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A lot better than the last one but still kind of a mess

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divination séances are a pretty neat addition imo and i was satisfied by the ending.

though i really love ace attorney and would always like more, i feel that this one was a little bit too long for the story it was telling. the amount of times that they have the exact same flashback/ remembering of stuff that happened in the case less than like 30 minutes ago is staggering. i get that if you don't play for long periods of time you might completely forget some important minute details, but a lot of the time it just feels silly and i feel like at times i was like "are you serious i literally just watched this." woulda been nice if they had like a professor layton-esque recap thing at the start of a play session or something to mediate things like this, but idk how successful something like that would be.

as the series grows in size and scale with the amount of characters it introduces, espeically playable characters, it gets harder and harder to give everybody a satisfying amount of time to be furthered as a character. they definitely did apollo right, and honestly this is basically his game and the end of his arc up until this point. athena gets a little bit of time to shine in turnabout storyteller, and she did just have dual destinies before this, but i felt she was just kinda missing from the overall story in a way that phoenix and apollo weren't. also i absolutely adore maya but she is not significantly in this game, lmao. shes a defendant, and gives testimony for a little bit, but theres not really interacting with her outside of that. she doesn't show up until the third case and then doesn't return in a significant capacity until the end of the fifth. i haven't played the dlc case, turnabout time traveler yet, though, so maybe maya gets some love there.

overall, I enjoyed the game, I just wasn't as actively excited to keep playing it as I was with other games in the series.

Let's just say there's a clear reason why they kinda soft-rebooted the series with the ace attorney chronicles.

I never finished this game. I got bored in the third case and called it quits. Every bad thing about ace attorney since the end of the first trilogy coalesced into this game while GAA was singing beautiful songs in Japan only. Overreliance on gimmicks, comically overblown stakes, boring investigation sequences, bloated cast, this game really does have every criticism of ace attorney in one package. Doesn't help I was playing this on my phone, which is absolutely the worst way to play these games.

Finished the SOJ replay. Still pretty goated with the sauce top 3 games easy. Music at its zenith here the overall cases are better than DD and the new/returning character stuff is peak the main complaint would be unlike every other game the prosecutor is lame this time around. Nahyuta like peaks in the first case with some good quirks but other than and the ending he doesn't really do much outside of talking in Religious holy talk. Regarding other stuff tho. I like how tied together this game is on replay you can see so many little hints its great. Themes wise I wouldn't say its as interesting as DD but the stuff there was still good with Sucession and Inheritance. The new setting of kurain'in is so good and with some new characters being goat like Dhurk and Rayfa who is amazing. I Inevitably feel like Im selling it short like I do with most things but to boil it down its just some real fucking fun ace attorney man the sound effects, the music, the mysteries, the animations, the banter its all just so Enjoyable and Great and Ace Attorney

really good video game i like it

o melhor jogo da série desde o 3, embora tenha um fanservice perceptível ainda se sustenta bem o suficiente pra ser um sucessor digno na história do fênix

i dont understand why everybody hates this game so much

Strongest game in the series by my estimation, somewhat marred by the fact that it features my absolute least favorite prosecutor across the entire series. If I ever have to read the word "putrid" again it will be too soon.

At least Blackwell is still around. Love that guy.

It was my first Phoenix Wright game. I can see why they have a devoted fanbase, even when some of the mechanics feel either pointless or redundant.

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I’m so happy the Apollo Justice Trilogy (as Capcom is calling it) wrapped up so nicely. The last two games were fine but nothing like the peak of the original trilogy but this games final case (not including DLC) might be one of my all time favorite cases.

All the other cases ranged from good to a little bad but pretty much any case in Kura’in was fun to dissect. It’s interesting to take Phoenix and Co. and put them in a literal kangaroo court. Also the lack of focus on Athena this time around felt great since I only tolerated her in the last game and found her more annoying here sorry 😰

As for newcomers, Sahdmadhi is a fine main prosecutor, serving his purpose well, but Rayfa is the clear standout in my opinion. Her arc throughout this whole game was great to witness, and even if they were a little botched sometimes, the seances of the victims last moments was a very fun idea.

