Reviews from

in the past

Honestly Monster's Inc. for GBA is kinda of two sided example of what I hate and love about licensed games. On one side, the graphics can be very good when the publishers and copyright owners shell out the money, and Monster's Inc. GBA looks very good especially for a 2001 GBA game.

And on top of that, when the developers just go wherever they want with the game not playing completely to the universe's lore. The idea that Boo's door gets destroyed and you have to go find the pieces is an interesting one, and things like Randal having ice powers for no reason is as well. Plus moments like the stuffed animal Mike had in the movie being the item you collect for bonus items is a very nice touch.

On the other hand is the gameplay itself, which just plainly sucks. A boring scavenger hunt where you play as the big lumbering Sculley trying to avoid those decontamination officers with his only attack being a yell attack that's hard to line up to hit them, on top of all the dead ends you run into.

Ultimately making a a dull experience that just so happens to have a lot of charm. Ultimately a meh game.

i dont remember being able to figure out how to play this game at all as a kid it was awesome

It's like Wario Land 4 except nowhere near as good and without the things that made that game stand out.

Bad comparison aside, it's fine enough if a bit easy

one of the first games i ever played