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I don't care I'm giving this a 5/5 for the fact on how much wow factor this game has. The game logistically isn't perfect, nor do you have to think it is. But it has amazing level design, gameplay, boss fights, exploration. Then after looking at all of that you take out and look at its amazing OST and lore/story. The world of Dark Souls is truly unforgettable.

Masterpiece. The setting. The art design. The goddamn soundtrack. The gameplay and bosses are amazing too. Then you top it with amazing level design like seriously this game is created masterfully. Then on top of all that perfection you give it a twistedly beautiful story that engrosses you fully? Its too amazing.

This game was amazing. I'm tempted to rate it higher but it will stay here for some tedious sections of the game and mediocre boss fights, however do not let that stop you from playing this amazing game. It truly deserves more love, this remake makes this game drop dead gorgeous. The gameplay is obviously fun and addicting like any of the souls games. The Ost has some amazing tracks in it. The level design of this game is really great too.