Reviews from

in the past

Messy. Feels like a mix between Twinbee and Fantasy Zone, but not as good as either and with the difficulty turned up considerably. A massive difficulty spike with the second boss can give a bad impression, but I wouldn't say its worth continuing after that point anyway. Not awful by any means, but there's not much reason to give this much attention these days.

(Finished this one about a couple years ago before I even knew this site existed)

A very cutesy, non traditional shooter where you pilot an anthro helicopter. It's very much a STG that thinks it's a platformer in many regards. You have a health bar, but it drains incredibly fast from what I remember. In addition, there is a MASSIVE difficulty spike with the second boss. It takes up almost the entire screen and from what I remember simply touching the thing will kill you and (in regular shooter fashion) strip you of all your powerups on top of yeeting you to a checkpoint. I would advise save stating here in practice runs. I do remember 1CCing the first loop, but did not bother with the second quest.