Reviews from

in the past

Dude, Lupin and gang are BARELY in this thing. It mostly focuses on this self-insert kid that has a feud with a kid across the river who's trying to woo your girlfriend with ice cream from his job. Lupin and everyone joins in once in a blue moon to save the day or continue the main boy's hideously boring story rather than do something cool like, I dunno, being the goddamn protag or whatever. The fact he takes up 2/3s of the game cover would have you think otherwise… A game I tried because of my love for Lupin’s pizazz of sex drugs and rock n roll - I guess he has a large little boy market I didn’t really know about...

Dude... ルパン三世とー隊はこのゲームにほとんど出ていない。このゲームはたいてい 2 の小さな子供の間の愛の抗争に焦点をあてている。私が覚えているのは、ある少年がアイスクリームで少女に言い寄った。ホント、バカだね。ごくたまに、ルパン三世はこの退屈な物語を救いに来た。なぜルパンが主人公じゃなかったのか不思議がる。なぜ彼が表紙に大きくなるのか。ルパンのノリが大好きだ... 少年に人気があるか私は知らなかっただろう…
