Reviews from

in the past

The Ultra Necromza fight genuinely owns, but there's not enough differences to make it feel like you're playing a new game; it's basically the same but with slightly more endgame and massively undermining the plot of the original Sun/Moon game. Unfortunately set the tone for Sword and Shield to follow.

I'll say it over and over again, Gen 7 is the best mainline entry in the series by a mile. Full with content and desperately needed formula changes and the most enjoyable setting to date in Alola. And it's sad that gamefreak would regress so hard in SWSH, but what can be done. Gen 7 and gen 5 for life.

When it comes to classic Pokemon games, the main appeal of the "Third title" is supposed to be the amount of quality improvements and new content added to already solid experiences: Emerald, Crystal, Platinum, Black2, White2... all of them are able to completely outshine their respective predecessors by adding more content, fixing the unbalanced progression, and in the case of B2W2 straight up just being a sequel that expands it's region in any possible way.

Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon presents a phenomenal premise: this is an alternate universe of Alola, so the events of Sun & Moon may be completely different for what we experienced before: imagine, maybe now a completely different sets of challenge, maybe with a different order on the trials, or even a different exploration of the region, with new interesting characters and setting, and maybe a new take on the story.
Even the trailers showcased an amazing premise of "Exploring the Ultra-megalopolis", a ultradimentional metropolis connected to various worlds and stories.... bad it does NOTHING like that.

These games are just SUn&Moon again, but desaturated of a lot of things you experienced before and the same flaws of the past titles. The game is still filled with useless tutorials and unskippable uninteresting dialogues tha tmakes half of the experience a slugfest.

The order of the various challenges you face is the exact same, and now they more feel like actually finished but still mediocre challenges compared to what they had in Sun&Moon.

Ad the story is almost the freaking same: I feel like the whole point of an "alternate reality" is to see difference facades that adds more depths to the story and characters you encounter... instead, we got a narrative where they repeat most of the things, some idiotic and uninteresting alien OC got added just to break up the peace even more, and interesting character like Lusamine or Guzma has some of its appealing traits removed and turn to be much less interesting.

But don't worry, at leas tthe ultramegalopolis is here to add content-IT'S JUST A CORRIDOR! A corridor that lead to a mediocre boss fight and that's it

The only slightly interesting thing the game does is the addition of the Rainbow Rocket and the ability to challenge the older villains of the series... but also it doesn't elaborate much on the concept, leading to a quick experience that does little to nothing, and instead adds more dumb questions tregarding the whole multiple universes concept the games want so bad to add.

Despite their flaws, the pokemon games have a formula that still works and are able to turn enjoyable even if they are attached to an unfinished and unpolished product. But considering that this one is not only that, but a straight up lie sols as a new experience, this game just hurt my passion for the franchise.

I consider USUM to be the worst pokemon games ever released, and it's not even close. Play regular Sun & Moon instead, if you really have to.

This is my favorite Pokémon game by far, I can always come back for a nuzlocke or a challenge run, and the music is amazing especially the battle music

This is a really beautiful game that pushes the 3DS' hardware to its limits and bring some welcome changes like getting rid of minor annoyances such as the double confirmation required to learn any new move. I also really like the new Pokémon designs, like Rockruff, Mudsdale and the introduction of Region Forms. It is great that HMs are finally gone, too. Gone are the times where you need to catch an HM slave so that you can progress in the game.

Nonetheless, the graphical and QoL improvements are not enough to make a good game, unfortunately. The trial systems, while harboring good intentions, are not as iconic as the gym battles, and they don't actually serve as good pacing tools like gyms do. This game's story drags and drags a LOT, and most of the time I felt that it wasn't even about the MC: you're just watching the story of Lillie and her family while battling some dudes and Pokémon here and there. The environments lack variety, mostly relying on grassy plains, cave variations and rocky/sandy beaches. The new gimmick, Z Moves, is a fun new addition with new, amazing animation sequences... that is, if you can handle seeing unskippable cutscenes every time you use them (trust me, they get boring after a couple times).

