Reviews from

in the past

love me a game that puts me at a desk and doesnt give me any pointers on what to do. kinda wish i tried to figure this whole game out without a walkthrough, but alas, i was weak and gave in. really fun puzzler

I play the version

I've got to start compiling a guide to the complex Stanley Parable Expanded Universe. The rabbit-hole is endless.

You need to touch things to beat the game. 0/10 misleading title.

Engraçadinho, joguei quando tinha 12 anos.(não vou rejogar nem fudendo)


é legalzinho no início mas depois vai ficando complexo demais
n tem como fazer sem dica
eu duvido que alguém tenha completado 100% desse game sozinho
foda que vc fecha o game num dia e se vc abre num outro dia vc esquece metade do que vc fez e acaba repetindo os finais

2015'ten geliyorum, Orkun Işıtmak videolarından sonra bu oyunu ben de denemeye karar vedim, oyunun bulmacalarını çözmeye çalışmak keyifliydi, ama hepsini bulmaya uğraşır mıyım sanmıyorum. Belki bir gün tüm başarımları yapmaya çalışırım. Oyun, eğlenceliyle, eğlenme taklidi yapma kiti arasından ufak bir sınırı geçmesiyle eğlenceli hale gelmiş, oyun hakkında çok anlatacak bir şeyim yok. Yaşasın Arstotzka!

Maybe you also imagined the surprisingly common "Parkour Guy" as a kid. When you were safe and warm in the back seat of the car, gazing out the window, He would run parallel, hopping and vaulting over buildings, trees, cars or any other obstacle your sugar-addled mind would deem "Cool to jump on". Please, Don't Touch Anything evoked those fierce sparks of imagination only present in a child.

On launching the game, you're asked by a buddy to guard this Big Red Button while they take a leak. Its pushable face leers up at you. An agreement is made between you and the game; you will push this button. A corkboard of clues later, you’re scratching your head at a The Room-style panel of paranoia. The entire board cleverly funnels you into progress. There is no fail state. You’re given all the time in the world to figure out codes and symbols that let you achieve one of many endings, some so complex I wistfully yearned to find a playground and discuss the game with friends rather than look up hints on the internet, like the goblin that I am.

A few puzzles were unfair, boring or tedious, sometimes all three, but all in all, this game really charmed me and I’m shocked it isn’t more respected, at the very least for its perfect, time-capsule depiction of daydreaming at your school desk.

A really enjoyable puzzle experience with enough endings to justify its price. Some of the puzzles are hilariously complex and the endings are really cool as well. I also liked seeing the stanley parable and papers please references. Its currently on sale on steam id 100% recommend it if you are a fan of puzzle games.

This review contains spoilers

spoiler : faut touché le bouton

funny little game about destroying the entire fucking world and other goofy outcomes

An interesting puzzle game in which you play the role of a power plant operator. The game features different apocalyptic endings and is short, weird, and challenging (had to look up a couple of the solutions). Sprite artwork is very good.

Something that I am very neutral towards is the fact that this game seems to have changed some of the solutions for its puzzles between versions, since its been released on multiple platforms in a variety of ways. It made looking up the solutions both annoying and sort of a puzzle in and of itself. I totally get why they did it, though, to sort of give replay value.

I played the very limited web browser version, and even with openly looking for solutions, I missed 3 of the endings. And honestly, some of the novelty is lost after a while, at least for me. It's probably also related to the fact that I didn't have a whole lot of time to sit down and play this AND a lot of the solutions I was given online were just wrong for the version I was playing. So, maybe someday, if I actually buy this on Steam, I'll give it more of my time.

I love this, it's a lot of fun even if you might eed a walkthrough to get all endings, I don't mind :3

Pretty fun puzzle game overall. Has a neat premise and a lot of the endings are fun to get! Good time waster for a few hours

As vezes da um medinho de um jogo q é sobre um botão vermelho.

Clever. A very fun, very witty puzzle game with a lot of interesting routes to choose and the fun twist of adding puzzles with multiple ways to solve. All wrapped up in a tasty little retro art style and it's a very fun little play. Would recommend.

garbage boring bitch ass game, waste of money

I fail to see the appeal. You try out different things, resolve puzzles, and your reward after all that work is seeing how a random city gets destroyed in a 3-second cutscene or your screen turns off.


Maybe I cheated myself out of the "experience" for figuring out all the endings to this point-and-click puzzler for myself but, at the same time, I don't really have the time nor patience for it. Anyway, it was a fun little thing.

Unique puzzle game all about noticing details, clicking everything and hunting for secrets. You're unlikely to complete the game without help, so it's one of those game where relying on community knowledge is encouraged once you've become stuck.

Neat puzzle-solving game, has a really chill vibe. Only complaint is that some puzzles are really really convoluted and you may just end up searching it online.

man you gotta click that number thing a lot

Very fun and unique game, puzzle games aren't my thing though.