Reviews from

in the past

And people say art is dead...

It's golf, it's kicking and punching things, it's a good time. I love this one.

"Guys we need some gimmick to make our golf game push units"
flips to a random dictionary page

One of the common threads with a lot of these late-period 7800 games is that they're... quirky, and this one is definitely no exception. The actual golfing is incredibly basic; you don't have a selection of clubs, no wind to worry about and things like sand traps and water hazards simply reduce the range of your swing. Instead of putting greens, the game takes you to a boss fight where you throw shurikens at a dragon until it flies away. All you need to worry about is making under par and that's about it. If you're not much into golf games like myself, this isn't that big of a deal, and honestly this was never really destined to be a serious golf game anyway.

The actual meat of the game lies in the side-scrolling portions where you go after your ball between shots, fighting other ninjas and nasties like giant frogs, gophers and sharks (if your ball lands in the drink). This part of the game plays OK, but the collision detection is a bit iffy and your attacks are very limited as you can only kick and throw shurikens (which have a very limited supply).

Certainly a flawed game that loses the novelty fairly quickly but at the same time, probably the best game on the Atari 7800.

the magnum opus of the atari 7800, unfortunately this game was born on the wrong console and wrong generation.

I must be missing something regarding the other scores on here. This shit sucks

A genuinely really fun game based on a stupid concept is always fun and this is unironically perfect for a reboot.

Ridiculous Concept game, but it's very fun. You shoot your Golf shot towards the hole, and as you shoot as close as you can, you run towards your ball while fighting other ninjas, frogs, sharks, etc. You have a standard kick, and ninja stars however the stars are limited in the amount you have, and kill enemies upon immediate impact. The game is fun in terms of mixing 2 things that wouldn't make sense to fuse: A sports game with a 2d Side scroller. At the end of every level after you get to the hole, you fight a giant dragon by throwing ninja starts while avoiding breaths of fire, making sure to hit the dragon in the head, with a 3rd person over the shoulder camera angle. It's fun ridiculous game that fuses 2 different concepts for a unique and fun experience.

Play this on Atari 50.

Absolutely insane video game. Be a ninja and play golf and fight off other ninjas and various creatures as you run to your next shot. Fight a dragon on the green to beat each hole. Amazing concept and plays pretty well.

Es la cosa mas tonta, mas xd de la historia de los videojuegos, y me encanta, para cuando un remaster

Ninja Golf exists because golf is a stupid sport played by boring old men. The developers recognized this and realized the only way to fix it was to have you run after your ball as a Ninja while beating people to death in the vain attempt to make golf interesting. The brawler portions are surprisingly good, but the entire loop gets repetitive quickly, and you're still playing golf at the end of the day.

Played as part of Atari 50.

In all honesty this game is more like "90% very mediocre beatemup, 10% golf", and it really isn't very good, but damn am I glad to be able to see something fucking new from this pack, lol. Even if it's repetitive and still has about as effective interest as most of the other games in this pack (roughly 5 minutes), the stupid shitposty premise is an incredibly welcome change of pace after playing a fifth version of Centipede and a fifth version of Asteroids.

Pretty repetitive game play loop with a funny premise. Worth playing for a bit once but you probably won't touch it after.

The ultimate genre hybrid. a 7800 masterwork! (never mind that this is the only 7800 game I have played)

(played as part of ATARI 50)

Funny for a couple seconds and then just kind of dull. But it is nice to see that they were making games like this back then - shitpost games, that is

After playing it a fair bit in the Atari 50 collection... Eh... I can probably see why this has its fans, the actual golf element of the game is pretty decent and works well but travelling across and fighting in-between gets quite old quite fast as there's so little variety between enemies and locations.

aka: Nice idea, doesn't quite work as well as I hoped.

(Atari 50)
This game definitely has a fun premise at least, though it doesn't fully live up to its excitement. You have a simple golf interface, though in practice it just feels like timing how far you're gonna run in each segment. The sidescrolling segments work perfectly fine though. Lack of music also really doesn't do it favors in my book. Feels like something I'd love playing a successor to though, time to search for one

Have only ever just heard of this game
concept sounds brilliant 10/10

An unlikely pair

Ninja Golf really sounds like something you'd make in a video game developer simulation game and they'd tell you that the genre and subject wouldn't match at all but it works surprisingly well.

The premise is simple enough in that you're a ninja that's been training for your greatest challenge yet: Nine holes of golf. The golf itself is pretty simple until you have to reach where your ball went. All of a sudden the game turns into an action game in a sense that you have to fight your way through enemies of human and nature to hit your shot again. This is ended by a vertical dragon fight until you win. You don't even have to hit exacts here more so that you have to hit the ball around the hole at least. The golfing itself may be simple but it becomes a surprisingly fun experience.

A lot of props for trying something literally out of the box that I'm actually dumbfounded that it worked. One of the most dangerous games of golf you will ever have.