Reviews from

in the past

There are so many One Piece charecters, of course they need a gacha game. My hot take is they should make a Cowgirl Robin and make her a top tier so the game can be awesome

A One Piece gacha. Cool. Except it's not, the timing turn-based gameplay is horrid. Couldn't stand the "chibi" artstyle of this.

I honestly didn't love One Piece Treasure Cruise. I found the game to be a typical gacha, with super repetitive action, and not too much to enjoy. How hard is it for me to play a good One Piece game?!?!

Overall, I rate One Piece Treasure Cruise a 5/10.
Game #12 of 2024

extremely pay to win, at times progression can be near impossible without it. very easy to lose accounts, had spent an ungodly amount on mine and just randomly lost it one day. dont fall for the gacha trap, especially not this garbage one.

somehow less compelling than dokkan man

I don't really understand it

As much as I love One Piece I do not love this game. I lost my save data at least two times and I do not feel compelled to come back to it. In terms of mobile games, it gets boring very quickly and I simply do not have the patience to sift through hours of this game just to complete the story and also get good units along the way. Least favorite One Piece game by far.

This game gets me so fucking horny

Kinda fun but gacha is vicious gambling

moins bon que son confrère dragon ball clairement mais j'y ai quand même beaucoup joué

Retired after pulling Gear 5. We had a good run!!

A basic gacha game with some ugly one piece characters. could be much better.

I really liked when luffy went gear 5 and gear 5d all over the game thank you bandai

will be getting gear 5 in 2 weeks

Me press buttons and Me see characters Me like.

I must have sank at least 400 hours into this piece of shit game. It's fun, don't get me wrong, but what have I got to show for it? Absolutely nothing. Welcome to gachaland.

Played the whole plot up to the saga of Whole Cake, as gacha is very nice but pulled for the long it becomes too repetitive and boring, honestly if I were not a fan of One Piece I would have already dropped it

none of the smoker units were very nice looking but it gave me all of the nice katakuri units on my first day so it evens out