Reviews from

in the past

why did aya still turn out fucked up did that girl learn nothing

Yeah I actually backseated this game instead of playing it myself.

Mad Father was already one of my favorite RPG Maker horror games, and this remake is pretty serviceable. The atmosphere here is top notch, and thanks to it and some cool puzzles and awesome art style, this game has a lot of personality. The story is kind of convoluted and the plot twists are somewhat predictable, but they are still decent and I like the themes. As for the remake experience, it has more unique graphics and overhauled areas which make it feel fresh. I wish the character portraits were also redesigned, some of them are more pixilated than they should and some look a bit weird, but as most of them were pretty good I can't complain too much. To sum it all up, if you wanna play this cute horror game, this is the version I'd recommend.

Your average horror-RPG maker game, not too scary in comparison to other games, but brings a bit of tension to the player at all times when playing it

Me lo rejugué en su versión de steam con todo su contenido y sigo disfrutándolo, es uno de mis rpgs favoritos

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Um bom jogo com uma história interessante de uma família bem...especial
OSTs boas, uma sendo um marco na época dos Horror RPG Makers
Gameplay simples mas boa
Finais incríveis

Provavelmente meu maior problema é o Blood Mode. Por tanto que o criador deixou claro que teria um novo modo, você esperaria coisas novas, porém é o mesmo jogo com pequenas diferenças. Gostei de ver a reação da Aya adulta aos eventos, mas definitivamente foi a parte mais fraca do remake.

I absolutely fell in love with this game, the characters, the story and the aesthetic/environment are amazing. The little secrets and all of the special endings leave you with a taste of satisfaction after the playthroughs. I've repeated this game countless times and I've even dug into Misao since it has a reference to Aya and her father! I can only recommend this and say it'll be totally worth your time.

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Accidentally went a bit too fast and missed my opportunity to get the good ending, oops.
I can't say I like the remake as much as the original, in a game like this I don't think I should be given ample opportunity to fix whatever mistake I make, if I walk into that spooky door that opened by itself, I should die for it. Don't give me a QTE to suddenly keep myself alive.
It hurts especially for the last portion of the game, where what used to be a super intense chase sequence where one misstep meant death, is now shockingly easier, even freezing the chaser upon completing the one input QTE.
End of the day, it's still Mad Father, and I hold a shit ton of nostalgia for this game. 8/10, the game that started my fascination for RPG Maker Horror all the way back in like 2012.

it was alright, not as good as other rpg maker horror games
rabbit bros, how we holdin up?

Não é tão assustador quanto outros rpgmakers, porem não deixa de ser bom, tirando a dublagem crinjola ,seu maior destaque é sua história e os plot twists que me deixaram pertubados de verdade. Se forem jogar, após zerar joguem o if e o blood mode para poder ver tudo da história.

easier and not as scary than the original game, makes up for it with the stunning visual update and some extra features that makes the remake feel fully fleshed out

final q eu peguei (true ending) foi muito pika

Short, intriguing, and well executed.
If you love rpg maker horror you should play this game.
A classic.