Reviews from

in the past

Great vibe, great music, love this world- lego unironically does a great video game of a world that's kinda impossible to adapt otherwise.
Really love the open world format in between choosing levels.

Fav characters Bofur/Dwalin/Thorin/Gandalf.

(senhor dos Anéis 🤣💍🍑, que gay)

You don't even play through all of the films lol

Heureusement que c'est un jeu Lego.

Vita review:
Another LEGO handheld game that I think benefits from being completely different to its non-portable-console alternatives; the levels are super short with many challenges asking you to finish them in under 90 seconds. The presentation is decent and Howard Shore’s typical bangers from Middle-Earth are present, but as per with these handheld ports, the audio is compressed to hell (a necessary evil to get the game under a certain size, I guess).
There seems to be no way to track what quests you’ve completed/handed in, and the addition of crafting and resources adds very little.
This is definitely one of the more kid-friendly LEGO tie-in experiences with limited gameplay that usually descends to mashing square, but you can do far worse thanks to the IP at use here and the innate joys that come with that world.

Excelente, cenários marcantes e batalhas épicas! Adorei jogar esse jogo, vc realmente se sente no filme nesses jogos lego e visualmente esse aqui tá incrível, Gameplay bem fluída e com bastante personagens ate


I remember when my 76% completion for this game got corrupted good times anyways. Let’s get the elephant out of the room where is the third movie. I ain’t even the biggest fan of it since it misses the original point in the book since the battle is supposed to be seen as a stupid conflict. Apparently there was once plans for it to be dlc since this was around the time they were experimenting with DLC like with character packs. It is what it is at the end of the day. They reuse about half of middle earth from lord of the rings since Rohan and Mordor are in the path to the misty mountain. They improve things here and there just adding to sections that stayed in the game. Next thing I want to talk about is the crafting system which I don’t like since you often times have to stop progressing to get what you need then you have to do the Lego movie instructions mini game that stayed in this entry which is definitely the most baffling thing. Another thing is that there are too many materials types like I think if you do go through with this building thing then I would it to be the Fortnite materials of wood,stone, and metal. Instead, we have string and a shit ton of different ores why is there so many. It makes sense with the Lego movie since you are building with instructions while here it makes no sense. One thing I do like that oddly never came back is dwarf stacking basically any dwarf with a spear could get on top of each other and make a stack pretty cool thing imo. Glad that the item system is back since the pants system is really bad. In conclusion the game is good but holy shit some things about it really turn my gears.

It's everything that made the first LEGO LOTR great, but slightly better. It's a shame that the third movie isn't in the game at all. I wish it was included, even if it was a DLC pack that released later.

Don't remember much about this one, but i know that i was another banger from lego.

This game was very fun to play, having seen the Hobbit series, but the fact that they left out the third film from the game content always seemed weird to me. The game seems incomplete without it.

It‘s a long time ago I played this but why did the game end abruptly after the second movie without receiving an update or paid DLC?

👨‍👩‍👦 Hitap Ettiği Kesim 👨‍👩‍👦

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😡 Bug var mı 😡

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Ciddili bir Tolkien ve Yüzüklerin Efendisi fanı olarak başladığım Orta Dünya oyunları maceramda sıradaki oyunum buydu. Oyun klasik bir Lego oyunu mantığında. Vur , kır , parçala , eşyayı al , inşa et , bir iki mob kes felan filan. Diğer Lego oyunlarında olduğu gibi kendisine özel bir mizahı var ve bu mizah komik olmasa da oyundan sıkılmanı engelliyor.

