Reviews from

in the past

Es complicado decir lo bueno que es Limbo. Te lleva constantemente de la mano pero no te das cuenta, además de que todo está perfectamente tutorizado pero sin ninguna palabra ni instrucción

Bem legal o jogo apesar de eu não ter ficado com medo em momento algum

Fuck you Jo this is a good game okay

Great atmosphere, and some truly shocking moments. The physics puzzles feel very good and the trial and error, feeling your way through the dark never is agitating, just compelling.

De los peores en su categoría. Los puzzles son tediosos a más no poder hasta el punto de tener que ir al pixel en la mayoría porque si no, te caes, fallas o te mueres. El entorno no te cuenta absolutamente nada, sientes que estás jugando a un juego difícil de puzzles en blanco y negro y ya. He tenido que tomarme mis pausas para no terminar de enfadarme de lo frustrante que me estaba pareciendo cada minuto del juego; menos mal que dura poco.

I don't want to think how hell is like

Um puzzle realmente envolvente, cheio de curiosidade e estilo, recomendo, mesmo já sendo um pouco mais antigo… e a história existe ;)

Entiendo lo que fue pero sin mas la vd

What a very interesting unique game. Short and worth the play to experience something new and different.

já tenho o jogo, mas nunca joguei

Acho que esse foi o primeiro da Playdigious não? Bom, conheci ele antes do Inside porque jogava no celular, eu não cheguei a zerar mas fui bem longe até, e assim como no seu irmão mais novo ele te prende pelos mistérios sombrios e aberturas para interpretações.

Lo jugué pero ni me acuerdo de nada, bonito pero no dejo ninguna marca en mi cabeza

Ainda não terminei, mas parece ser bem interessante, então quando voltar a jogar, terminarei de fazer essa avaliação

For a game that really wants you to be scared/creeped out, I could not stop laughing while playing this game. A certain interaction with a log and a swinging ball had me in tears for at least 1 minute. I don't know man, the idea of "solve this puzzle or die a horrific death", works the first time but by the 3rd time the tension is gone and I'm genuinely locked in trying to solve the puzzle. It's at that point that the "horror" elements no longer work on me, and I'm just playing a puzzle game with bad vibes. The puzzles are good too and can even get tricky at times; I remember having to look up guides to some of them. But honestly at that point I think I'd rather just play a puzzle game where I don't have to watch a small child get brutally murdered, even if I manage to laugh at it.

Big spooky vibes and ingenious puzzles.

Yürüyon, bulmaca çıkıyo karşına, yapamıyon, youtube'dan bakıyon, geçiyon

This is good but I always thought it was kinda overrated.

Played this a long time ago so I don't remember much, puzzles was interesting at times challenging, the story was pretty straight forward with not as much depth as Inside (still good tho).

Limbo is haunting, beautiful, and sticks with you long after you finish. It's a puzzle platformer, but the atmosphere is what really shines - the black and white world, the creepy sound design, and the feeling of being completely alone. It's short and some puzzles are frustrating, but for a unique and emotionally resonant experience, Limbo is definitely worth playing.

The type of game that’s more interesting to look than to play. It does look nice, and perhaps more important, interesting, but while it does have some decent puzzles here and there, its over reliance in cheap deaths and trial and error set pieces makes it rather tedious some times.

probably would have been a lot cooler if i played it closer to when it came out

gameplay eh delicinha, os "puzzles" são bem legais