It is also clear that Game Freak was getting used to a new way of making the level design of Pokémon, different from the top down-ish pattern of the 2D games and XY, which despite being 3D games also followed it. The world is now fully designed with full 3D movement in mind, removing the "blocky" movement from the previous 8-direction limited generation. Movement is great in Ultra Sun, but the level design doesn't follow it quite yet, as the developers did not figure how to translate the route-to-route progress quite that well yet to this new dynamic.

TL;DR - Beautiful game that drags and really shouldn't be telling the kind of story it tells; many long requested QoL improvements accompanied by poor map/level design, frame drops, and interesting but problematic inclusions such as Z Moves and the Trial system.


Esse jogo aborda uma das gerações que eu mais gosto de pokemon. Amei o anime do Sun e Moon que assisti inteiro várias vezes. Quando descobri sobre esse jogo corri para jogar e aproveitar, pois estava super animado. Adorei o jogo, super divertido e encantador. Adoro o estilo do jogo e de como foi feito. Me diverti muito do inicio ao fim. Super recomendo jogarem essa maravilha!

Can't speak to the quality of the original Pokemon Sun, but I personally quite like Ultra Sun. I think it's due to a variety of factors, like better characters than most Pokemon games, the fun setting of Alola, great Pokemon designs, and finally getting rid of HMs. Admittedly, it might have the worst pacing of any Pokemon game, but I'd rather take this game's slowness instead of how barebones Pokemon Y was any day.
My team: Decidueye, Vikavolt, Mudsdale, Golisopod, Bewear, and Alolan Muk

not different enough from the original to rate it higher, but still a very fun experience ♡

[Ref Played 2017] This game is what I consider the beginning of the major decline in quality of Pokémon games, a full-price rehash of a recent game with minimal changes isn't what anybody wanted


long cutscene this, easy game that, nah, this game is peak pokemon, yall need to hop on gen 7 for the goat it is

It's sun with a worse story but a significantly better difficulty curve and much more interesting fights

Definitely my favorite Pokémon game as of typing this review. There is a ton of content and the region of Alola is a beautiful region. Mantine surfing and the Ultra Warp ride were fun experiences. Rainbow Rocket was also a great post game story that was really fun to playthrough. My only complaint with this game is that the first hour or so is an absolute slog to get through.

Zerei com 40 horas e achei muito melhor do que eu esperava. Não é um primor técnico, o level design é muitas vezes insultante. A última ilha principal do jogo é um CORREDOR com 3 sub divisões que exigem algum pré requisito para serem explorados, é ESTRANHO.
Os Z-Move, na minha gameplay, foram bem inúteis. Eu realmente gostei de usar no inicio do jogo, usei por algumas horinhas e rapidamente os deixei de lado por não mudar muita coisa e ocuparem um espaço de item que meus pokemons poderiam usar para segurar algo que me desse mais dinheiro ou mais dano, por conseguinte, se tornando uma das gimmicks mais... chatinhas da franquia, do que eu joguei até agora.
No mais, amei o jogo. É realmente, honestamente, muito divertido explorar a ilha, sendo minha primeira experiência em um pokémon 3d tradicional da franquia (meu primeiro 3d foi o legend arceus), me diverti bastante e tive uma carga extra por ser meu primeiro pokémon que não foi rodado em emulador, mas no 3ds.
Inclusive, meu 3ds é desbloqueado e com 35 horas de jogo meu jogo simplesmente decidiu PARAR de funcionar, então tive que migrar pro Citra e continuar jogando lá.

Queria reservar esse pequeno espaço pra dizer, também, que esse jogo me ajudou a dar uma reduzida na velocidade dos meus jogos. Pessoalmente gosto muito de jogar RPGs, mas utilizava de muito Fast Forward para agilizar a gameplay.
Quando joguei Suikoden V, senti que isso piorava minha experiência com o jogo em diversos momentos, fazendo com que eu estivesse muito acostumado a fazer as coisas rápido demais, mas a elevada taxa de encontros fez com que fosse quase que inviável jogar na velocidade normal.
Pokémon Ultra Sun, por outro lado, me fez gostar mais do ritmo mais lento da franquia. Óbvio que desativando as animações de golpes e ficando irritado com a quantidade de tempo que leva pra entrar em um combate ou para fechar todas as telas de: dar nome pro pokémon, ver o registro na pokédex, enviar para o pc (essa última podendo ser desativada nas configurações).

