Reviews from

in the past

Very wonky, but some interesting vibes and a lot of its downfalls are corrected with its successor. Even though it takes a little extra effort to get into it because of its rough edges, it had some strong DNA that just didn't hit its target perfectly.

Hard as balls sometimes but damn it flows well. Make sure you check out the old mods with crazy shit on them.

PC - Modded

What i liked :
+ the story was fun, an interesting predator and prey concept, albeit a bit childish, specially how it ended, there are so many tropes here, thats not inherently bad per say.

+movement is fluid, hopping around and running feels responsible.

+ the graphics are cute in their low poly style. i really vibe with the models, they are cute even with their stretchy n64 textures.

+ THANK GOD this is this short

What i dont like :
- Combat is a mess, it tries to use the kingdom hearts style that you only attack if you are next to the enemy, but some stuff will not trigger, it always felt like a game of whoever hits first, this becomes even more clear that, if you hold down the mouse button, you always hits firts, making this extremelly cheesable, which is required in some areas, you will find yourself being beaten to a pulp for not cheesing, if you try to play by the rules you will not finish this game.

- i remember this game being so much more fun when i was younger, oh well.

- performance, this will chug in some areas depending if your graphics card is newer, and there is no reason for that, it will crash constantly and sometimes even corrupt your entire save, i used SSOLugaru , that is a open source widescreen mod that also fixes some shortcomings, without it i would never finish this game due to the constant crashes, but even with the mod the game still crashed twice.

One of the most unique fighting games every made with some surprisingly realistic animations and fighting mechanics that simulate the frantic and unpredictable progression a real fight would take, all with wince-inducing brutality. The story is fairly straightforward but really sells this uncaring world that mirrors what I imagine being anything but top of the food chain would feel like.
The edge is taken off a bit if you get good at spamming the leg cannon over and over though.

I really like the story, atmosphere, playfull and innovative combat mecanics, and the simple formula of cutscene - new location - gameplay. I like this game better than overgrowth actually

Lugaru feels a lot to me like American McGee's Alice. An ugly, awkward, generally bad game made on a shoestring budget and packed with an underbaked combat system and cliched, basic storyline, it nonetheless manages to be charming. It's extraordinarily short, but given its origins as an indie, shareware title, I still can't help but respect it. You absolutely shouldn't play Lugaru, but you should be aware of it and its significance.

Jogo esquisito bom demais

Para um jogo de 2005 com certeza feito no modo fé em deus. apresenta uma proposta de combate muito diferente e criativo que se complementa bem com suas físicas. É até bem cinematográfico, quando você domina as mecânicas e entra no feeling do jogo; por mais que eu, um jogador de espírito símio no controle de um coelho, preferiu apelar para truques sujos para vencer a maioria dos combates mais complicados.

A história é bem engraçada, eu diria. Mesmo para uma trama que envolve fagulhas de temas como traição, dramas, tragédias e até mesmo conspiração política, a escrita é super básica e direta ao ponto. Não tem muito o que desenvolver, é só estranhamente divertido.

É uma curta experiência mas até que com uma execução de jogabilidade bem fundamentada e que vai certamente te intrigar. Sei que seus conceitos foram expandidos ainda mais em sua sequência, Overgrowth; uma hora jogo esse.

Was funny but sometimes unnecessary hard

Played long enough to be impressed by the depth of the fighting mechanics, but also to realize this isn't for me, even on the easiest difficulty.
The angle shifts during conversations give me whiplash.
At least half of my playtime was spent running around a large empty field trying to figure out where I was supposed to go, cause I missed the NPC I was supposed to talk to.

The aesthetics give me the eeby jeebies.

A weird, slightly obscure game based around anthro bunnies punching and kicking things. Its combat is very unique, but its clearly a demo. Overgrowth is its sequel, but given how that game is, you might as well just play Lugaru since it's free.