Reviews from

in the past

Me ha gustado, aunque no tanto como me esperaba. La idea de un One Piece de mundo abierto me encanta, pero aquí está hecho de mala manera.

Explorar un mundo vacío pero repleto de materiales es aburrido, y cómo te mueves por el mundo es un coñazo. El combate mejora cuando llevas 50% del juego y has desbloqueado las habilidades necesarias para que sea intuitivo, pero lo de antes... qué coñazo, una vez más.

No creo que sea taaaan difícil hacer un One Piece fuera del género musou, pero ninguno da con la tecla.

Gameplay : 1/5 Quelle catastrophe. One Piece Grand Battle a de meilleures phases de combats, c'est absolument pas une vanne. Le système d'openworld est intéressant mais tellement a chier que ça en devient juste pitoyable.
Et luffy omg, mais il est leeeeeeent et tellement imprécis, vraiment cool pour un ow.
Histoire : 0.5/5 POURQUOI une histoire originale FULL OSEF au lieu de juste retracer les évènements de l'oeuvre originale ? Tous les arcs de pre skip s'adapteraient parfaitement. Toutes les villes d'East Blue, Alabasta, Skypiea, Water 7, Thriller Bark... Tout aurait été génial a explorer. Encore un bon choix.
Musique : 1/5 Bah yen a pas a part en combat, propre pour l'ambiance "d'exploration"...
Graphismes : 4/5 Seul point positif du jeu, il est agréable à l'oeil, mais ça ne le sauvera pas de la noyade...

I liked the open-world aspect of the game, although getting around could sometimes be a bit tricky. Gameplay was enjoyable though, fighting was trivially easy as soon as you unlocked armament haki, but there was still enough variation to keep me busy. The most lacking point of this game is the story, I started skipping dialogue as soon as chapter 6 since the plot was so dull I didn't care anymore.

One thing that could've been improved was that the minimap didn't change depending on your height in-game, traversing Topaz Mines was a pain in the butt as I kept running into dead ends.

Also, to the person who made you fight flying robots, I hope they make a special place in hell for you...

This falls apart so much at every single fundamental point of gamedesign and narrative that not even the Straw Hat charm, that is transported pretty well, can save it.

pior jogo de one piece ja feito!

I love One Piece I love everything about it so an open world were I play as Luffy in an Original story with all the One Piece tunes that I love are blasting as I smash robots using my devil fruit powers what's not to love

No começo é legal, mas depois vai se tornando o jogo chato e cansativo.

The combat in this game feels really lacking and unsatisfying, the story is pretty unremarkable too.

they really had bandai namcos worst working on this lmao

Buen juego para pasar el rato pero llega un momento que se vuelve repetitivo y monótono...

It's a bad game based on a good manga.

Every One Piece game that isn't a musou just misses the mark so hard.

Remember all those bits from the manga where Luffy runs around collecting 2 Small Flowers and 6 Jewel Slugs so some no-name can make a brooch for you that adds +2 to agility? Fuck me.

It shouldnae feel this bad to traverse an open-world as a dude made of rubber. You can kinda Spider-Man zip to things, but it's so Start/Stop that you might as well just walk. There's an upgrade that lets you zip and soar for a bit and it feels great until the game decides you've moved far enough and drops you in place like a stone. The mid-air momentum just dies. Sounds like fun, eh?

Combat is shite too. No move-cancelling, so you're stuck in basic animations until it finishes and lets you press the dodge button. Enemies either do nothing while waiting to be punched, or constantly wail on you, no middle ground. Shots from guns knock you out of animations and onto the ground, so you need to wait 3 seconds for Luffy to stand back up. Also yer special moves like Red Hawk sometimes just miss because the game decided an enemy has i-frames. There's nothing fun about this.

Not even a massive OP fan like myself can put up with this. I quit to dashboard and immediately deleted it when I was asked to do a tailing mission on the Germa 66.