Recomendo, não deixe quererem taxar um jogo de ruim e injogavel, todo jogo tem seu valor e, normalmente, merece ao menos a chance de falhar, mesmo sendo o produto mais rentável da história e sub-aproveitado, é divertido.

It gave Toxapex Knock Off.

Sure, the story was made worse, Ultra Necrozma is a dumb difficulty spike, and I don't like the battle themes as much compared to the original, but does that really matter in the cosmic sense?

Meanwhile, this game's essence is present whenever that stupid starfish takes whatever item your Pokemon actually needed off its hands. And that will outlive anything else this mediocre retread of gen 7 has to offer.

Great for shiny hunting, though.

No começo até é bem divertido e os iniciais por minha parte também são bons. Eu curto bastante a região de Alola em si, e as variações dele são bem maneiras. Mas os jogos em si de alola todo mundo sabe que a opinião é bem dividida, em questão de gameplay é igual mas os gráficos são em 3D que na época eram modelos relativamente recentes ( diferente dos jogos de 2018 pra cá).
Já a história não é tão boa quanto os jogos da era DS que pra mim são as melhores

My experience with generation 7 and Alola has always been negative. I was never a fan of Sun/Moon, Alola, Z-moves, the cast and so much more. I felt it was always the "weird" entry that just didn't belong in the franchise.

So, in the vein of giving things a second chance I decided to finally play and finish the only Pokemon game I had not touched. To my surprise I enjoyed this game a lot. I'm unsure if its the passage of time or just a difference in how I play games but Ultra Sun was a lot of fun. I still have some grievances with it. I was not a fan of how much the performance of this game lacked, it made the journey really unappealing. I felt a majority of the routes and towns were unmemorable. Of note, the only routes I felt were "good" are Vast Poni Canyon and Mount Lanakila. Totem Pokemon felt unfair and while the difficulty was nice, I think the game should have done more mechanically to make each encounter satisfying. I was also not a fan of Z-moves, I don't think that will ever change.

On the other hand, I absolutely adored the cast. I felt this game had a strong cast overall, from Hau to Gladion to Lillie, it genuinely felt like each character had purpose. I was a big fan of their respective character arcs. I really enjoyed the region with this game. Alola has a big overarching theme of connection and I really did come to understand that through Ultra Sun. I think the OST was really strong and had some great tracks throughout. And ultimately, the second half of this game (after the Sophocles trial) was really well done. In fact, I feel that Ultra Sun is at its best when it isn't following the conventional 8 gym/trials formula. The game stepped away from this structure shortly after Acerola's trial and I was much more enthralled with the overall journey. Of course, I would be remiss not to mention all of the references and returning characters within Alola. Keeping true to the theme of "connection" there are a lot of familiar faces and references to other regions. In many ways, this game feels like a celebration of this franchise's history and I enjoyed this aspect a lot.

I will admit, this playthrough really did warm me up to generation 7 and can confidently say it's a comfy game. I don't think it's THE BEST but it's a game I will look back on fondly.

It lets me fight Hiker David a second time. TOP TIER POKEMON

I played this once, and then never again. It's just the same game, exactly the same. I refuse to play anymore just to see the new content at the end, I already struggled enough with Sun.

An updated port that adds basically nothing relevant save for a somewhat fun postgame and making the opening hours less painful. The best way to play gen 7, but gen 7 is mid as hell anyway

such missed potential to expand on sun. literally a cash grab. doesnt mean i didnt have fun though

