Reviews from

in the past

The Steam version is a little bitch to launch. Once you fix it with the guide you can find on the hub you're good to go.

I never found this series to be relevant on the competitive considering I always thought it was more for the shocking/violent value rather than studying the characters to main and learn their combos/inputs.

The collection is alright with what it has to offer, but not mindblowning. Good if you want to possess the first 3 games of this legendary series.

Esta es una compilación de los tres primeros Mortal Kombat, se ve bastante bien y diría que es un port decente, aclarar que la versión que yo jugué es la de Xbox 360. El MK1 es y será siempre uno de mis favoritos, se siente bien y se juega fluido, me gusta mucho ese enfoque que le dan a la temática de Artes Marciales. El MK2 mejora estéticamente y jugablemente, es más colorido sin abandonar la oscuridad que caracteriza a la saga, es el favorito de muchos y lo recomiendo para jugar en modo multijugador por que jugar contra la IA es un dolor de bolas. El MK3 agrega muchos más personajes, más fatalities y la posibilidad de correr y hacer combos, los escenarios cambian para adoptar una estética más urbana cosa que personalmente no me gustó mucho porque se sienten un tanto vacíos pero por todo lo demás es un buen Mortal Kombat.
La única falla que le encontré a esta colección es que cuando pausas para ver la lista de poderes o combos y luego vuelves al combate el personaje se paraliza por 1 segundo, parece que es un bug pero molesta mucho.

the value of this is apparent but the port is bad
it makes mk2's movement feel like mk1's and if you know the contrast between those two things then you know how fucked this is
really it's the input lag, and it is definitely not my input
everything else is fine to be honest, i'm really casual and easy to please when it comes to that
but my god is the lag bad
and in a fighting game, that is a death sentence

i have no idea how this plays on other systems
on pc it's functionally useless since you can just get on fightcade and have more people ready to go to kick your ass in these games while having a much better play experience
you don't even have to source your roms, if the json files are still up you're solid

considering when this came out and what it was meant to be this should have been way better, how wild it is that one flaw can be so critical

the difficulty meter doesnt work easy and hard are the same difficulty

O planejamento na verdade era lançar um remake em HD da trilogia

Mas já que foi cancelado, re-lançaram a versão original de arcade dos 3, tá bom ne

Pelo menos tinha o modo online.

they took my umk3 from the xbla store but gave me mk2. good trade id say

I know we all have some nostalgia for these games...but they really just suck and always did.

A Kollection of fighting games of various quality.

outro jogo que joguei na Super Coleção do PS2 e eu amo os jogos dessa franquia

Unlimited quarters yaaay; too bad the AI is fucking shit. Best way to experience the original trilogy, however it has become very dated gameplay wise even tho the concept and characters are so cool.

The first three MK games saw dozens of ports over the years and not all were very good. The latest port of the three is all packed into one tight collection, and they are perfect arcade ports. I won’t go into each game in detail, but its great to see the progression over the three, and they all have their strengths and weaknesses. People who are used to the new fighters with tons of combos won’t like the first two as much because combos weren’t implemented until MK3. The first two is just spamming special moves and getting someone stuck in a high punch spam. The good old sweep and uppercut move works, and the feeling of nostalgia came back.

While each game has great “-alities” and characters, each game suffers from some visual quality because these are arcade ports. You can turn on various filters, but overall don’t expect the games to look amazing. MK1, for example, is very pixelated, but what can you expect? Each game has online play and that is what will keep you coming back. The CPU is cheap when fighting solo and I always hated MK‘s AI system with MK2 being the worst. I also loved how all the “-alities” and special moves are on the pause screen which prevents from having to have a FAQ near you.

Arcade Kollection could have used more features such as being able to play Test-Your-Might mini-games separately from MK1, throwing in the great Puzzle Kombat, maybe even adding some more online modes. Including Mortal Kombat Trilogy would have been nice despite it never being in arcades. I’m also not sure why MK4 wasn’t included because it was the last arcade MK game. What is here is excellent, but only hardcore MK fans will really appreciate this collection.

A little too faithful to the originals. Really no quality of life improvements whatsoever. Can't recommend unless you really want that impossibly difficult arcade experience.