Reviews from

in the past

I found the banter in this game absolutely insufferable.

First time I opened Oxenfree I stopped after 2h, finished it the next day. And I tell you, I have troubles playing 1h or longer. It does a great job in hooking you in. Like a strong opening of a great show.

I dialog system just works so so so well and smoothly. It's crazy that no other game stole it yet. It feels like a real conversations. It flows, there's interactions, if you don't say anything it's not like everyone else is starring at you.

And the choices, the choices. Please give me more games where the choices feel so natural, and aren't a big obvious screen with two options. You're just playing, responding and at the end you find out that there actually was a choice. Just like in real life.

Story-driven games are my thing. I love narrative experiences. And this? This is so unique. It's such a good evolution of the genre. I played it years after premiere and I don't think there is another game like it!

Play it, learn from it. You'll have an amazing time.

arte linda linda historia lindos dialogos me assustei de vdd me emocionei ele fez tudo

"Venha assistir Netflix na minha casa, mulher".
~ Ela chega na casa
"Ué, mas cadê a Netflix?"
"Eu te enganei, vadia, sente imediatamente neste sofá, você vai ter a experiência da sua vida."

L'ambiannnnce, l'histroireee
Les time loop me facinent et m'effraient trop c'était pour moi

Oxenfree delivers a thrilling experience which delves into the supernatural. You start as a teenager (Alex about 17) and she is accompanied by some friends to have a good time on a remote island. Things suddenly go pear shape as you awaken an ancient spirit that can possess and disorientates you and your friends.
The theme and interaction of characters is top notch, I am always wanting to know more about these characters lives and situations to lead them to being who and why they are.
These spirits leech onto Alex's insecurities through the game and provoking unresolved issues. At this point I should add the voice acting and character interaction is what really executed the plot and brought the game together as a whole. If it wasn't for voice acting and characters, I cannot see how this game would of panned out.
I really like thrillers that also develop characters and showing a 'coming of age' undertone. Movies such as 'IT' is a prime example of this. Although a different plot, it has that common theme. I scare easily so having an emotional personal plot really brings depth making it tolerable. The art style and visual effects in the game are also breathtaking as it really immerse you in the games theme making me disorientated.
The major complaint I have on this game is the actual gameplay itself. It felt like a visual novel and walking sim, therefore the gameplay and skill is minimal. You have dialect choices constantly in the game which is great. I just wished they allowed me to select an option after a character has spoken, as the game seems to force me to choose and interrupt another characters dialogue. This can distract on the brilliant voice acting and plot which bothered me.
The game is priced well for a 4 hour adventure and if you want to see alternative endings (like me) you will give a second try to see how you choice matter in the end credits

This review contains spoilers

When I played through this the first time, I felt so compelled that I had to play it twice. Turns out, that was a good choice.

I love this game despite all it's flaws, and it's absolutely a personal favourite.

amei jogar este, ainda quero jogar o 2

This is why I prefer watching TV

Suspenso sobrenatural, adolescencia, perdida, error, temor... Oxenfree es una experiencia como pocas veces he visto en este medio.

Centrado en una narrativa que se siente como un clásico de suspenso de los 80's, la jugabilidad es fácil porque se trata de explorar y tomar decisiones a través de los diálogos. Pero, el tiempo para decidir qué decir es corto, la música tensa y sobrenatural te empuja a cometer errores y te hace arrepentirte de lo que dijiste, al igual que la vida real. Los personajes son entrañables y te encariñas tanto con ellos que de verdad te preocupa que su historia termine bien...

¿Qué final te tocará a ti?

My god, the writing...
And the characters...

Definitely a game that attracts older children or teenagers (not saying this as an offense. I just feel like I am too old for these type of games).

At times eerie and at others funny, this is a great little science fiction adventure.

A great plot, great art direction, hindered only by its annoying disney channel kid’s show dialogues. The convo route mechanism is a great idea, but fails to offer IMPORTANT or competent conversations. With cliche phrases such as “this is a thing that’s happening”, “ok, I’ll shut up now…”, “are you doing that?! Keep doing it it’s awesome!” Or the protagonist’s lukewarm reactions to her friends and step brother being possessed or dying followed by a “wow, that just happened”.

Another bad, bad thing about this game is its long ass loading screens, which I don’t quite get because this game is literally 4 hours long and it’s 2D soo…..

Altogether it’s a fun game, if anything I finished it for the awesome plot and intriguing endings.

I enjoyed Oxenfree's focus on plot, character, and dialog. Chatter between characters and the smooth implementation of interruptions and overlaps is rightfully lauded. The soup of paranormal and sci-fi that makes up the plot is intriguing enough, powered by unfolding relationship dynamics and inter-character drama. For all that it has polish and ambition, though, I came away feeling like Night School played it structurally safe. It's a little too consistent to be as interesting as it could be.

Wonderful presentation, and a very engaging story. It gets weird, and though I struggle to remember some specifics, it's got great atmosphere.

10/10 Personal love for this game more than anything

"I may have mismeasured the magic"

For a game with very simple gameplay, I enjoyed my time with Oxenfree. The story, characters, and art were enough to keep me engaged and wanting to see it through to the end. I appreciated that the choices you make in terms of dialogue actually had somewhat significant effects on character relationships and story beats, but the game is mainly just walking back and forth between locations for most of it. Thankfully, the presentation, story and characters are good enough to carry the game and make it quite enjoyable. Although I don't appreciate having to do an extra two whole playthroughs to get missing achievements...

gostei bastante dos personagens e a história é bem bacana

Came for the sp00ky looking elements, stayed for the genuinely engaging story. But the spooky elements really do the heavy lifting. The vibes put out by this game are just immaculate. And you know it's a good one when you finish and immediately start another run to get the best ending

Entertaining story with multiple endings. Characters were interesting, but felt a bit lacking. Unique mechanics with the radios.

I made probably every wrong decision on my first playthrough so I wasn't satisfied with the ending. Might come back for NG+ and see if that changes my opinion.

You know your choices matter when you feel bad about cucking your friend. tr14ngles fur r33l r33l

A pretty cool mystery-Twin-Peaks-esque adventure game. Very coherent and mostly well written, any fan of narrative games should have played it.

really ehhhh. just kinda completed this to play something, not memorable at all

All i wanted while playing this was to be oxenFree of having to play it