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A game literally impossible to replicate in any other medium than videogames. It's story and structure take the most advantage of this artform than any other game I've ever seen.

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Aunque por ser como soy yo no lo haya disfrutado un montón a nivel de gameplay (aunque me ha gustado) no puedo sino alabar la originalidad y en general como te hace sentir este juego. Trata temas aterradores con este positivismo tan cozy y real que lo hace unico, ademas de los momentos que se sienten tan especiales, sobretodo gracias a la naturalidad con la que se introduce todo. Creo que nunca olvidare explorar tu propio planeta, solo un momento de entre otros.

me suda los cojones el espacio-tiempo, mientras se pueda seguir tocando música con los colegas todo va bien

experiencia mais unica que se pode ter com um videogame

one of the best adventure/exploration games and one of the best horror games combined into one package. play it. you will thank me.

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El mejor juego de la historia, ni más ni menos.

No ha habido ni habrá juego que me haga sentir lo que esta obra ha conseguido.

El juego no puede tener una premisa más sencilla. Es el día de tu primera salida al espacio con tu nave, coge los códigos de lanzamiento y disfruta del viaje. Nada más, nada menos, un pequeño viaje por el sistema solar explorando un poco por aquí y por allá. Pero claro, no podía ser tan simple como esto, ¿verdad?

Por el camino te vas encontrando ruinas de los Nomai (una antigua civilización de ese mismo sistema solar) donde hablan de una extraña localización que fue lo que les llevó a ese lugar. El Ojo del Universo.
Poco a poco vas descubriendo más y más sobre el trágico destino de estos antiguos habitantes y el ansia por saber que ocurrió te mueve a seguir explorando, hasta saber todo de el misterio que envuelve este mundo.

Me pasaría el día entero hablando de lo que hace mágico a este juego y no conseguiría hacerle justicia. La única manera de descubrirlo es jugarlo y averiguarlo de primero mano, porque por desgracia este es un viaje de solo ida y no se puede experimentar esa excitación por cada descubrimiento de la misma forma.

Como colofón final, el DLC rellena un hueco vacío en la historia que no sabías que faltaba, redondeando la experiencia y elevándola a una categoría única, sin precedentes.

La manera en la que este juego me ha hecho llorar y estremecerme con una historia trágica, pero bonita y esperanzadora al mismo tiempo, que me motivan a querer salir adelante y ver qué más me puede deparar este mundo.

Esa es la auténtica esencia de Outer Wilds, la búsqueda de nuevos horizontes que explorar, sin miedo a lo desconocido y sabiendo que, aunque todo tiene un final, tenemos que seguir adelante con esperanza, sabiendo que es un viaje en el que no estamos solos.

"Ven, siéntate a mi lado, camarada. Veamos cómo mueren las estrellas."

work of art.

if you haven't played yet
play it.
i'm serious, you won't regret it

man i wish i could play this game again without any memory of it. one of the rare games that made me love games as an art form again.

24h Main game
7h DLC
Juste incroyable, l'idée du jeu, l'histoire, le gameplay, la musique le sound design TOUT est excellent. Il est important de ne rien savoir sur le jeu avant de le lancer (j'en connaissait pas beaucoup mais je trouve quand même trop). Il faut savoir prendre son temps et ne jamais se frustrer, le jeu à toujours raison. (c'est un peu dur d'avoir tout les succès sans un peu d'aide externe mais ce n'est pas important)

Le DLC est aussi très très bon et on voit bien la distinction avec le jeu de base.

Jeu à vivre par soit même (ou à la limite regarder le video de Great Review)

Eu queria dar nota maxima, mas como tem a DLC junto, eu vou jogar a nota pra baixo :v

[ENG] An once in a lifetime experience
If you've never played this game but heard a thing or two about it, it probably was "Dude this is the best game ever but i can't explain why", i'll try my best to describe only what you need to know about it.

Outer Wilds is an space-exploration game heavily focused in storytelling that sets in only one solar system with six unique planets for you to explore freely in any order.

Playing this game will be like reading a sci-fi book but you start reading the book in any chapter that you find the title the most interesting, getting informations out of context until you read another chapter that connects with the information you gathered before, but right when you're about to make a big discovery, someone hit you in the head with a bat before you finish reading and you fucking die.

You may not understand the main goal of the game at first, or where you should go, and that's fine, you're from a civilization that is really early in space-travelling, so it's up to you to go explore this funky solar system and figure everything out, just relax, explore whatever you find interesting.

