Reviews from

in the past

very good rpgmaker game with a nice story and punchy characters

Tied the demo and found the story to be interesting and gave it a go. My Big Sister is an adventure game with thriller theme throughout. There is no jump scares but it is the mood that it sets. You will be doing some light puzzles along with some exploration that are broken to different stages.
When I played the demo it left a cliff hanger and was wanting to know more. Unfortunately the game lost the plot after where the demo ends and reason for the game is kinda silly.
The game loop can be repetitive and you can stumble to figure it out with a low difficulty ceiling.
The game took about 3 hours to finish and being so short I also found what it offered to be the right length.

Perfectly fine little adventure game. Played on Vita because that felt like the best place for it. It has reinforced my dislike of the multiple ending approach of horror media and doesn't feel as coherent as I think it could.

idk just cool, generic horror game lol

I got this game for free on Twitter and played it to give my honest thoughts back in 2019. I haven't returned to play it since as I finished all of the endings, and I respect the efforts of the developer to make an indie like this as that takes skill and passion, but it did not hold my interest or give me the creepy vibe that it was going for. I said in another review for the following game, Just Ignore Them, that it was better than this one story wise. I may give this a chance again in the future as its been a few years and maybe I will find a better view of it a second time.

You play as twelve-year-old Luzia as she sets out to save her big sister, Sombria. Luzia has been plagued with nightmares about her sister, who just brushed them off. Until something happens to her. Even then Sombria doesn’t believe her younger sister can help her. But Luzia is determined! Witches, curses, noodles, and lies!

The story does deal heavily with depression, suicide, abandonment, and abuse.


My Big Sister uses retro pixel art, no surprise there. It’s not my favorite pixel art, but it doesn’t look bad. It’s clear what almost everything is, although sometimes doorways are hard to see.

There is a lot of pixelated blood in this game. I wouldn’t describe it as gory, since there’s no real details. But it’s obvious when something gruesome has happened on the screen. There’s also a bit of nudity, but again, no details, just the general vibe of nakedness. And there is a jump scare. It got me good!

Sound Effects + Music

The sound effects in My Big Sister are very minimal, mainly just footsteps and occasionally some ambient noises. There is background music, which is subtly creepy and shifts tone as the scenes call for it.

The main game has no voice acting. All of the dialogue is text boxes with that generic clicking sound that’s used for every retro-inspired RPG. You know the one. But I will mention that there is some voiced dialogue at one point and I thought I was imagining it at first, because…well, things get weird(er) real fast.

Gameplay + Controls

My Big Sister is a point-and-click horror adventure, so there’s not much in terms of controls. You can walk, run, and interact with objects. When something can be interacted with a red exclamation point appears over Luzia’s head. Sometimes it is difficult to get her in the correct position to interact, since you have to be lined up perfectly. And like I said earlier, sometimes it’s hard to get through doorways, since you can’t clearly see what’s an entry/exit point and what’s just more wall.

The gameplay is pretty light, with the focus being on this twisted story. There are no complicated puzzles to solve. Simply find the hidden objects, use them or give them to the appropriate person, and that’s it. There is quite a bit of back-and-forth, but each area is fairly small and linear so it’s not time consuming. Most of your time will be spent reading what the characters have to say, which usually has not-so subtle clues on where you need to go and what you have to do next.


My Big Sister does have six different endings based on your actions during the adventure. I got two of them on my own, then pulled up a guide to see how to get the others. It’s pretty straightforward: just use your final two items on different objects/people in different orders and you’ll get different endings.


I liked My Big Sister, but I guess I didn’t “get” the endings. The story had a lot of twists and was actually kind of confusing by the end. I’m still not sure exactly what was going on with Sombria and Luzia. I enjoyed the dark game play; it was just the ending(s) that left me feeling underwhelmed.

Took me about 3 hours to play through the two endings, which isn’t bad at all. It’s a worth a play, but don’t expect a huge finale.

plot tries really hard, but ends up an insane, confusing mess, you can tell whats going on but not why
puzzles are arbitrary
pixel art looks like a mix of free assets, i could be wrong

what the fuck is wrong with you people

Not a horror game, but with all the good things that come with a horror game and none of the bad (the jump scares, which there are none of thankfully) with multiple endings and lore that's too interesting not to get attached to.

You have to use logic to deduce who is lying to you. Is it your sister? Is it everyone around you? Or is it your own self?

Not a long game, but can easily be replayed to uncover more information and interesting twists that keep you invested in the two sisters.

It took a long time for them to grow on me, but once they did, I grew protective of them. A fun game for those that enjoy horror and ridiculous humor. Funny, dark, and heartwarming.

Genuinely surprised on how a game this cheap could end up being so atmospheric and awesome

A short game with a solid story. The lead character is sarcastic, funny, and grew on me as the story progressed. The music is simplistic in style, and the puzzles are also pretty easy. Overall, it was a good time to play the game!