Oyunu tam yüzde yüzleyemedim ama ana hikayesini bitirdim. Oyunla ilgili anlatılacak çok bir şey yok ama şuna dikkat çekmek önemli --> OYUN TAM DEĞİL . Oyun hiçbir zaman bitmeyecek bundan dolayı arada kalacak bir hikayeden rahatsız olacaksanız almanızı tavsiye etmiyorum. Sonunun beklediğimden erken sonlanması üzse de beni mutsuz etmedi. 🥉🅑🅡🅞🅝🅩🥉

perfeito mesmo um dos personagens tendo a voz do adam sandler na dublagem me deu ódio
te amo luan obg por fazer eu jogar isso inteirinho


Perhaps it mechanically succeeds its predecessor, and HD is a nice touch, but without an adaptation of the third film, it just feels lost and empty.

I really enjoyed the story told in this goofy Lego way and there was a lot of great moments. Sadly the story is not finished, as it only includes the stories from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies is not included in the story and most likely never will be, which is sad, as I believe it would have been amazing told in Lego form.

Gameplay wise it is your average Lego game. Sadly there was some reoccurring bugs that almost made the 100% completion impossible, but I managed to go around them. There were crashes occasionally and other things that were a bit annoying, but otherwise the game was very enjoyable.

If you enjoy Lego games I do recommend this one, it's goofy and fun, and definitely a well made Lego game, despite all the small bugs. Very fun.

Lego games doesn't keep me entertained

Got this game when I was 5, I LOVED it. 10/10 would recommend.

- ○ -
De los pocos Legos que he jugado y me gusto lo suficiente, algo que me encanto fue que tuviera doblaje al español latino.

Wish the game was actually finished. But besides that it's pretty good

im rating most of the lego games 4 stars because i need filler and i played them too long ago to remember any of them

Очень плохая игра.

Моя первая игрушка из франшизы Лего. Никогда не был заинтересован в ней потому что эти Лего-игры созданы как фансервисные проекты для малолетних поклонников оригинальных фильмов или персонажей, а игрового экспириенса никакого не дают. По итогу прохождения Хоббита только убедился в этом. Но не совсем. Я думал, что поиграю в такую стерильную игрульку на расслабоне и даже кайфану, но у неё оказалась куча проблем. Видимо разработчики использовали Хоббита как полигон для экспериментов в жанре. Хороших последствий этого обнаружено не было. Куча механик, куча мини-игр, куча несостыкующихся элементов. В игре есть наверное 15 способов взаимодействия с объектами на локации. По одному-два способа на каждого персонажа. Двух персонажей в руке не хватает, чтоб охватить прохождение всей локи. Приходится постоянно открывать расширенное меню выбора персонажей и искать того, кто может пройти определённый сегмент. Персонажей куча и запомнить их всех, их способности невозможно, всегда происходит перебирание. Это дико бесит. На второе место по неадекватности я ставлю систему ресурсов и крафта. Зачем этого в Лего-игре и какова её цель непонятно. Пользы не приносит, выглядит инородным элементом. Кроме того, технически Хоббит очень шероховат. У меня возникало много тупняков из-за багов. Не критичных, но раздражающих. То персонаж не может подойти к объекту потому что упёрся в мелкий выступ на земле, то интерактивный предмет не используется потому что встал не в определённой точке.

В целом, эти мои претензии вытекают из прохождения на 100%. Когда я закончил сюжетную линию, я был более позитивен, но чем больше времени проводил, тем больше недостатки игры давили на меня. Ну и моё мнение вытекает именно из прохождения на все достижения, чем любой нормальный человек заниматься не станет.

Um jogo lego do meu universo cinematográfico e literário favorito, que é o de senhor dos anéis. Gostei bastante do jogo, todas as fases e gameplays com os personagens e o modo como o jogo traduz a história dos filmes também é bem legal. Mas o fat de não ter o terceiro filme nesse jogo da uma estragada legal na experiência. Você sente como se ficasse faltando e algo, e realmente fica.

I despise the concept of these Lego games that are made specifically for movies but then don't wait for the last movie to come out. Making a game with only the first two Hobbit movies is so stupid.

I could actively feel my brain shutting off

The world after the story is fun that’s about it

Lego games are very buggy, hah. The story is boring but the outworld is fun, kind of.

Game ends at the ending of the second movie bruh.