Alright but c’mon man when are Apollo and Trucy gonna find out that they’re brother and sister, the tease at the very end is literally killing me dude they have to find out soon PLEASE capcom don’t fail me now that you’re releasing the new trilogy.

fixes some of the issues with aa5 (3d models look slightly better and the color design is less of an eyesore), but introduces some VERY significant problems. the thinly veiled conservatism from aa5 turns into outright imperialism in this game, and orientalism is present in nearly every case. sad!

i think it says a lot that i do not remember 90% of this game

aa6 is a game.
the pacing is downright awful compared to previous entries (including aa5). however, i will say that the highs of aa6 are much much higher than any positives i found in aa5. which is something. i still dislike the game, but it gave me 6-2 and 6-4 which i would genuinely replay. i dislike a lot of the new characters in this game, the new location is way out there and feels way too racially charged (in naming conventions lol), and did not like the implications of the conclusion. any character included from a previous aa game has like zero development (its been years since we've seen maya in a game and they write her the exact same way!!)
wanted to murder nahyuta multiple times.

i dont know if this is fully controversial or not but i lovbe spirit of justice or let me re phrase that. i love turnabout revolution. i wont go into spoilers but to me its my second favorite just below farewell my turnabout and its mainly because of the characters and the emotions it gives you. that case is truly the best part of the game

the rest of the game is a bit of a mixed bag unfortunately. i really like the first case and the magic case but the third case (as usual) sucks. nahyuta is a boring prosecutor and most definitely the worst in the series.

turnabout storyteller can be summed up by saying
uendo toneido

overall its a mixed bag of a game but like justice for all it really comes together in that final case damn

totally get why this may not be some people's Thing ace attorney-wise but i really loved it. real talk sometimes even in my fave games of this series there's at least one case that really drags/feels like filler (i think dual destinies really suffered from having TWO cases that i wasn't super invested in, even if i thought the concluding case was strong) whereas that wasn't a problem here! even the non-plot relevant case worked because it 1) didn't outstay its welcome, 2) had some fun characters in the witness box (and from what i've read a surprisingly accurate depiction of did?) 3) gave the focus to characters who otherwise wouldn't have had much in this game. between that and trucy's case i think this did a much better job than dual destinies at juggling an increasingly large cast of characters by simply acknowledging that it COULDN'T give them all equal attention all the time but could spotlight a few for one part. though i understand that maya may be less prominent than people imagined when it was first announced she was coming back (it's a bit hard to gauge this for me 7 years on).

also i think it's fun that you get followed around a bunch by a teenage girl who hates you and insults you at every opportunity!

me encanta ema y me gusta que vayas cambiando entre el pov de phoenix y apollo. trucy es increíble y los casos están guays aunque no son apenas memorables in my opinion

Why would you market your game as the return of Maya Fey when shes in it for 20 minutes

This is my favorite Ace Attorney game. I don't think it's the best, or the most coherent, but it's my favorite. I really like the idea of trying to use logic with something that's completely illogical (this is why I liked the trials in Layton vs. Wright since you had to make fucking magic make sense), so I really enjoyed the new trial mechanics. Also even if she isn't used that much, grown up Maya is really cute. Like really, really cute.

I will start by saying that I enjoyed this one a bit more OVERALL than the previous game in the series, Dual Destinies. Spirit of Justice successfully provided a more complete Ace Attorney package than Dual Destinies had. Despite this, it still comes nowhere near the quality and intrigue of the first four games in the series.

The story in Kurain is a lot more intriguing than the strange story that was all over the place in Dual Destinies. However, a lot of Spirit of Justice, especially as it pertains to Apollo, seems like it was just shoehorned in to move the plot along. The final case is fine, but in my opinion the weakest of any of the mainline games. Perhaps playing this series for six games now has made me numb to the twists and turns that the team loves to employ, but every final case so far has without fail made me gasp audibly at some of the twists, until this one. Spirit of Justice is solid in execution, but fails to bring any phenomenal ideas to the mix. Even the Divination Seance, which I loved, failed to make the game any more interesting than a four-star rating.

