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in the past

Fun co-op game. It gets challenging when you have a bad connection (which is my case), but overall, it's quite entertaining and provides enough for both players to do. It's enjoyable enough with the right friend, but I couldn't recommend buying it.

Very fun coop game, can get hard at times to communicate with your partner but it's very satisfying to solve the different puzzles. A bit too short but great nontheless.

Asymmetrical co-op games are at least a little cool by default.

I would say the easiest way to describe the mission and puzzle quality is hit or miss. And even then some of the puzzles that are hitting a bit better are just Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes or Spaceteam.

The game is also very short, so the misses end up being a pretty big portion. That said, I had a good time overall.

Friend Pass is appreciated, and on that note this game probably gains some rating since I played it with a friend until late into the night.

has a friend pass so as long as you host the game you can actually just like, go and grab a friend and have them play for free

You know, if an entire country can collapse from one guy setting off an EMP, I think your society might just be a lost cause.

Co-op gaming has been going interesting places lately. On the one hand, you have It Takes Two surpassing all odds to take Game of the Year 2021. On the other, you have Halo Infinite going out of its way to utterly fail to live up to previous entries by launching without co-op, and abandoning all plans for split-screen. Chances are, if there's a big co-op game that launches these days, it's a horde shooter. Operation Tango seeks to veer more towards the adventure-style gameplay seen in games like It Takes Two (as well as its Friend Pass system), but arguably veers closer to the We Were Here series. But what sets it apart from the rest is the asymmetrical gameplay that both players sit through.

One player picks the role of agent, while the other fills the role of the hacker. Agents do all the field work, while the hacker supports them from elsewhere. Both players have to communicate constantly to relay each others information to each other, as well as collaborate in several minigames. It's a really great foundation, and the early missions do a great job at introducing the concept before the later missions get really creative. Certain sections do feel a fair bit derivative of Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, but the story elements that run alongside it keep the pace going strong.

Graphics are stylised to a degree, but it's certainly not a strong draw for the game by any means. It's cartoony, but not strikingly cel-shaded or anything along those lines. Music felt very much in-the-background and didn't grab me at any point, but it's acceptable, cliche espionage music, riffing off of the classic Bond vibes.

Sadly, Tango drops the ball in many places - though I think the games strengths outweigh the flaws, it's by a narrow margin. The final mission is just pure ass, opening with a mediocre stealth sequence that is incredibly brief, before going to a large, uninteresting environment with poorly explained mechanics that led to a lot of frustration for both me and the hacker guiding me. This then led to another, disastorous stealth sequence. Control-wise, you can only walk or run - no crouching or jumping. They're hardly necessary, but when confronted with instant fail stealth sequences the stiff controls become very noticeable.

Additionally, the game's just really short. Doing all the main story missions left it at just under 4 hours, and from what I understand the puzzle solutions either don't change or have very little variance, so there's zero replay value. There are post-game challenges, and I might amend the review if and when I check them out, but I just want a damn break after that last mission.

Most baffling to me was the performance. I'm not sure if this is just a me thing given I've seen no other complaints, but - this is one of the worst PC ports I've ever seen. There are no graphic options, like, legitimately none other than resolution and "low graphics mode". Despite this, the game inexplicably turns my PC up to 90 degrees Celsius (and based on my limited knowledge of Fahrenheit, that's about 520,000 degrees or something) and runs like utter shit. Doom 2016 is less demanding than this game.

Altogether, this game is in a weird spot for me. It has style and charm, but being so short and unreplayable leaves it feeling low-value. I almost definitely wouldn't have bought the game were it not for being in a Humble Bundle, and while the Friend Pass is a nice and welcome inclusion, there are a LOT of things that hold this game back. I wish the developers all the best if they choose to make a follow up - hopefully the first thing they tackle is basic PC optimisation.

Bon jeu coop asymétrique. Koodos au développeurs d'exiger une seule copie du jeu.

Nice, fun little game; personally I think the gameplay on the hacker's side is significantly stronger than on the agent's side, but both are perfectly serviceable. A few of the recurring puzzles feel a bit broken, the mastermind minigame doesnt seem to work at all and a few of the sliding block puzzles are extremely punishing in terms of timing, but for the most part it all feels bang on the level of difficulty you want for something like this. The post-game challenge mode is also a very nice little addition. Can recommend this one.

Ist nichts Besonderes. Aber das, was es kann, macht es gut.

"Operation: Tango" ist ein asymmetrischer Spy-Thriller, der Spieler in die Rolle von Agenten versetzt, die zusammenarbeiten müssen, um geheime Missionen zu erfüllen. Eines der besten Dinge über das Spiel ist der stilvolle und kreative Ansatz, der in Bezug auf die Inszenierung und Präsentation genommen wird. Das Spiel bietet auch eine interessante Kombination aus Einzelspieler- und Mehrspieler-Gameplay, die es ermöglicht, dass die Spieler zusammenarbeiten und ihre Fähigkeiten nutzen, um die Aufgaben erfolgreich zu erfüllen.

