Reviews from

in the past

"We have DUSK at home."

The shotgun is a 50/50 crapshoot between being real nice and complete dogshit.

Momentum feels fake. No death animation of any kind. Arenas are easily cleared out before any enemy wakes up, and every enemy is the same: "Run up to you and melee."

Played this (partially) live on stream on the 15th of April (

Metal as all hell! There's a lot to love here, it's fast and hilarious and cruel and heavy. The soundtrack rips, the levels look phenomenal, the colours are perfect. Love the limited scope and the accessibility of everything - there's a set of levels and you can play through them for the score and the cred, but if you wanna just see them all, you can simply select each level from the menu. The character and enemy design is perfect, wouldn't change a single thing.

I have two main gripes that keep me from singing Penance's praises unconditionally - firstly, there doesn't seem to be a map view (which is probably intentional) and losing your bearings is frequent. If the corpses of enemies remained in place like they do in Doom this wouldn't matter, but a few of the levels require a lot of exploration to be able to parse fully and if you're not paying attention sometimes that can be troublesome.

Secondly, there isn't much grit when it comes to the feeling of everything, no feedback. Guns don't recoil, enemies have no weight, when you get hit you don't FEEL it. There's just a lot of fast-moving parts all flying around at once and none of it feels like I think it deserves to.

All of that said I really really like this, it's so much fun. It's a speedrunners DREAM, would love to see this at GDQ or something.

A fun little callback to early DOOM and Quake games. On its own it struggles to stand out, but it's still fun. The music is good, and the action flows nicely.