Reviews from

in the past

One of the best ways to yell at a screen with your friends.

NBA Jam was great in the 90s but has been improved upon several times since. Uniforms are generic and the game is missing the biggest stars of the era due to licensing issues. I would choose NBA Showtime (1999) or NBA Jam 2010 if I was looking to play a 2-on-2 arcade hoops game today.

i love the frantic action of this game. shrunken basketball rocks. this guy was playing against the computer at the arcade and I joined in and won by two points... a great time.

I play this every time my friends and I get together to play retro games. A perfect game!!!

this rules. holy shit. i understand why nba playgrounds was such a letdown now, cuz i feel like i am [tasteless mention of drug abuse] with every dunk i land. i don't know how they adapted serotonin into a video game but they did, they really did. i don't even like sports, i don't know who half of these players are but when that announcer screams "HE'S ON FIRE" i realize that i don't need to. i know them in my soul. my man just did a double backflip

One of the best adaptions involving a real sport into an arcade game that can be fun and easy to pick up and play even by non-sports/basketball fans.

The only basketball game worth a damn, It's fun even for a non fan of the sport. The flashy moves, cool announcers and simple gameplay kept me going back.

god i love this game. tonight ariya dunked on me in this game and somehow it crashed the arcade cabinet

Near flawless port of the arcade game. Saturn version actually has an edge over the PS1 port due to the AI not being broken so you won't be dealing with them immediately tackling you down the second a game starts.

its been 30 years and its still the best arcade bball game

Come on and slam. Its NBA JAM. I can take my grammy now, I would win against Travis Scott anyways.

Bill Clinton sure knows how to handle his balls.

Honestly the pinnacle of NBA games. Kind of pitiful that no company, especially 2K, can figure out how to make a good NBA game again. Even Playgrounds 1 and 2 and the modern version of NBA Jam suck in comparison.

NBA Jam Tournament Edition (1994): El básket más arcade y divertido. Mejora al original añadiendo multijugador para 4 (Una rareza en Mega Drive). Cierto que no tiene demasiada profundidad, pero no necesitas saber de baloncesto para divertirte. Y con jugadores licenciados (7,05)

Man, sports games before the simulation directive, huh? What a time.

This is a fantastic action game, that is a basketball game. Cacophonous and frictive, worming down the nervous system to set up fireworks to run up and down the pleasure centers. There's a good reason all the sounds and commentary is burned into your hearts, and it's that they got them all exactly right and just too loud enough.

A very fun game that holds up pretty well. The announcer and power-ups make the game more than your average basketball affair. Very pick up and play but not a whole world of depth. Some people say this is one of the Goats and while I dont agree, this game is still very good.

This game is FIRE. A great basketball game that’s fun for people who don’t even like the sport. It’s easy and simple to pick up but fun enough you last you a while.

It’s interesting to note that this isn’t a basketball simulation game. It rather takes the goal and concept of basketball but twist it into a more simplied and more arcade like experience of the sport. I think this was overall the best call as I believe simulation sports games are quick to be outdated as the tech gets better, just look at other simulation sport games of the time. It wasn’t until the early 2000s and arguably late 90s until we have simulation sports titles that STILL hold up to this day. Yet NBA JAM has aged super well offering a accessible and addicting verison of basketball anybody can get into.

The gameplay has the same core concept of basketball yet is able to bring it down to a smaller cort, only four players and a simple control set up. Also It has short matches and requires quick descision making. It all still feels like basketball but it’s able to simplify the sport in a away that doesn’t detract from the quality and still keeps the entertainment high. I also like how the license is used offering real teams and players. It’s the type of game that can appeal to sports fans and people who don’t even watch sports.

Solid 4/5. Tons of different ways to play this game but I chose genesis because it just feels like it fits the system the most with its 3 button controller and a focus on sports games in general.