Reviews from

in the past

Still don't like how there's not gym battles, but the post game is fire!!!

Though people dislike it becaues it honeslty shouldnt have been a full release, i still think it made sun and moon a significantly better game and i really loved it

When it comes to classic Pokemon games, the main appeal of the "Third title" is supposed to be the amount of quality improvements and new content added to already solid experiences: Emerald, Crystal, Platinum, Black2, White2... all of them are able to completely outshine their respective predecessors by adding more content, fixing the unbalanced progression, and in the case of B2W2 straight up just being a sequel that expands it's region in any possible way.

Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon presents a phenomenal premise: this is an alternate universe of Alola, so the events of Sun & Moon may be completely different for what we experienced before: imagine, maybe now a completely different sets of challenge, maybe with a different order on the trials, or even a different exploration of the region, with new interesting characters and setting, and maybe a new take on the story.
Even the trailers showcased an amazing premise of "Exploring the Ultra-megalopolis", a ultradimentional metropolis connected to various worlds and stories.... bad it does NOTHING like that.

These games are just SUn&Moon again, but desaturated of a lot of things you experienced before and the same flaws of the past titles. The game is still filled with useless tutorials and unskippable uninteresting dialogues tha tmakes half of the experience a slugfest.

The order of the various challenges you face is the exact same, and now they more feel like actually finished but still mediocre challenges compared to what they had in Sun&Moon.

Ad the story is almost the freaking same: I feel like the whole point of an "alternate reality" is to see difference facades that adds more depths to the story and characters you encounter... instead, we got a narrative where they repeat most of the things, some idiotic and uninteresting alien OC got added just to break up the peace even more, and interesting character like Lusamine or Guzma has some of its appealing traits removed and turn to be much less interesting.

But don't worry, at leas tthe ultramegalopolis is here to add content-IT'S JUST A CORRIDOR! A corridor that lead to a mediocre boss fight and that's it

The only slightly interesting thing the game does is the addition of the Rainbow Rocket and the ability to challenge the older villains of the series... but also it doesn't elaborate much on the concept, leading to a quick experience that does little to nothing, and instead adds more dumb questions tregarding the whole multiple universes concept the games want so bad to add.

Despite their flaws, the pokemon games have a formula that still works and are able to turn enjoyable even if they are attached to an unfinished and unpolished product. But considering that this one is not only that, but a straight up lie sols as a new experience, this game just hurt my passion for the franchise.

I consider USUM to be the worst pokemon games ever released, and it's not even close. Play regular Sun & Moon instead, if you really have to.

não é aquilo tudo mas eu curti, não entendo exatamente o bate que toma

They tried to do something different, and even though I prefer the gym system, I like the different experience it brought. The story is pretty interesting and I like the Alola region, even if certain roads would have been better if less linear. Overall a solid game imo.

amazing visuals, amazing sound design, perfect difficulty, stellar character and pokemon design, gorgeous atmosphere, and one of the best stories in the franchise, together with ultra moon one of the best games in the pokemon series and potentially ever

This is my personal favorite pokemon game, unpopular opinion but it's just what I think.

Direct downgrade from the previous entries but still pretty good. Also, it's proof that pokemon can make their games hard.

La segunda mejor región, es preciosa y la Pokedex encaja perfectamente con el entorno. Se separó un poco de lo convencional y en mi opinión no lo hicieron mal, aunque falta algún combate más, pero es un gran juego.

Zerei com 40 horas e achei muito melhor do que eu esperava. Não é um primor técnico, o level design é muitas vezes insultante. A última ilha principal do jogo é um CORREDOR com 3 sub divisões que exigem algum pré requisito para serem explorados, é ESTRANHO.
Os Z-Move, na minha gameplay, foram bem inúteis. Eu realmente gostei de usar no inicio do jogo, usei por algumas horinhas e rapidamente os deixei de lado por não mudar muita coisa e ocuparem um espaço de item que meus pokemons poderiam usar para segurar algo que me desse mais dinheiro ou mais dano, por conseguinte, se tornando uma das gimmicks mais... chatinhas da franquia, do que eu joguei até agora.
No mais, amei o jogo. É realmente, honestamente, muito divertido explorar a ilha, sendo minha primeira experiência em um pokémon 3d tradicional da franquia (meu primeiro 3d foi o legend arceus), me diverti bastante e tive uma carga extra por ser meu primeiro pokémon que não foi rodado em emulador, mas no 3ds.
Inclusive, meu 3ds é desbloqueado e com 35 horas de jogo meu jogo simplesmente decidiu PARAR de funcionar, então tive que migrar pro Citra e continuar jogando lá.