Why is this a once in a lifetime experience?
The point of the game is for you to explore, gather information and learn. Once you've learned, you don't forget, like riding a bike. So it's pretty important to avoid spoilers or try your best to not search for answers on the internet, the feeling of figuring it out by yourself will be very rewarding, your experience may be very unique from other gameplays too, so cherish it.

Of course, if you're too lost, you may wanna ask for help from a friend that already knows about the game, he will know how to help you without spoiling.

If you are lost, you may be playing the game right.
That's what i always say about exploration games.

[PT-BR] Uma experiência única
Se você nunca jogou esse jogo, mas ouviu uma ou duas coisas sobre ele, provavelmente foi "Cara, este é o melhor jogo de todos, mas não consigo explicar o porquê", tentarei o meu melhor para descrever apenas o que você precisa saber sobre isso.

Outer Wilds é um jogo de exploração espacial fortemente focado na história que se passa em apenas um sistema solar com seis planetas únicos para você explorar livremente em qualquer ordem.

Jogar esse jogo será como ler um livro de ficção científica, mas você começa a ler o livro em qualquer capítulo que achar o título mais interessante, obtendo informações fora do contexto até ler outro capítulo que se conecte com as informações que você recebeu antes, mas bem quando você está prestes a fazer uma grande descoberta, alguém dá uma porrada na sua cabeça antes de você terminar de ler e você morre.

Você pode não entender o objetivo principal do jogo no início, ou para onde deve ir, e tá tudo bem, você é de uma civilização que está no início das viagens espaciais, então cabe a você explorar este sistema solar maluco e descobrir tudo, apenas relaxe e explore o que achar interessante.

Por que esta é uma experiência única na vida?
O objetivo do jogo é você explorar, coletar informações e aprender. Depois de aprender, você não esquece, como andar de bicicleta. Então é muito importante evitar spoilers ou fazer o possível para não procurar respostas na internet, a sensação de descobrir sozinho será muito gratificante, sua experiência pode ser muito única quando comparado com outras gameplays também, então valorize-a.

Claro, se você estiver muito perdido, você pode pedir ajuda a um amigo que já conhece o jogo, ele saberá como te ajudar sem estragar a experiência.

Se você estiver perdido, pode estar jogando certo.
É o que sempre digo sobre jogos de exploração.

Acho que até o final da minha vida nunca irei experimentar algo parecido com esse jogo, muito diferente de tudo que há no mercado e definitivamente uma experiência que todo ser humano que gosta de jogo tem que presenciar. É até difícil de pôr em palavras, a mecânica do jogo é inovadora e a história muito bem amarradinha, o fato de apenas seu conhecimento importar aqui é que faz a magia do jogo acontecer. Apesar de obviamente maior e com uma história melhor no jogo base acredito que o jogo tenha chegado no seu ápice de potencial durante a DLC. Usar temas de terror, puzzles diferentes do que tínhamos, ser bizarro em um jogo que não tinha isso estabelecido e em contraste com isso ser belo como sempre foi, faz da DLC uma experiência também impressionante, o final de ambas campanhas me fez sentir algo no peito que é difícil até de explicar. Lindo e maravilhoso, gostaria de apagar da mente apenas para jogar de novo.

Acho que esse deve ser o melhor jogo já feito na história e eu nem posso falar o pq, qualquer coisa é spoiler, experienciem essa obra de arte por vocês

An unique experience that everyone that loves space definitely should play it!

In the end, I was ready for it to end, but still, Outer Wilds and its DLC was a beautiful story to discover piece by piece. I know it has been said many, many times so far, but the satisfaction of slowly learning about the story of this small solar system and its inhabitants is something you don't see commonly in exploration games Perhaps it is because of TOWilds' puzzle-based structure, which makes discovering new things even more enjoyable since there are some puzzles that wants you to combine all you learned so far. Anyways, I'm glad I avoided the spoilers for this game for all this time, because otherwise I would lose the core element of the game: Let your curiosity guide you.

My only nitpick is that near the late game, I was a bit tired of the main gameplay loop, but thankfully the game ended before it could sour the rest of the game's taste. Definitely play it if you think you could enjoy a slow but ultimately satisfying adventure.


In those formative years of childhood, it is easy to find experiences that changes you deeply, a bit too easy sometimes. Most of my favorite games are games that shaped me when i still had no form and taught me a bit of who i was. Maybe my experience was different due to timing, for i am now 26. Maybe this game is just different and i will never know exactly how it would have affected me when i was a child. However, Exploring the universe of Outer Wilds made me feel like a child. I felt excitement and wonder, i felt fear and sadness, i felt loneliness and warmth.
And in some special times, i felt myself and the universe.

