Reviews from

in the past

First game I played all the way through on my back-to-life jailbroken PS Vita. Fun little game, perfect to pass the time on a portable console. Gameplay is slick and the levels get quite challenging as you go.

The Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 of the OlliOlli series (i.e. the one with the manuals)

Me ha gustado más que el primero por el diseño de niveles y ambientación
Mu mu weno

this shit like the first one! but a bit better! mainly because manuals letting there be big full level combos was extremely satisfying.

I don't remember playing this but i apparently have like 7 hours in it

One day want to get back to it and try to see if I can get the platinum, but for now it's a decent 7

Really good. Sad I played OO: World first because this is also an awesome game. It did take me a LOT of getting used to because the game is super shit at explaining mechanics at times (the worst one being that the game has each trick last a different amount of time, and you often need to police yourself on tricks or mis-inputs before you fall over.)

Outside of that, great, if a little short, with good replayability. This is a great game if you want to really feel yourself getting better with every run.

probably the most difficult platinum trophy I've ever completed. I felt like I was on the verge of death as every minute passed. good game

"completed" here meaning beating all of the amateur levels and unlocking a decent portion of the pro levels, since there's no way I can continue to want to play this given how difficult it's getting. it's a neat idea to combine a precision platformer with skateboarding mechanics, but players interested more in the former than the latter will quickly run out of reasons to continue playing. after simply finishing all the amateur levels all objectives are score-based, and learning to maximize scoring via mid-air spins, revert-manuals, etc. requires an extra level of muscle memory with truly diminishing returns for actually enjoying the game. I don't have any issue with how its all implemented, but at a certain point I have to question if I wanna dedicate hours to practicing this or just moving on to other titles. another reason: this game is extremely precise, to the point that even a couple frames of lag will likely be noticable. my gf noticed this on the main tv I play on (with game mode on!) after playing it on vita for a while, and when I compared it to vita it was night and day. it would really suit these games to have lag config built in.

as for the level designs, there's again sort of a push-pull between the precision platformer and the score-based skateboarding design philosophies at play here. it's difficult to create true playground-esque environments outside of a 3D environment, and the closest that roll7 can approximate is branching paths or joint rail/floor sections. these sections are nice, but they're alternated with linear areas that require precise jumps or mandatory perfect grinds to maintain speed, and these can become grating. level-long combos in this game can often be quite long, and when it comes down to missing the small window on a boost ramp towards the end and having to restart from the beginning repeatedly certain levels can feel like a drag to clear. my strategy generally involved doing the simplest tricks and manuals possible to try to focus on the platforming, but once the levels are finished this avenue really falls flat. this is my ultimate takeaway from the game: the avenue for mid-level players is so short as to feel pointless. if you aren't willing to dedicate yourself to high-level play, you'll finish the main set of stages and then maybe dick around with challenges until you get bored and put it down, and considering that the pro challenges and eventual RAD mode are a good chunk of the game, it feels like an incomplete experience. considering that only 2% of players on ps4 actually have finished the amateur mode, it seems like many people bailed before even I did. in short, a neat 2D skateboarding concept with surprisingly niche appeal.

Skateboarding games have always been one of my favorite genres. They’re intense, require an insane amount of skills and coordination, and are just so much fun to play. I started all the way back to the original Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater and ended at Skate 3. From there the genre pretty much died, but OlliOlli revived the series a bit and I fell in love with the first game.

The second is no different, and that’s both good and bad. On the plus side, the game feels smoother, there are more tricks, the entire game is more responsive, and there are more modes and new levels and themes. The downside is that it’s pretty much the same game with no real evolution of the series.

Career mode is where you will spend most of your time. Here you have six different goals varying in tricks, scores, and special spots. Using the left analog stick you can push down and then up to pop the board up and flick it around to do tricks. Holding it down over a rail will allow you to grind. To properly land a trick you must press X right before landing or they will all be sloppy. This trick system is similar to Skate’s and is a great evolution of the button combo system.

Sadly, you can’t do grabs and there’s no vert skating. Half-pipe rounds would have been fun and it’s sad that the sequel doesn’t really add all that much. There are two other modes which are trick spot and just a leaderboard tracker. They’re fun but aren’t different from the career mode really.

The game looks nice with fun music, awesome 2D sprites, a great Hollywood/Los Angeles theme and it’s just super smooth. With all that said, OlliOlli2 is a great entry for newcomers and veterans will find enough new stuff in the career mode to consider a purchase.

Better visual and audio, best Ollie game

divertidismo, tengo que pasarmelo algun dia

Now I think I should've started with the first one 😅 anyway, at first I was frustrated. I had a hard time picking up the controls but when I got it the game got so fun! I wasn't doing the challenges, I was just focused on having fun and completing the stages. Then I got frustrated again when the last five of the stages kicked in. Those stages would clock at barely even a minute but it took me hours just to beat. But I'm extremely proud that I kept at it. A very "easy to learn, hard to master" kind of game.

OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood elevates the original with more dynamic levels and smoother controls, offering a more polished yet still challenging skateboarding experience that occasionally feels repetitive.

had fun playing this while high on xans

It's weird. This is better than the first one, and I have more time played in it than the first one. But I also have no urge to play any more OlliOlli. If I ever do, I will just go on to play more of World.

If you haven't played OlliOlli and for some reason don't just skip to World. I recommended just playing 2 over 1 any day.

Really cool arcade game with a good learning curve and some decent challenging content in form of level-challenges, which were truly fun to go for.

After completing all Pro-challenges, RAD mode was fairly easy to complete as well.

This game almost completely invalidates the first. With a lot more satisfying gameplay, better level design, and mechanics allowing for a huge skill ceiling, I have nothing but love in my heart for this game, regardless of how enraged some of it's more difficult challenges have made me


Uma grande evolução se comparado ao seu antecessor. Level Design mais dinâmico pela sua amplitude, te permitindo fazer manobras tanto na horizontal quanto na vertical, novos recursos para as próprias manobras, além de uma hitbox muito melhor, tornando o gameplay mais fluído. Cenários lindos, dessa vez da pra perceber a variação em cada um deles, melhorou bastante graficamente.

It was very difficult for me to imagine a 2D skating game being interesting, or carrying any sort of player expression, but they did it! There is a satisfying timing aspect to every motion (including landing) that pushes the pace of the game into ADHD territory (this is a positive). The soundtrack is awesome as well.

Definitely a lot better than the first but the controlls are kinda shit. I dont think 2D skating works very well but I'm sure most would like this

Like the original OlliOlli, except now it's possible to have a combo throughout the entire stage thanks to the addition of manuals. Also a good timewaster.