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Great DLC. Played PS4 Game of the Year Edition disc on PS5.

I had an alright time with this DLC. I thought the story was ok but the gameplay wasn't that much fun to actually go through. I also didn't really like the location the DLC took place in.

If you like the game, I still recommend it, but it could have been better

Lord of Hunt is the first of the two expansion released for Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor.

You're playing again as Talion in the map of Nurn, the second map introduced within the main game. During your journey in the base game you've encountered a dwarf hunter named Torvin who taught you how to hunt the beasts of Mordor and apart from that, you've learned how to brand Caragaths and Graugs.
During this very short adventure with Torvin you have to defeat all new five appointed warchiefs who successfully tamed the beasts of Mordor. Along the way, you will learn how to brand Ghuls and Wretched Graugs and how to use them in your cause.
After defeating them, that's it. There are few side missions where you have to defeat Orcs, using your newly learnt skills.

All in all, a short experience without any innovative gameplay design. You will practically experience an extension of the creature branding system and use it to defeat five warchiefs, there is no new story, just reused gameplay and map.

The DLC carries the same traits of the original game but with the addition of two new beasts on Nurn, so you can play with them, because for some reason WB Games thought everybody liked the game for its fauna. Story is completely inconsequential. Only thing that is good enough is that you can kill enemies with barf