Reviews from

in the past

The P5 half of this game is terrible. Especially the remixes. It takes songs and mixes them into different completely unfitting genres. The gameplay is lackluster for even a rhythm game, and the music videos that accompany the songs are dull. The P3 half is largely the same, but the roster of songs are way way better. It includes music from P3s rereleases, as well as standouts like Laser Beam from Q. The main appeal is getting to see the P3 cast and environments animated with in the P5 style. Though, since we have Reload now, there's nothing much to gain from it.

Also my P4D code was already fucking used.

I am not really into persona anymore, ive had my dabble and like generic ass persona phase but I still play this one

I think that is because ive come the conclusion for a few things

1. I dont really even like persona for the story or gameplay rpg wise

2. I love the music throughout all the games

I am a huge huge huge rhythm game fan who can hardly spell the word rythm right so put two and two together, and you have what i legit think is the best persona games

Except persona 5 dancing, for some reasons that one just has like god awful remixes, its okay thou 3 has so many bangers and i will never actually play it

These rhythmic dancing games are awesome, because the music in persona games is fire, here you have additional reason to burn my dread.

This was a good spin-off game and nice to spend some time in but sometimes it did feel lack luster

The best way to play all three dancing games due to the bundles pricing. Be aware in order to play p4 dancing you must have the code for this game which isn't going to be found in many used copies

kinda shit tier money grabs of games but I can't really give it too low of a score due to the amount of hours I have on these games. also this isnt dissing p4d cause that game is actually good as hell

P3: good outside of some really really terrible remixes
P4: overall amazing, my fav soundtrack
P5: same issue with P3 but most are great

Immaculate rhythm games that not only have access to persona 3 and 5 OST but unique remixes for the game. They also have a goddamn way of life remixed. Honestly it so much better than the one for 4 due to the polish but all three titles are great.

p3d is the same, p4dan was the best version, fun but lacks that charming story mode, i hate that p4dan was digital.

(This review refers to the Dancing series as a whole)

Persona Dancing is an extremely lacking rhythm series that came from the mindset that slapping button presses in front of songs people like will somehow make a good game by default.

The charting interface used for Dancing was not optimised for controllers, making for extremely clunky charts that have zero sense of flow and can't be rhythmically complex in any way, leading to everyone's favourite chart pattern: "Some generic drumbeat that doesn't exist in the song's own notation that the charter pulled out of their ass".

In addition, despite being a dancing game, the gameplay itself is not indicative of dance in any way, there's no sense of performance or puppeteering to make the player feel like they're the one in the driver's seat, leading to an incredibly passive and derivative experience.

i bought this 3 times.....

these are literally the same game but I love them

pretty fun. I dont think I can justify getting it at full price tho. wait for the sale!

3 amazing games for a really amazing price