Reviews from

in the past

Sendo legal, daria pra dar meia estrela pela trilha sonora, q eu gostei, mas não sei dizer se ela foi realmente feita pelo dev ou pega em qualquer lugar da net ou do próprio RPG Maker.
Tirando isso, a mente doentia que fez esse jogo deveria ser presa, contei no MINIMO, 11 crimes hediondos q esse jogo faz apologia, minha condição mental foi pro kct com isso


silly ass game tbh, it was funny and stupid sometimes

It's a pretty neat little game. Story's good and easy to follow and the main characters are (somewhat sort of kinda) enjoyable.
Pretty edgy though. I'd still let Moge-ko peg me.

absurdo. calcinhas. criaturas amarelinhas homicidas. tudo é muito esquisito, imoral e às vezes nem no fim é explicado, mas admito que me diverti pra porra. queria que a vida acontecesse com a ost de mogeko castle tocando no fundo

☠️☠️juro q quando eu tinha 11 anos isso parecia mt mwljor

I love the art style, the music and the design of the mogekos. As for the rest, it's incredibly edgy and the little gameplay there is consists on running or trial and error. It may be a horror RPG classic, but I can't recommend it nowadays.

isso é ruim

vai se fuder.

I think it was one of the first Horror RPG Maker games, and it was what introduced me to this creators and play their other games. Plot is cute gorey and fun! The brother can go to h*ll though.

Culpa de la chica danganronpa.

Weird game, the plot is so trash lmao.

Rape fetish game. What was dsp doing with this one

Very influential classic from renowned developer Deep Sea King
Unfortunately the writing, as with many titles from the era is really just edgy for the sake of it. Not really a horror experience anymore, just comes off as corny

It’s just….bad. I’m not even saying this because of the plot (which is part of it, don’t get me wrong), but there’s really nothing to it. Other games by the same creator are much better, even though I would argue even those aren’t all that, but I digress.

Minha eu edgy de 11 anos iria dar 5 estrelas.
Meu 1,5 foi puramente por nostalgia, esse jogo é uma piada.

this game obviously sucks ass, it comes off as predatory edgy wankery for 10 year olds (when i actually thought it was interesting) but there's just something amusing about rpgmaker cheese that's missing in modern indie titles

Mad Father and IB are better than this Pedophile Shit