Te lo disfrutas mucho más si vas con la mentalidad de pasar del mundo abierto y centrarte más en la historia principal, que está muy bien escrita y tiene uno de los mejores villanos de todos los juegos de One Piece. Es deficiente en casi todo lo que se plantea, pero si eres fan vas a tener una buena experiencia porque, en esencia, es como ver una película muy larga. Los DLC son sorprendentemente buenos, especialmente el de Zoro.

Combat was janky, movement was decent, and story was nothing to write home about either. Shame that this is the quality of an “open world one piece game” that we get.

very middle of the road one piece games and all regards. story, gameplay, arstyle. You would think an open world game with the breath and scale of the world of one piece would be a perfect fit, but when you restrict everything to a samie looking island then it just feels like a wasted opportunity

Reminds me a lot of Gravity Rush

I'm a big One Piece fan but i wasn't super into this one.
It tried a bunch of things, all of them half baked. The exploration mechanics were neat and it was fun to zoom around the map, but the map was way smaller than they made it out to be.
I didn't much care for the story but i liked that the Admirals were involved and you got to fight them.
This game was at least good if you wanted to experience Gear 4, but now Pirate Warriors 4 lets you do that much much better.
It's good enough for one playthrough.

Game sucks but it's enjoyable mid and is a nice change of pace from most action games

As a massive One Piece fan I just dont know about this game. It had endless potential and just didnt deliver. As of right now I havent played the DLCs and will do by the end of the day. I feel this game is the definition of "Missed Potential" and it really saddens me. I feel the story wouldve been better suited for maybe a movie.

The gameplay is like (bad comparison coming) wanting Spiderman PS4 but getting Avengers Spiderman.

I actually had fun with it. Yes, it's another Bandai Namco anime game. No, it is not good.

This game is completely for fans because you meet everyone's favorite characters. The roaming is fun and the enviroment is quite cool. Unfortunately the combat is quite barebones and could be way better. The game is short and the controls are janky.

... but I still enjoyed it for what it is.

I just finished reading the manga for the first time and really needed more One Piece.

I thought this game was a good idea. Visually, I was right. It looks great and seems like a world that would be fun to explore. In practice however, it feels like a ps2 gen open world game. The combat is trivial because you can quickly one shot everyone. The traversal reminds me just enough of Spider-Man that I wish I was playing that instead.

It's not offensively bad but it sure ain't good. The story is half-way decent so I did appreciate that.

One Piece: World Seeker is...pretty good! Mostly.

Because, while it is fairly repetitive, unpolished and clearly rushed, I feel like this is one of the best case scenarios for how a One Piece videogame could've turned out. Forgive my language, but this game does feel like One Piece - bright, lively and energetic. I really liked the tunes and how Luffy felt to controll, and once you unlock the first traversal abilites, it becomes really nice to just go around, beating random guys up. And the said beating is fun, too. It is lacking when it comes to story, combat depth and interesting stuff to find in the open world, and, at the end of the day, OPWS didn't exactly set my world on fire. And I doubt I would enjoy it nearly as much if it wasn't for how much I love One Piece.

To be honest with you, World Seeker might be in the top-5 anime/manga-based games ever, just for how fun it can be, without being overly-patronizing, but really, that just shows you how low the standarts are in here. This game is a great refresher in a sea of samey, cheap and insultingly condescending anime brawlers and gatcha grindfests, but in a way that's the saddest thing about it. Things aren't really getting better, and for every World Seeker or Dragon Ball Fighters, there are dozens upon dozens of cashgrabs made in a year that nobody likes but fans buy and play for a day max.

And ultimatelly, this very game doesn't escape the gravity of it's predecessors: It's still shallow gameplay-wise, good or servicable presentation-wise, and really good in terms of fan-service. It has lost of potential as it is, and really, all I can hope for is that how well this game seemingly did, Bandai and other anime-games-making publishers decide that we can have games more like One Piece: World Seeker, or rather - games that are better