Reviews from

in the past

I haven't played many EXE Create games, but Liege Dragon seems to have an even smaller budget than their usual titles.

The story is quite generic and straightforward. There isn't any particular interesting plot twist.

The characters are surprisingly decent though. There's only four playable characters so the small group has nice chemistry. I liked their banter and their conversations during inn events.

Side and supporting characters are very few and have no real character development.

Some of the music tracks sounds nice, but there's like only a handful of them in total. The songs constantly shift around in cutscenes and the game so it feels obnoxious at times.

Despite an overworld map, you don't actually move around in an overworld. You just pick locations off a list.

Combat is of the standard fare. There's some degree of depth to it, but otherwise, not that remarkable. The camp and battle menu are just terribly organized and a pain to shift around.

Overall, it's probably the least interesting Kemco game I've played. Despite that, there isn't much I actually hated.