spirit of justice is probably the most hit or miss game in the series imo. like every single trial is either some of the best that AA has to offer (magical turnabout and turnabout revolution are two of the best trials in the entire series) or some of the most fuckin bland and worthless. i swear to god the only reason turnabout storyteller is a thing was because they forgot athena existed and had to whip up fuckin Turnabout Girlboss in like 15 minutes to shoehorn her in.

i have mixed feelings toward the seance scenes, like they're cool conceptually but are kind of a slog. not as bad as the other gimmicky shit they've added in the past though. and i never really liked how aggressively and half-heartedly they tried to retcon apollo's entire backstory - both here and with dual destinies they were just trying their hardest to keep tacking shit onto him to make him Not Just A Phoenix Clone. the ending was satisfying enough for me to be like. sure, apollo has lived the most fucking insane life in history and finally has some closure, so i guess that's not too big of an issue all things considered.

i don't hate this game at all, though. not in the slightest. sure, the third trial was super boring and the DLC trial isn't even worth mentioning, but. maybe it's just magical/revolution that carry this shit for me. idk how popular of an opinion that is but goddamn those trials were fun as hell. plus manov mistree is kinda hot

Literalmente o motivo na qual Apollo Justice é o meu personagem favorito.

very good, i don't think it's quite as good as dual destinies for me, but the new seance feature makes for some extremely clever plot points, overall plot is a bit lackluster tho to me

Good ending of second trilogy, but with issues.
New mechanic added to this game, seances, are really strange. I never completed them on first try.

Also new prosecutor added in this game is boring and very annoying. Other than this we are getting more background of our old characters and cases still can be shocking and very interesting.

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Ok, hear me out. The main prosecutor is in my opinion the weakest of the Ace Attorney saga up to this point and that brings this game down a lot, yes. The plot doesn't tie up particularly epically and it doesn't pick up pretty much any plot points from previous games. But:
- Seeing the last minutes before death is a cool mechanic
- It's cute to see Maya back! And you get to play a whole case alongside Edgeworth after practically not seeing him interact with Phoenix for years!
- Apollo's backstory here I actually love. Very cute.
- Getting to play AGAINST phoenix is just an inspired idea. It's incredible how not getting to read his inner dialogue makes you realise how actually competent he would seem to everyone else. It's the closest thing the saga has to a boss fight!

I genuinely think this game gets more flack than it deserves and yes, it's not the same as the original trilogy. Saying this is part of a AJ trilogy IS pretty stupid, and AA4 would feel more like a good trilogy finale than this one (obviously the timeline would make no sense, just in terms of overall + final case quality when compared to the OG trilogy and the DGS duology). It definitely is more about apollo than AA:DD, at the very least. All of that said, I think fans of the series and even newcomers can enjoy this title, and I look forward to whatever is next to come from the saga, especially after DGS2 got finally localised.

It's an improvement from Dual Destinies, especially in its pacing, but Athena is still just there with no real purpose and the game mostly fails to capture the charm of the original trilogy.

anyone who says dual destinies is worse is a fucking liar lmfao this is like bottom tier garbage

A big step up from Dual Destinies, but still ranks below the first four games. The sprites are significantly better (still not a fan of Edgeworth’s) and 3D is utilized in a lot more clever way (this game has the best breakdowns in the series imo), none of the cases are outright bad like 5-2 was, the soundtrack has this cool Spyro kinda vibe. Most of the introduced characters (e.g. Dhurke, Rayfa, Datz) are enjoyable.

The biggest negative is Nahyuta, who is by far the worst prosecutor in the series, the only one I outright dislike. We’re told by other characters how nice he is, how great of a kid he was, but this doesn’t really matter when he’s a massive dick 95% of the game, even in the Japanifornia cases. And not even a dick in a funny way like Godot or von Karma. The bizarre thing is it’s almost like the game recognizes how weak he is, since he’s barely given lines in the last case and is completely absent from the DLC case.

Une bonne conclusion à la saga avec des affaires parmis les plus cool de la licence. La nouvelle mécanique apportée dans les procès est intéressante mais c'est le seul ajout malheureusement.