Queria reservar esse pequeno espaço pra dizer, também, que esse jogo me ajudou a dar uma reduzida na velocidade dos meus jogos. Pessoalmente gosto muito de jogar RPGs, mas utilizava de muito Fast Forward para agilizar a gameplay.
Quando joguei Suikoden V, senti que isso piorava minha experiência com o jogo em diversos momentos, fazendo com que eu estivesse muito acostumado a fazer as coisas rápido demais, mas a elevada taxa de encontros fez com que fosse quase que inviável jogar na velocidade normal.
Pokémon Ultra Sun, por outro lado, me fez gostar mais do ritmo mais lento da franquia. Óbvio que desativando as animações de golpes e ficando irritado com a quantidade de tempo que leva pra entrar em um combate ou para fechar todas as telas de: dar nome pro pokémon, ver o registro na pokédex, enviar para o pc (essa última podendo ser desativada nas configurações).

Recomendo, não deixe quererem taxar um jogo de ruim e injogavel, todo jogo tem seu valor e, normalmente, merece ao menos a chance de falhar, mesmo sendo o produto mais rentável da história e sub-aproveitado, é divertido.

Alola is a fun region but Z moves aren't it. Oddly enough my favourite mechanic was giving my pokemon beans to make them happy, healthy and strong. Solgaleo was a nice Legendary and the arc you go through to get them is very narratively fullfilling but they tried to change the formula and it missed most it's marks.

O jogo te obriga a usar um Pokemon do tipo Fada, sendo mais específico, o bosta do Mimikyu, isso claro se você não quiser passar raiva contra o Ultra Necrozma no final do jogo que o bixo basicamente te dá um softlock se você não tiver um Mimikyu pra moer ele na porrada, tive que fazer uma mega estratégia pra matar esse boss e ainda perdi o save na Elite four (eu tinha um Jolteon com 6 IVs perfeitos, doeu na alma perder o save), pra mim eu zerei essa bosta e nem tão cedo eu vou tentar jogar denovo pra poder falar que realmente zerei, vai se foder GameFreak o jogo demora uma vida pra fazer tudo, é lento do início ao fim, e você ainda faz um boss que dá softlock em você, sua desgraçada.

Sacrificed story for content, sad that the content was poor, missed potential but still enjoyable

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Fixes problems I have with the original Sun+Moon while also holding some of its old flaws, First Island into half of the second island is a slog, VERY linear at some points basically moving from one island challenge to the next with 1 route inbetween.

The story is a lot better in my opinion with lots of additional dialogue and story beats to fully flesh out the characters a lot better than the originals. Totem Pokemon are super BS since they're designed as raidbosses, and Ultra Necrozma is uhhh.

Overall I think I enjoyed it and appreciate this Gen a lot more now because of these Enhancements, a shame I tried to play this back to back after the original all those years ago, the drive to replay was completely destroyed for years. Now that I have finished, Gen 7 is one of the better generations IMO from the uniqueness of everything.

Esse jogo é muito foda. Último jogo bom da Gamefreak.

I give this gen ALOT of shit, but looking back this game is not so bad. framerate really needs work though.

Most mid sequel ever, basicllay sun and moon if it had a dlc. Cant justify selling this as a separate game

Otima variação de Sun/Moon, se tu busca rever a historia de uma forma diferente. Vale muito a pena. Sim, nao tenho oq escrever de diverente, ja que sao mesmo game.

This game is bad. It constantly stops to hold your hand and give dialogue. This is not inherently an issue, but it is in this case because of how boring the plot and characters are. Additionally, the Z-Moves are not a good gimmick and the only strategy it adds is "which Pokémon on the other team do I want to one shot". The totem Pokémon provide an unfair challenge, and are only hard because they are faster and one shot your entire team unless you overlevel.

El último gran juego de pokémon, no leo lloros

it is just an updated version of sun but its great

i don't remember much but i think this was the one where you could give beans to your pokemon and that was hella fun