Reviews from

in the past

At around mission 10 right now. I'm having a lot of fun with how in depth the stealth is and I really love the tone of the game so far. I really really suck at said stealth, but whatever. The AI is pretty smart and I like how they adapt to different situations. It's a great feeling getting out of a hairy situation with nothing but some gun magazines, a tranq gun with 5 bullets, and your wits. And also your pet horse that can poop on command. Point is, this game does a pretty good job at pushing creativity. Everything and everyone reacts with you and the world as you'd expect it to.

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It is time to shit on another beloved game around the lands That said, this game was the first in the series that I owned and played to the end and to that I respect it for that reason and the core gameplay is pretty good (hehe)

However, afterward I went binged the series then came back to try it again and I didn't have the greatest time with it the 2nd time around all of it's issues I had my first playthrough were amped up by 11

It's another case of a game that wears it's welcome very fast after like I wanna say 15 hours to be nice gameplay wise

When you start the game proper in the open world you're wowed by the level of freedom the game offers you to do missions in any order you want in this big sprawling world filled with soldiers to do what you want with but soon enough you'll end up realizing most of the world is empty and the points of interest where missions take place expect to visit them way too many times with not much spicing them up other than sometimes enemies will be armoured

speaking of said missions most of them always just boil down to saving someone, killing someone, killing a vehicle brigade

When you just start noticing these patterns of the game constantly repeating itself and dragging out in Act 2 it just starts becoming a dull experience

oh lord do I have to talk about the story? Look I love this series and it's creator to death but there's no defending this game's plot kojima clearly didn't wanna write this even more so than 4 honest to god you can just go and not play this game and you wont miss THAT much in terms of the lore because it's ultimate contribution to it is fucking explaining how Big Boss survived in mg1 and came back in mg2 I'm just sitting like seriously? that's the one question you felt like you needed to answer kojumbo?

A good game gameplay-wise that suffers from death from 1k papercuts and a forced story to a series from a creator that wanted to end the series back in 2001 with MGS2

great for what it is, they should have probably finished it at some point