Reviews from

in the past

Mario Kart with spunch bob that looks strangely good.

Heart touching cinematic masterpiece, it puts saving private ryan, citizen kane, and pattington 2 to shame , I laughed, I cried, it moved me man. We will never get anything better than this

while not the best Kart Racer I've played I have to admit I got some kicks out of this game, much like I did it's predecessor NKR2, but the game itself does have some snags, mainly the stuff you might imagine with it being a licensed kids game.

with there just being a slight lack of polish, while not a horrible buggy mess there is stuff I've noticed, like collision being very buggy, and when falling out of bounds (like out of the track for example) it clips through the floor exposing buggy textures and geometry, granted it's gone a second later and your back in the race but I still feel it's necessary to mention.

but me being a Nick Fan I had a lot of fun playing this game, being able to race as characters that I like, like SpongeBob, Danny Phantom and Lincoln Loud, but yeah if you're a Nickelodeon fan and don't mind a slightly downgraded Mario Kart I'd say you should pick this up, but at the same time if you don't care for Nickelodeon, like at all I'd say don't even bother, for would be fans it has characters from far and wide, like Ang, Jimmy Neutron, Zim, the TMNT, among others! also Jojo Siwa (I don't know I thought that was funny).

but all things aside the game itself is a fine/fun romp for what it is but nothing more, and for the love of Jesus if you want this game don't spend $40 on it, either wait for a price drop or just buy it second hand, cause let me tell you, it's a fine game but it is nowhere NEAR worth $40 fucking dollars.

but yeah Nickelodeon Kart Racers 3: Slime Speedway is a fun if just ok racing game, while being able to have a good time with it comes nowhere to the likes of Mario Kart or Sonic Racing, I'd only recommend this to diehard Nickelodeon Fans and nothing more,

better than team sonic racing

There is a good distinction between competition and leeching off success. While the PS5 has its financial grand prix race against microsoft and nintendo, the teams developing the games face off for similar fights. Though Nickelodeon is already successful, meaning that their attempt at making the consumer pick between Mario Kart or Nickelodeon Kart Racers comes down to recognition. Is your kid really into,, invader zim? garfield? the teenage robot girl? probably not. at least you, the buyer, do recognize them. And of course the kid knows spongebob, so it all works out. Is it improving upon Mario Kart? No. Is it... borrowing from it? Yes. Is it worse than Mario Kart? Absolutely. Is it.. cheaper? Like it's on a constant discount, yes.

This is to be expected, of course. These games aren't treated with the same dignity that Nintendo puts up for even their worst games, and these are churn out like krabby patties. A consistent blood sucking time waster.

Apart from that the game functions and it's not devoid of some fun. It is exactly what you expect. Another one.

(Preliminary review)

I had nothing to do not so long ago and complete 2 part, what can I say about the new one:
+ Better graphics / Added support for ultra-wide monitors
/ Jumps have been removed, now we have a kind of qte, if you press the jump button in timing, when you enter the springboard, you will receive an score bonus / Drift seems to be better / Slime goo seems to be still useless / Locations repeat the second part a lot, at least at first, musical accompaniment has been added
+ Added voice acting to the characters, which is cool, But it was needed even in 1 part!! Only in this way you can feel that the characters are alive.
+ Added motorcycles and more customization / seems to be more interesting characters
+ Accelerating pipe-sections are made cool

- Very much microfreezing
- Officially there is no RemotePlay, but you can download the program RemotePlayWhatever in the internet.
- Well, the price, of course, is a good upgrade, but is it worth that kind of money? I don't think.

When it's all fixed, then it will be possible to talk about the normal review of this game.

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After buying Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2 for dirt cheap, I didn't know what to expect. I'm the kind of guy who likes very good games, but I also enjoy mediocre stuff. Back in my day, you could have licensed shovelware for days. These days, the mobile market pretty much had completely absorbed all of this market, and we don't have a lot of budget licensed console games no more.

That said, I had kind of a blast with the second game. I played all the cups and most of the challenges. I thought about getting NKR3 too. It wasn't too expensive on Steam Sale. I got it.

