Reviews from

in the past

Não tenho paciência pra isso.

Esse jogo é uma contradição que dá um desgosto de jogar: ele é calmo porém frenético, simples porém complexo, estratégico porém burro.

Jogo que tentaram muito empurrar pro público.

Meh... I got too bored of this game to properly play it. I don't really understand the objective properly and It's just kinda boring. I might enjoy the game later on but I don't want to play to a point where I will because it just feels too pointless/tedious.

There could have been a good game concept here but I think it gets fumbled because of how repetitive the game is. There apparently were some quality of life updates but sadly because this game didn't have those updates when it came out, it was dead on arrival :(

boooooo make more meaningless updates for a survival block game that is slowly dying because of said updates

So fucking terrible. The gameplay is so bad and boring. I had such big hopes for this one.

A big disappointment disappointment. the game is simply boring, despite having a cool idea and story.

resumen de asedio a fuertes enemigos con mi amigo.
pones lanza tnt con las mejoras y comenzara hacer caos.

Um jogo dublado excelente! Estratégia boas e uma jogabilidade bem diferente do que o Minecraft apresenta pra gente, eu recomendo bastante viu? Podem baixar

Definitivamente este juego existió

Played for 15 minutes with a friend and got bored

Boring as hell. The gameplay is lacking.
To create such crap after Minecraft Dungeons (which was a really good spin-off) is a shame.
This game probably appeals to kids 5-9 years old who don't care what happens on the screen, as long as it has familiar characters.
Even Minecraft Story Mode seems like a masterpiece in comparison to this game.

Ainda tentando entender o porquê não gostei do jogo, Minecraft e Minecraft Dungeons foram perfeitos do início ao fim, o Legends só é bonito, mas é monótono demais pra estar atrelado a uma franquia onde a criatividade e a variedade são a marca registrada.

I was actually excited about this game, but I was very disappointed when I finally got to play it. Everything about this game feels boring and tedious. I wouldn't even say it's fun to play with friends. I would rather play something like Trove.

im 100% sure they spent more on the marketing for this game than the actual game itself

No me ha gustado. Los controles para consola son horribles, no se puede manejar un juego así, aún teniendo en cuenta que no es el género (estrategia) más adaptable. No tiene sentido ninguno la forma en que las tropas viven o mueren, tiene graves defectos técnicos, no es divertido. En general, un despropósito...

Fun for 5 minutes. Then you do the same thing again. Then again. Then again.

There's nothing to it.

Chato chato chato, depois de um tempo fica monótono e repetitivo suas mecânicas

This game serves no purpose. They couldn’t even explain what kind of game this is, I certainly couldn’t. You just do nothing for as long as you can stand, then delete the game forever. If this game even has an ending, I would not be capable of believing anyone on the entire planet ever reached it, I doubt more than a handful of people even got past the tutorial.

This was a huge letdown for me. I really wanted to love Legends because I love strategy games, but this was just way too shallow. My first experience was also riddled with bugs that forced me to restart my campaign twice, once just before the end of the game. I'm really happy that I didn't purchase this game.

Got paid to play this and it still wasn't worth it