marvel characters who don’t typically get the spotlight in comics, films, or TV series. Definitely want to try DC Super-Villains next.

deadpool sucks ass enough as it is but when they gotta write him for the PG/PG-13 audience it’s fucking agonizing
games real good though. one of my very favorite LEGO jawns

There are HUNDREDS of games rotting on my backlog, and for some unknown reason, I played LEGO Marvel Super Heroes. I’m supposed to be an adult, why do I keep doing this?? 😭

Came out after LEGO BATMAN 2 but feels behind it in most ways aside from character count^. A lot of the open-world stuff is overreaching and the result is way too many glitches and half-baked, not-that-fun ideas. The endgame collect-a-thon stuff feels especially bloated and uninspired in this one, and usually I love that crap no matter what. Thankfully, there's a lot of genuine old-school Marvel love to kind of make up for those problems -- even enough to overshadow the obligatory MCU elements. (Although it must be said that mixing those two vibes together does feel a bit awkward.)

^Actually, there is one other way this is better: no godawful vehicle levels!

This game is set in an open world map of New York City where you can swing around as Spider-Man, jump around as the Hulk, fly around as Iron Man, and shoot an RPG as Howard the Duck.

Marvel is leaving lots of money on the table by not licensing more games with such ambition.

I'm just really not into the Lego games like I used to be.

It's just too simple and mindless. Just mashing square constantly and instantly reviving every time you die. Snooze fest.

My game glitched so I couldn't unlock Future Foundation Mr. Fantastic.

My save file was stuck at 99.99% completion.

I've genuinely never felt more rage.

Lembro de quase platinar quando criança só pra ter o Deadpool (e não consegui).

Very fun LEGO game released around the time Avengers came out if I recall, had a ton of fun and loved the niche characters it brought with it

Um jogo que me deu muita alegria na época do 360, com um modo livre tão divertido quanto a campanha, tanto que desbloqueei todos os personagens e veículos. Cada personagem e veículo com suas particularidades e poderes, ver a listinha de personagens completa e poder escolher qualquer um, a qualquer hora, não tem preço... a não ser 5 reais e um bom tempo pra gastar.

Detalhe que muitos heróis nem tinham estreado no cinema ainda. Foi o meu primeiro contato com alguns deles.

Muito divertido! Você pode jogar com uma grande variedade de heróis e cada um tem seu próprio conjunto único de habilidades. A história principal é relativamente pequena, mas o jogo tem MUITA missão secundária (As missões do Deadpool são incríveis). É possível jogar via co-op, então se você tiver um amigo para jogar, vai tornar a experiência com o jogo muito melhor. Obrigatório pra quem gosta dos filmes da Marvel.

back when Marvel hadn't turned every single character they owned into a dollar store Spider-Man

Now this is pinnacle of fan service for Avengers, X-Men, Spider-Man, Fantastic Four and others.

This game was the shit for kids, diving off the fucking helicarrier as your own custom created Hulk monster was fucking badass, the sequel kinda sucked tho.

Um jogo divertido para se jogar com os amigos e com uma boa diversidade de personagens com jogabilidades( menos homem aranha que aparece toda hora) , mas com um final bem anticlimático( esperava bem mais , já que anteriormente tinha aparecido boas apresentações de vilões e conclusão, tipo o venom e magnético) .

Better than any Marvel movie they will ever make.

Simplesmente o melhor Lego de Mundo aberto

Surprisingly, this is my first LEGO game that's a fully original story. I've never actually played any of the Batman ones.

I can't really review the gameplay properly because everyone and their mom has played a LEGO game and they're all pretty much the same, so we all know about what to expect.

I enjoyed the story itself but I felt like it was "too long" compared to the other LEGO games I've played, but that might be due to pacing reasons; you can reasonably cut certain scenes if you're retelling a preexisting movie since they expect you to have actually watched what you're making an adaptation of, but for something original you can't really do that.
I enjoyed how much it felt like the Marvel movies from around the time this game released, and uses characters we wouldn't have seen had this game instead just retold the MCU (which is another plus because I'm sick of reliving those movies again).
Deadpool here is also really fun, he's actually funny even if he does say the same shit over and over again.
Whoever voiced him here (I'm guessing Nolan North?) did it excellently.
On the complete other end of the voice acting spectrum we have H.E.R.B.I.E., who is legitimately just Timmy Turner from Fairly OddParents.

And that's a decent way to segue into my issues. My only real issues with this game are that it tends to get quite laggy at times, and the characters look too shiny in cutscenes.
The character select screen cycles through different versions of characters whether I've unlocked them or not instead of letting me choose, which makes doing certain tasks as Iron Man quite difficult; some of the Iron Man armours don't have laser cannons (for golden melty bricks) or explosives (for silver
explody bricks) so when you choose him to get a collectable there's a chance he won't have what you needed him for in the first place and you have to figure out which one has it, and wait until the selection screen cycles over to the one you need (and hope you didn't click select at the exact time as it switches back to fucking Mk 1).

The Hulk also can change into Bruce Banner in gameplay but he never shows up as Bruce in any cutscenes, instead the big green lug is a comedic relief character which annoys me to no end. I guess they didn't want two smart guys so they gave one the idiot stick.

I'm currently going for 100% in this game like I did with LEGO Avengers (which I finished before I made my account here) and my favourite character in that game was Squirrel Girl (who is also my favourite Marvel superhero thanks to that game, she's so cute). I really hope she shows up here and I will update it once I unlock her.

Update: 12/11/22
Well, I said I'd update it once I unlocked my favourite Marvel superhero and she does actually appear here which is a huge plus!! I decided to look her up instead of unlocking her naturally just so I can play as her while I finish up my story collectables and I miss her voice that she had in Avengers.

I've just polished up my review a little and I'm still going for 100% but I think I've said all I can about this game for now.
I'll add anything I have to in place of this sentence and if not I'll at least change this to say I mastered it.

I've loved lego games for as long as I can remember, and this one is no exception. It had a fun original story with great humor scattered throughout it, and playing it made me so nostalgic for the days when I played the original Lego Star Wars on Wii with a friend back in kindergarten, or when I rented Lego Pirates of the Caribbean and Lego Indiana Jones (RIP Family Video, you will be missed).

this is when i really started noticing how puzzle-heavy the lego games were going and it kinda turned me off to them