NKR2 felt like Mario Kart 8 on the antonym of steroids. It was a very OKAY game. The driving is kind of fire, though. It isn't amazing, but I would have to lie to say that I was not entertained.

NKR3 feels a lot like Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed. They figured out how to make water, and they went all out on it. Every track has a water part in which your kart becomes a boat. The boat parts play a lot like the normal parts, though, so it isn't a big nuisance, just an annoyingly reocurring aspect of the courses. It is most glaring when the course itself doesn't mesh well with the idea of a water part. You have water parts on the FARM course, and I bet I won't finish this game without seeing water on the DESERT courses too.

The game looks super good... Besides the fact that they cranked the bloom up to the moon. I recommend you to play this game with sunglasses on. What I mean is, the courses look good in a technical level, and the character models are great.

You get coins for racing, and you can grind for new characters, karts and motorcycles. Yes, they put bikes on NKR 3. Bikes are so light and fast that I feel stupid for racing with my karts sometimes. I still do it, though, because some characters look like they are more of car-persons.

This game have you choosing an ultimate skill + a pair of passive skills that guarantee advantages under certain conditions. All these skills have cooldowns. The ultimate must be charged by getting "slimed" in the races. You can do this by racing over slime puddles, picking up slime coins, or if you get in front of slime pipes that spit a lot of slime on you. The passive skills recharge over a short time.

NKR 3 also implements shortcuts, usually in the form of slime slides... Those are fast grinding sections in which you go really fast down a slime slide. There are little walls here and there to hinder you velocity. If you time your jumps to skip those, you can go really fast.

The shortcuts aren't well hidden, though, and it's so hard to miss them that they feel like the canon course.

I'm saying all this mediocre details, but NKR 3 is kinda fire ngl. I'm having fun with it, and I recommend it on sale. (I paid like $5,00 for it and found the purchase to be totally worth it.)

Way better than Nickelodeon Kart Racers 1 & 2 on Switch. Controls are much smoother and the graphics aren't too glaring like the first one was. Get this game if you're a fan of Nickelodeon cartoons and love a good racer. I heard the PlayStation 5 version of Nickelodeon Kart Racers 3 was on the same level of goodness so check it out on either Switch or PlayStation 5 (I can't say word on the Xbox One version because Metacritic doesn't have scores for that version yet)

This game fucking breaks every single time my sister and I play it. We both experienced stuff like falling through the map (it can continuously repeat, if it so wants to), jump pads straight up not working at times on the NYC Rooftops track, driving in mid-air as if we were still on the track on the San Lorenzo Cruise track, boost pads deflecting your vehicle on the Ba Sing Se track, being stuck in the floor with the ability to continue driving on but slowly, and more. I don't understand why some tracks have their own individual glitchy quirks. The game had the audacity to completely crash at one point, and then (on another occasion) blast screechy, ear-raping audio at us.

Turtle Lair is the most unenjoyable track in the game. I can't tell you how many times we've been turned around 180° in that track, not by the AI, but by the walls... somehow. You're pretty much buggered if that happens to you. At times, the AI can be absolute cunts and ram themselves into you, which leads to you being spun around 180° or get pushed about. A heavier-weighted character would help, sure, but walls and objects shouldn't be as stupidly deflective as they are. And characters bashing you about doesn't help. Everything I mentioned is ridiculous; you might as well make a "what will fuck up?" bingo card and use it for every playthrough.

I feel like parts of the game were either not tested or even thought about before putting things into place, like the characters voice lines during the winning screens. You'd expect the voice lines to be short, because the characters only have a very limited time on the screen, but some of them are way too long and end up being overlapped by the next character's voice line. It becomes a mess. CatDog is an example of that. Irrelevant to the voice lines, my noticed that Dog glitches out when he's on the podium. That happened whenever she came 3rd place with CatDog. I don't know if that happens at 1st or 2nd place. Also, the camera is a bit too close to the characters, so tall characters, like Danny, end up having parts of their faces or heads cut off.

