Reviews from

in the past

nobody would belive me how much i love this game

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J'ai pleuré à la mort du porcinet

Minecraft: Story Mode offers a lighthearted and humorous adventure within the beloved blocky world of Minecraft. Telltale Games delivers a story-driven experience where your choices influence the narrative. While the gameplay is simplified compared to the original Minecraft, it offers a charming cast of characters, some fun puzzles, and an accessible adventure enjoyable for fans of all ages–especially those new to the franchise.

This game is actually pretty decent I’m not sure why it gets so much hate. Also when the pig died I pissed and shid my pants everywhere I was so sad 😢😢😢😢

Did anyone ever play the netflix version of this? Pretty wild stuff.

os primeiros capítulos foram bem legais na época que eu joguei. Os personagens são divertidos e como um jogo mais infantil funciona super bem.

Despite what seems to be hate thrown at this game for being "cringe", I consider it to this day the only good Minecraft Spin-Off ever made, even better than Dungeons and Legends, both failing in just 1-2 months.

The story was pretty catching and I was very pleased by the Voice Acting in the game, it was suprisingly good. I've played the PC version for reference. The quick-time events were fine, but sometimes even when it registered the event, it still counted as a fail, which I had to restart sessions because of it.

If you have a netflix subscription, and have nothing better to do on a evening, go ahead and play this, it's quite fun and makes time pass.

i played this on netflix, pretty good

Wither Storm top 10 villains in fiction.

I laughed when that stupid pig died

I'm so biased towards this game it drives me crazy, I know it's not good but I still really like it purely because of the nostalgia. If this came out today id probably laugh at goofy this is but i've played through this game a couple times and i'd still enjoy it, not as much as back then but its still fun

The game itself is very whatever, the story itself is very forgettable besides the pig.

mierdón gordo si somos sinceros

Least engaging story I've seen in a game

hated it as a child now I HATE IT EVEN MORE!

9 year old me thought this was the coolest thing ever made

Maybe it's just nostalgia talking but I've always loved this one.

I would hate this game if it wasn’t so damn funny, when the pig (A Major Character) dies he turns into a fucking porkchop like in Minecraft like come on.

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i will never get over reuben, EVER

honestly not a bad game little tedious at some points but just a fun game

Hmmmmm, vamos voltar para 2015/2016, você é menino de 12 anos, viciaaado em Minecraft, jogava essa caramba o dia inteiro com os amigos, ai você vê o trailer desse jogo no Youtube, e BANG!! Sua mente explode, você quer jogar mais que tudo, por mais que você esteja com medo de que possa não rodar o jogo no seu notebook de meia tijela (que aliás foi um grande guerreiro, que Deus o tenha) compra mesmo assim e por milagre roda, 20/30 Fps??? Mas rodou, me divertiu, é nostálgico, e me fez chorar na época, F Rubens.

so bad it's perfect. episodes 5-8 on top.

this game was really good! the story is great! the characters are great! the ost is decent, and the gameplay is good! one of the most nostalgic games i have played!

O jogo para mim (Quando eu tinha 10 anos) era uma obra de arte, apesar de não ser um modo história do Minecraft, eu sinceramente goste de poder jogar. Até hoje lembro como eu me divertia jogando esse jogo. Mas hoje em dia sei que é uma porcaria. (Até foi tirado do ar).