Reviews from

in the past

ótimo remake, ansioso pelo episódio blue

Muito bom mesmo, um trabalho absurdo e cheio de amor pelos fãs, parte visual e sonora estão praticamente perfeitos e estou literalmente maluco pra ver como Mega Man 5 e 6 vão ficar nesse estilo (e claro, aparentemente no futuro MEGA MAN 9 E 10, que estão no meu top 10 de favoritismo)

Só me frustrei um pouco com o dano desregulado que ele tem no normal, acho que no modo Easy deve ser uma experiencia mais agradavel.

10/10 homebrew gig, but it made me remember Mega Man 4 is mid

Only the Mega Man 4 part is finished to my knowledge but this is everything you could possibly ask for it to be. Even beyond how polished it is there's some pretty fun easter eggs they added too.

they made megaman 4 good

seriously though how is this homebrew so good?! playing as roll in this is like one of the most fun ive had with a platformer in recent memory and its all for free.

Roll can use Zero's triple slash this game fucking rules