And though i now have form, those experiences still managed to reach me and i felt changed, as if i was shaped, as if i had just learnt some of those simple things you understand as a child.

It's a complete experience, akin to life, that can only be had once, something in this game makes it special. It is not the excitement or spectacle, it is not the mechanics or difficulty, nor an epic narrative, although this game's narrative is superb, not even the graphics. None of those aspects is what makes outer wilds the best game in the world. But i can't quite tell you what it is without ruining it one way or another. So go play it, I can't recommend it enough, It is art.

And if this game doesn't feel like all that, it may not be the right time or it may not be for you (i doubt that). Take your time, follow your curiosity, abandon your fear, don't resent this universe; for it has no will to be seen as evil and trust the god that made it; for it loves you and will not betray you.

Been recommended to me by a friend for a long time, it was worth the wait to truly appreciate what an excellent and special game this is. To me, how this game made me think and feel will be the baseline that i will judge all other games against. Its mind-bending, infuriating at times but always incredible. This game will stick with me for life.

This game is like one of the greatest things to grace this earth.

Legitimately this game is such a great experience and I can't really say more without spoiling it.

Play it, play the DLC and you'll probably understand.

My favorite game ever.
Play it, don't spoil yourself, I will never be able to play it again for the first time, but you do. Good luck !

Very easily the best game I've ever played, nothing else even comes close honestly. Every time I think about it I'm continually blown away at how good it is, that a video game actually got released that's this perfect. It's a game where you explore a physics-accurate solar system, and figure out how the world works and why it is the way it is. Anything more than that is a spoiler, and spoilers are super problematic since everything is knowledge-based and interconnected. Avoid looking up anything at all costs, and if anyone tells you that's a valid way to play, you can safely dismiss anything else they have to say. Go play it ASAP

I was extremely skeptical when I heard there would be a DLC, but luckily it's also amazing, and I am once again blown away by how good it is. It could've been a standalone game, and if it was it would also be in my top 5

Base game is 15/10, DLC is probably 6 or 7 just because I'm not a fan of the stealth and lack of visibility. Playing this on next gen was a fantastic performance improvement though, particularly the DLC, and I say this as someone who doesn't care much about performance (it was really laggy before)

This is the greatest game of all time.

One of the greatest and most unique stories in the medium, told in a way only a game possibly could. PLAY IT!

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Ce jeu a grandement participé à ce pour quoi je me rappelerai longtemps de cet été 2023.
Les puzzles étaient étaient vraiment fun à faire à deux, et même gratifiants. La musique est peu présente mais marquante, parce qu'elle s'attache à des moments précis, à des accomplissements qui paraissent intimes et personnels. Chaque dialogue parait à la fois si insignifiant, pendant qu'on se surprend petit à petit à reconnaitre chaque nom, à s'attacher à ce qui leur arrive et leurs problèmes. Une mention spéciale à cette rencontre marquante avec Solanum, essayant d'accepter le sort lui étant arrivé à elle et son peuple.
Pour conclure, je dirai que j'avais besoin d'entendre ce que le jeu avait à me raconter à ce moment.

How could a game make me cry for roasting marshmallows at a campfire?
Easily one of the top 5 games I've ever played.
There is so much to talk about this game, and yet, nothing can be said, as we easily fall under spoiler territory.

The only bad thing is that you can never play it for the first time again

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The Good
- Gorgeous music
- Nice visual style
- Very engaging central mystery

The Ok
- Unpleasant stealth sections
- Some hints are a little too obtuse

The Bad
- Not much

I’ve played through around half of Outer Wilds last year, but this time I was determined to finish it. I’m glad I did, because it was honestly a lot of fun. The central concept here is fantastic; running around in a mysterious time loop is awesome, and space exploration is always fun. The planets are all extremely varied, the world building is excellent, and the entire aesthetic is extremely nice. Most of the puzzle work is satisfying, although there were a few bits that I gave up and looked for the answers online (I probably wouldn’t have ever figured out how to get to the Twin Ash Project on my own). The ending was also excellent, and fits the themes of the game excellently. Really, the only part I strongly disliked was Dark Bramble; I feel like it puts undue stress on the player and adds no fun. I actually skipped the DLC because I heard it was similar in scariness. Overall, I still really enjoyed this game.

Easily my favorite game of all time. Please go play it.