Reviews from

in the past

Paper Mario fans when they hate fun and whimsy:

The only game that gets worse the more you know about it. Don't waste your time.

Not a good video game, but come on, its not the worst thing ever

OH MY GOD I did not expect this game to be this low in this site at all. But yeah pretty much deserved. I remember being so disappointed at like 10 years old man how is that possible. This game is so poorly designed in almost every aspect.

Played this game as a kid, but yep it's really not great!

This game was a let down but had a good battle theme LOL

Shit is absolute ass. Give this game to the shredder

I was talking with my cousing and I told him one of my favorite games was Paper Mario, to which he responded "Oh cool I played that on 3DS, it was great" and that's why we don't speak anymore

Played this at my grandmas funeral i wonder if she would have liked the endearing story of paper mario and the sticker star

I have no idea why I collected all of those fucking stickers.

After playing TTYD, really expected this one a lot (especially with the trailers showing Paper Mario was going to come back as a real RPG), I was a kid so I still enjoyed seeing a 3D Paper Mario with some great humor on 3DS, but there was definitly a big downgrade of what this serie was.
And deleting every original story element for what once was the best RPG Nintendo ever made was probably one of the mosy ununderstandable things Nintendo has ever done.

Oh hey, it's the only Paper Mario I've ever tried playing, and it's so bad, it killed any enthusiasm I would have had for this series! At least the soundtrack is quite good...

J'ai découvert la licence par ce jeu du coup j'ai eu la déception que tout le monde à eu je l'ai même refaire 2 fois mais le système de niveau est pas ouf

I felt nothing from start to finish.

not very good but i loved it as a kid

I am most likely one of thousands of the same story. Loved older paper mario games, picked this one up and was treated to one of the most dreadful experiences of my life. Theres many MANY examples of people ripping this game to shreds (little paper based humor if you got that haha) so i wont go to into it but just good lord man how did living breathing humans manage to fucked up every single aspect of this series and for it to never really recover

This game was decent! But from this point on is definitely where I lose interest in the paper Mario series

What can I say about this game that hasn't already been said:

Never in my life have I quit because a final boss was too hard