Reviews from

in the past

The one time where 'it was all a dream' is a completely acceptable ending. Technically that's spoilers, but come on, it's very obvious from the beginning, plus this game is more about what you do to get to the ending rather than the ending itself.

I like the sort of unorthodox puzzling going on here, in the ways you have to use some bits of real world logic to solve the puzzles. Especially when using this visual presentation, as the GB Pokemon games it clearly takes inspiration from are very cut and dry with what you can do and interact with. I like the small touches of absurdism too with the door that leads to outer space and the shrine. It really does feel dreamy.
However, I do wish that the game was more grid-like. I know pixel perfectness and grids can be harder to achieve in engines not designed around/for it, but it was really bugging me how I'd get snagged on something because hitbox of my sprite was bigger than the sprite itself and I was mildly too close to a wall. If it happened once or twice, it'd be fine, but it happened way too often.