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well it seems i'm the first first person on this sight to play this, and well…i got a refund. hoping two hours hadn't passed was the scariest part of the experience.

here it is. the first "quadruple a" game ever, ladies and gentlemen. dear lord. what does ubisoft even do?

in its current state, this is more greedy ubislop. this game is shallow, but so boring you might end up drowning in it’s shallowness anyways. plays like an awful xbox 360 arcade game, or something random i would pick out of a redbox a decade ago.

the gameplay is nothing to write home about. neither is the story for that matter. i don’t see any reason why a person would return after playing for maybe two hours with a friend.

the price tag being at a whopping $70 is a legal scam. maybe this game will shock the world and end up worthy of its "quadruple a" status…but i doubt it.

coming back to this after playing skull and bones and i think it’s time i give this game its flowers. it’s great how much you can do here…over a DECADE ago.

playing this game as a true pirate is some of the most fun the assassin’s creed series can offer you. the boarding, harpooning, plundering and upgrading are all great. of course the traditional assassin gameplay is there is you desire that as well.

the story itself is good enough. however the missions could be better, as the sheer amount of tailing hurts replayability for me. edward was a fun protagonist and for me is one of the best in the series. oh, and that little dlc with adéwalé was interesting, even if i can hardly recall much from it.

there was also that strange little multiplayer mode that was actually pretty well made. it ended up falling off due to lack of support and likely failing to make anyone want to return. (at least for me)

i seriously doubt that this will ever lose its spot in the top 3 assassin’s creed games for me. especially with what ubisoft releases nowadays.