Reviews from

in the past


Pretty fun combat but that was really it

It’s a weird game on multiple levels and I don’t know how to describe it without ruining the fun of discovering it by yourself. Definitely recommend though.

this happened to my buddy eric

Моя большая ошибка это то что я играл в эту игру на геймпаде

Fun little side-scroller, love the dodging bullets mechanic, could have more going for it but I enjoyed my time with it.

Really fun and creative, but it gets pretty repetitive halfway through.

An enjoyably straightforward game-ass game. That blunt simplicity does mean that this does better in small doses, though—I frequently find myself taking breaks between levels. But if you're looking for an enjoyable over-the-top shooter with some fun movement mechanics, I wholeheartedly recommend this.

The one real gripe I have with My Friend Pedro is that I don't get how its scoring system works or why it's even in the game. A big part of the reason I still haven't beaten this despite putting well over ten hours into it is that I'm a little perfectionist sometimes; it took me hours to beat Ultrakill's first stage, and that's only because I kept trying to get an S on it with the starting weapons. In Ultrakill, you're rewarded for speed, combos, and absurd kills. In My Friend Pedro, I've beaten stages where I have a firm grasp on all three, but I finish with a C because? Because I don't know. I know there's a bonus for playing on harder difficulties and another bonus for not dying. But other than that, how well you're actually doing on a level is poorly telegraphed. To bring up Ultrakill again, another thing that I like about that game's scoring system is that it takes into account kills that aren't just shooting guys very fast. There's a bonus for shooting at a coin and getting a ricochet shot to land, one for blowing up groups of enemies, one for jumping on the heads of your enemies, and so on. Although it's fun to jump off of an enemy while dual wielding pistols, split my aim mid-air, and kill two guys at once in slow-motion... I don't feel like the game ever adequately rewards me for doing it. I know exactly how this is going to be misconstrued; "skill issue!" Counterpoint: Hotline Miami 2. I suck ass at that game, but I feel content about it. Something about My Friend Pedro's mix of score-centric systems and movement-based shooting mechanics just don't click in the way they should for me, and while I'm usually okay with a B or a C, I find that to be disappointing.

Edit: beat the game. The scoring system never makes more sense, and I actually think it's a creative decision that sets this back in the long haul. Otherwise, this is a solid three stars!

This potassium filled adventure is ripe with fun arcade action that begs you to peel back it's layers to improve your scores and times.

didn't really click with me

ehh..? é literalmente a combinação de hlm e k0, só que é pior que os dois.

If you wanna play the game for mindless action then don't. Or just stop after the first chapter because they pad this game out with gimmicks and puzzles that completely destroy the pacing. First chapter some of the most fun I have had though

Fun and quick little game, enjoyed the mechanics of it, and is satisfying

saiu do gamepass antes de eu zerar 🥲

fun but feels a bit unpolished at times

5 star - diamond medal

4.5 star - platinum medal

4 star - gold medal

3.5 star - silver medal+

3 star - silver medal

2.5 star - bronze medal+

2 star - bronze medal

1.5 star - respect medal+

1 star - respect medal

0.5 star - broken medal

Tenho um amigo chamado Pedro

De início parecia promissor e interessante, e cumpriu com maestria. Uma jogabilidade simples, mas com formas únicas de testar seus limites e passar de fases de formas únicas, tornam sua experiência só sua.

Obviamente em quesito história, é bem clichê, rasa, sem muito aonde se aprofundar com uma reviravolta previsível, mas, não como esse não é o foco do jogo, acaba sendo completamente irrelevante para você jogador ler os diálogos, mesmo que alguns sejam engraçados, não são tão importantes, sendo a sua maior diversão, a parte de jogar o jogo.

Um bom jogo, a historia realmente funciona e me pegou desprevenido, é uma boa dosagem de tudo que ele se propõem a fazer

gameplay muito gostosa e identidade visual bem única, tem uma banana que fala, gostei

My friend pedro é um jogo mediano para fraco, que possui algumas qualidades interessantes (com certeza não e a história.)

modo jogado: Difícil.


O jogo possui gráficos razoavelmente belos, mas esse não é seu foco. Não possuindo vista deslumbrantes ou qualquer coisa interessante.


Tolkien com alzheimer faria algo melhor.


Está aqui o verdadeiro ponto do jogo, é como se fosse uma evolução dos jogos flash de antigamente. As manobras são realmente encantadoras e que não se tornam cansativa mesmo após algumas repetições. A pausa no tempo, apesar de não ser inovadora, é muito bem usada aqui.

Efeito sonoro:

Não posso avaliar com tanta propriedade, já que da metade para frente desativei o mesmo, com isso da pra ver que não é nada de mais.


Mesma coisa do anterior.

Vale a pena comprar?

Apesar de tentar fazer uma proposta diferente, My friend pedro cai na repetição e algumas partes do level design serem desperdiçadas. Compre se tiver abaixo do preço.