Reviews from

in the past

Okay, Paperboy 2 took me back to mornings spent folding newspapers on my actual route... but also reminded me of how many dogs hated me back then. There's a goofy charm to it, but the game's controls feel super dated and the difficulty spikes are more frustrating than nostalgic.

Paperboy 2 (1991): Más remake que secuela, pero mejora en mucho al original. El control es bueno, hay variedad, las hitboxes funcionan en condiciones...sigue siendo un juego simple sin mucha miga más allá de molestar al vecindario y mejorar tu propia puntuación, pero mola (5,90)

I have to wonder who's actually enjoying playing Paperboy. Sure, the amount of ridiculous things going on around the neighborhood is really funny, but Are You Having Fun Playing This❓

This game made me so mad being a paperboy in real life wasn't even an option where I grew up.

nostalgic!! i used to play this on my cousin gameboy when she visited indonesia

its a fun game and fun mechanics

never ever got past the lil dirt bike rally gimmick after the first neighborhood. probably the first time i ever got like legit mad at a game too. like paperboy 2 of all games was the one to awaken the beast hahaha

The ghosts in this game legitimately made me cry and have nightmares