Allerdings werden die Aufgaben schnell repetitive und es fehlt an Abwechslung im Gameplay. Auch wenn das Spiel zunächst unterhaltsam erscheint, verliert es schnell an Reiz und es gibt keinen Wiederspielbedarf. Im Vergleich zu anderen ähnlichen Spielen auf dem Markt, versinkt "Operation: Tango" und ich hatte keine Lust mehr, weiterzuspielen. Insgesamt ist es ein unterhaltsames Spiel, aber es hat nicht genug Tiefe und Abwechslung, um längerfristig zu fesseln.

Played with with my friend and it was a lot of fun playing the game twice and having to communicate. Its a great free little game to play with a friend!

Gameplay : 3.5/5 De bonnes énigmes (surtout celle du train) bien qu'un peu court évidemment. Il y en a quand meme une bonne variété.
Histoire : 3.5/5 Ca marche bien et ça colle bien au jeu, rien d'incroyable mais ça fonctionne.
Musique : 3.5/5 Jvais plutôt noter l'ambiance sonore qui est vraiment cool pour le coup.
Graphismes : 4/5 Beaucoup aimé la DA et le jeu est globalement très joli.

It's... not as good as I wanted it to be.

After playing through entire We Were Here series, this feels a little incompetent. Yeah, there are some interesting puzzles, but nothing I actually will remember. Except, probably, the moment my partner killed someone with a roomba.

I feel like the concept was not explored enough. The agent and hacker both feel exactly the same, slowly progressing mass. I think if there would be more actual gameplay weaved into puzzle-solving, like agent has to actually be fast on reflexes while running/hiding and hacker at the same time tries to disable drones coming out to get his partner to actually give players some tension, the game would be much better.

For now it's just inferior and less fun iteration of We Were Here. And the last puzzle is literally Keep Taking but shit.

I'll wait for their next game in hopes of all that getting better.

A great game to play with someone, I will finish it once more while swapping operatives, super cool and the gameplay is definitely something fresh. It is short tho.

Probably would be more fun if the friend I was playing with wanted to finish it. Any takers?

super fun but too short, i appreciate that only one person needs to buy it for two to play remotely (without steam's remote play)

fun little co-op game. I played it like 3 times lol

MUITO BOM. Este jogo é excelente, pois tem um ritmo perfeito, e o fator comunicação é genialmente implementado, fazendo a experiência muito mais enriquecedoura

A fun yet very short coop puzzle game. Wish there was more content.

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for May 2023, this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before June 6th, 2022, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

An online co-op spy game.

Operation: Tango is similar to the We Were Here series. Two players try to complete spy missions in enemy territory. One player will be a field operative, and the other plays a hacker, though both characters will have a variety of tasks that they will need to collaborate on to work their way through each mission. The game requires online play but only needs one copy of the game and the expectation is the only communication between the players is verbal, with no way to see each other’s screens.

Operation: Tango should be played by friends, random players won’t be as good for this. But a bigger problem is that Operation: Tango is a single experience. Once players get through the entire game, the same experience won’t be as special. I forgot to record footage, and this is the second playthrough of the same level. Even swapping characters didn’t change the experience. There are only 6 missions and while there are ten additional challenges in a new free DLC, this isn’t the longest experience.

Pick this up if you have someone to play with, if you get the game, this is enjoyable, and with the right partner, it’s something else. The reason I forgot to record the footage was that I was having an amazing time playing the game, but we also got through two out of the six original missions already, so, as I said, it’s not going to be that long.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

Chances are you played hacker the first time.

Played it once with a friend. We did like 3 missions.

مرة حلوووة حرفيًا ما اعرف ليش الناس تكرهها
امزح ادري ليش عشانها قصيرة بس بالعكس والله وناسة احلى شي فيها كونها قصيرة, ولو بتخيرني بلعبة كو اوب قصيرة بس فيها ريبلايبلتي مرة عالي ولا وحدة طويلة بس مستحيل المسها لو خلصتها بختار الخيار الاول وانا مغمض
عمومًا العبوها مع الاصحاب ترا مرة تستاهل.. ايه بتضيع كم مرة وبتستغرب من غبائك وكيف ضعت بهالمرحلة السهلة بس عوافي It's worth it
وايه صح ترا اللعبة مرة سهلة وهذا احلى ثاني شي فيها
عمومًا برب بكمل severance باااي

Super jeux coop, j'ai adoré le asymétrique au point de vouloir refaire l'aventure de l'autre coté.

Recommande fortement pour des potos ♥

halfway through the game suddenly things were either not working out for both me and a friend. rage quit!

An amazing co-op experience. Both routes, hacker and agent, are completely unique with new experiences for each which made it very interesting. There's amazing anxiety inducing set pieces as you try to communicate with your friend how to solve three puzzles at once.

This is one game I'd say you should experience at least once before you die, you'll have a great time with a good friend.
I'm hoping for a sequel.

Really fun game to play for some hours with a friend. It gets quite predictable at some point.

Sharp, mostly chill co-op experience with some really stylish locations (that the Agent player mostly gets to enjoy). Not sure how much, if at all, the puzzles change during replays.