Personal nit-picky bit: I find it rather odd that you have SpongeBob, Danny, and Jimmy as part of the cast... but no Timmy? I'm not aware of any reason why he wasn't included, if one exists that is. It would be interesting if characters, like Tak (from Tak and the Power of Juju), El Tigre, or maybe even some Rocket Power characters were to be seen in the next Nickelodeon Kart Racers game, but I would imagine that those characters aren't up for consideration. I say all of this as someone that played Nicktoons Movin', Attack of the Toybots, and Battle for Volcano Island (my favourite Nicktoons game) as a kid.

Regardless, it's fun to play it with someone, I guess... It's an okay game, but I wouldn't recommend paying full price for it.

I'm ashamed to admit I only bought this for Jenny but I don't actually understand this game at all.

I bought All-Star Brawl a while back because of her and I felt it was a bit lacking (hopefully they add more characters to that) until they tried to improve it with updates (some things I didn't even get in single player).

This new game, however, is a lot better on the surface.

Yes, it contains over 40 characters, most of which I've not unlocked yet but I'm sure there's some good ones in there.
Yes, the graphics look miles better than the Smash Clone, hopefully these models get used for more than just expensive shovelware.
and Yes, the gameplay is... okay.

I bought this expecting just a reskin of the older games (which I didn't play, but I assume they were like ASB; fun but lacking) but got something that looks miles better but is actually slightly worse.

The "cups" are super fun and I enjoyed playing them but to unlock characters you have to play other gamemodes, and for obvious reasons if you play the game, I chose to play all the Challenges and they were super stressful and not very forgiving (for a game targeted towards.... children????).
Boost Pads have super precise hitboxes so if you're not exactly on it you won't hit it (you have to hit a certain number and win to complete it), two laps in 20 seconds with +3 second clocks scattered around that you can't actually collect unless you're right on it is also really annoying.
There's also a challenge where you can't crash into any walls and there's no timer to say "hey be careful", it just immediately fails you. If you get hit with something you'll start driving forward no matter what so if you hit a wall while you're playing the hit animation it's immediate game over for you.

The amount of characters and references to Nicktoons are enough to make me want to keep playing, though. I just need a punching bag and a way to figure out who the hell everyone is.

__"Who the hell are you people?!__ - Patrick Star (paraphrased)

Speaking of not knowing who everyone is; what's the target audience for this game?
No, seriously.
People who grew up watching old Nicktoons, like early SpongeBob, Invader Zim, Teenage Robot and CatDog?
Kids who watch Nick now, with Kamp Koral, Loud House, and whatever JoJo Siwa is doing?
The people who grew up with the old shows wouldn't have a clue who anyone new is (I barely know who JoJo is) and vice versa.

Speaking of JoJo Siwa, why's she even here? She's got no voice lines at all and she has barely any rep.
Contractual Obligation????

In the last 5 years, the Nickelodeon Kart Racers series has gone from absolutely slap dash and shameful with the first, to becoming a surprisingly experience with the second. Now with the 3rd entry, we not only have the most DEFINITIVE Nickelodeon racing game, but also a brand new racing series in general that has shown that it can continue to be iterative and improve with each new release. Not only does this game maintain most of the Character roster from NKR 2 (R.I.P Heffer, Shredder, Tommy, and Angelica.) But also just about DOUBLES the size of the roster with new characters that are for the most part great choices. Jimmy, Cindy, Garfield, and Jenny are great additions to name a few. The Pit Crew system from the 2nd game is also back with more members and chiefs, creating a more fun mix and match system of different boosts and power-ups. Water sections from the original NKR return here as well and are implemented SIGNIFICANTLY better as well and are a plus for in my opinion as they're not only used well in new courses, but are implemented into multiple returning courses, making them feel more fresh this time around. The new feature this game presents are the Slime Slides, which are a risk/reward type of deal. Running over one of these sections SIGNIFICANTLY boosts your speed, but also requires you to time your jumps properly in order to maintain that speed. These are also implemented into older courses which makes it feel like a much bigger and different map at times. My only big problem comes from the online. It works well enough when you can find a race, but multiple character unlocks are tied to the online multiplayer and it can be really difficult to find games sometimes with how empty the lobbies usually are. Overall, this is a definite recommendation to anyone wanting to cut their teeth on a new Kart Racer while they wait for Nintendo to eventually stop reselling Mario Kart 8.