I do remember thinking that the writing felt a little clunky at times, which was slightly distracting. Despite this, I enjoyed the story.

I recommend this game to people who are looking for a short, low-pressure game to play and enjoy narrative games.

No geral, My Big Sister é uma boa experiência. Apesar de seus gráficos serem extremamente simples, a história contada no jogo é bastante interessante e conseguiu me prender até o final do jogo, me incentivado também a fazer os diversos finais que o jogo possui.

A gameplay do jogo é aquela padrão entre os RPG-Maker, e sinceramente não tenho nada a reclamar dela. As músicas por outro lado, não me marcaram tanto, eu quase não consigo me lembrar de nenhuma delas na real. Outro ponto interessante para se destacar é a direção de arte do jogo, ela tem um estilo bem bonito na minha opinião e consegue adicionar um charme a mais na história do jogo, que é o ponto principal do mesmo.

Vale ressaltar que essa análise é com base na versão original do jogo. A versão remasterizada possui gráficos muito mais avançados, e deve ser uma experiência de jogo melhor no geral também.

This review contains spoilers

My Big Sister is a game about Luzia and Sombria, two sisters who are trying to get back home after being kidnapped by strangers and Luzia takes it upon herself to ensure they both make it home.

I picked this game up on sale purely because of the title. In 2022 my big sister passed away and it's been something that we're still struggling with so when i saw the game titled this i wanted to experience what i assumed would be an emotional story.
I wasn't wrong, near the end of this game i was shedding tears at the parts that really hit home. The story is deep, comes with curveballs and in my opinion whether you've lost someone or not, this is worth it for the story once you follow it.

The game is a modern take on a retro influence and puzzles in each area to be able to progress further into the story, The characters are well made and each serve their own purpose in the story within each level and the progress the story makes over time.
I was also very suprised to learn that this game was also under the banner of Ratalaika games which are usually cheap, easy platinums.
Don't get me wrong, the platinum to this is easy with a guide, without a guide you'd take a while trying to find all the endings and certain places with certain actions to earn other trophies.

Although this game is quite short at roughly 3-5 hours there's alot that happens.
Each character has their own personality aswell which is something i really like in RPG games, some characters are funny, creepy, serious and there to add intruige.

I would definitely recommend playing this for the story, it will hit home alot more if you've experienced losing someone and at the end of the story when you find out what's really happening, it can be quite emotional.

Very well made game

Quería que me gustase, pero no ha podido estar más lejos. Me encanta el rollo oscuro y el tono de la prota, pero con apenas 40 min jugados ya me estaba tocando las narices los fallos de audio todo el rato, que se quedase congelado dos veces, que en español la traducción fuese regulera, y como no, los típicos puzzles de ir por toda una zona juntándolos entre sí. Me jode, pero si a los 5 min estaba aburrido, no quiero jugar más, Y he aguantado otros 35.

I finished this game a long time ago and have been meaning to replay it for awhile now, but it absolutely blew me away how fucking good this game was and its story given how I only spent around five dollars on it and only took five hours to complete it. One of my favorite games to this day with one of my favorite stories ever and incredibly fun puzzles. One of the best horror rpgs in my opinion that more people need to play.

From the RPG-maker horror games I've played, this one has to be my favourite for the time being, the game creates tension on the player without needing to use jumpscares, and the story is really interesting in comparison to other games of the same genre.

There's also a remaster for almost the same price, which I haven't played, so it's possible the better choice to play

História bacana, plot twist no final é bem feito e tem alguma carisma nas personagens.

UK copy played on a PlayStation Vita OLED model.

I've never gotten very far in any survival horror game I've played in the past, but although My Big Sister isn't quite a true entry to the genre I feel it's at least a good gateway to the gameplay loops and story themes those titles typically focus on.

Honestly this game surprised me in how great it really was - there's a couple of "gotcha" jump scares sure but they're hardly the focus in this winding narrative-driven game, instead focusing on the sprawling mystery of just what the hell is going on with a constant sense of unease throughout. It manages to keep a charming artstyle and soundtrack whilst being able to effortlessly veer both into unsettling territory at the drop of a hat and the fact it manages to wrap it all up with dialogue that can match that tone whilst also having a little fun at the same time was pretty entertaining to experience.

I won't pretend to understand the ending (or rather the multiple endings) but I at least enjoyed the interactions of both sisters throughout the experience and the whole thing ended up feeling like some twisted version of Spirited Away which was cool.

I'd easily recommend this game - an extremely fun few hours for sure!

Took me over twice as long as everyone else but I really enjoyed my time! Couple of minor translation issues and small kinks expected of this type of game, but ultimately the writing and world-building were better than games I've spent way more on, definitely worth a try :)

This was a gift but my point remains lol, thanks again!

An incredibly fun adventure game with a story that can really mess with your head. Some of the puzzles can be pretty time consuming, but nothing outlandishly difficult.