While I played solely Pokemon Ultra Sun, with the nature of how Pokemon games are, and my history with them, I think it fair for this to be a review of both Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. With that in mind, my feelings of these games are conflicting. While I absolutely loved the experience of playing these games, I also continuously questioned why these games exist, and whether or not they should. I’ll further explain why later on in the review, but the game’s changes from Sun and Moon just don’t feel substantial enough for me to say it’s any better, in fact, there’s a certain, major aspect of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon that’s ultimately worse.
Now, I didn’t hate playing Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. In fact, much like the original Sun and Moon, these games are super fun and refreshing. But that’s also when the game isn’t interrupting you. This is mainly an issue on the first island of the game, but there were so many interruptions that just kept breaking the flow of the game. It’s important to give the player tutorials, which is what the purpose of the first island is, but too much and too often just ends up being frustrating. It gives the player little time to breathe, especially for someone like me, who has beaten this game multiple times before. After beating the first island though, it really relaxes on this, and you’re more left to your own devices which is so nice, but it’s just hard to ignore the interruptions of the first island.
And the trials are still just as good. Though I’m gonna be honest here, a lot of them are about the same overall, and I can only remember one trial actually changing. One of the big changes as well is that certain totem Pokemon change as well, though only 3 totem Pokemon change, leaving the other 4 exactly the same. On top of this, the game adds one final trial near the end of the game, and it acts as a sort of remembrance of every trial you faced prior which is really nice. Seeing all these people you met along your journey as its soon to meet its end is a really nice touch, and I’m glad it was added to these games.
And one thing I can definitely give to Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon is the increase in difficulty. While practically every Pokemon game is easy if you know what you’re doing, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are some of the harder Pokemon games, and I really like that. Most of the difficulty came from the Titans themselves. They start the battle with certain stat boosts, sometimes all of their stats are raised, like Totem Mimikyu. On the other hand, they can summon Pokemon that can make your battle harder, like how Totem Lurantis can summon Comfey, a Pokemon that can heal allies. Of course, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon have one of the hardest boss fights in all of Pokemon, but part of me feels like it’s a bit too hard at the same time. What I mean by that is that it’s a boss with ridiculously high stats, higher than any other Pokemon at the time, and all of its stats are boosted by one. While it makes for a difficult battle, it also at the same time just feels like a bit of overkill. I was lucky enough to beat on my first try though, thanks to Toxic damage, and using a lot of revives. It provided for a really tense battle, especially since I was only able to get the Toxic to hit thanks to a Quick Claw activation. Of course my team probably wasn’t the best. My team was an Incineroar, Ribombee, Lurantis, Toxapex, Pallosand, and Kommo-o. One of the big challenges I had was definitely with flying types, which made certain late game battles really difficult, but really fun at the same time.
Now, I want to get into why my conflicting feelings with Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon exist. Particularly, even though I had a lot of fun with these games, why do I feel at the same time, that they shouldn’t exist? I think it’s ultimately due to how very little the game changes from Sun and Moon. Aside from a couple Totem Pokemon changing, alongside the addition of (I believe) 100 pokemon, there’s very little that changes in the general flow of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon until the final parts of the game. Compared to other third versions of Pokemon games, Emerald changes up every Gym Team, and takes you to new locations such as the Magma Base. Crystal noticeably remixes the encounter table, while changing the story to be more about Suicune. Yellow incorporates a Pikachu that follows you, which changing major teams, such as the rival and the elite four. Platinum changes the flow of gyms, gives gym leaders new teams, and changes the entire look of the Sinnoh region. And of course, Black 2 and White 2 are just entirely different games, just occurring in Unova. The changes in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are so little, and with how this is a set of 2 games, instead of just 1, it feels even worse. The story itself is actively worse than Sun and Moon. It mainly ruins an entire character, who was one of the best villains in the entire series, but for some reason they tried to give her some sort of redemption arc in this game which just feels wrong. What made her such a good character was how irredeemable she was, and I just find it somewhat unfortunate. I think my issues here with Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon would be lessened if it was only one game, the fact that this is a dual set of games makes the lack of change more apparent to me.
I don’t hate Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, in fact I really enjoyed my time playing through Ultra Sun again. I finally got around to trying out an Incineroar for the first time, and the challenge of this game is something very few other Pokemon games replicate. But with a weaker story compared to the original, and very little changes to the general flow of the game, I just find that I’d rather play the original Sun and Moon instead. I’ll definitely revisit these from time to time though, because there is an appeal to the difficulty of these games. However at the same time, I still see myself more likely playing the original Sun and Moon games.

one of the better games in the series

Pokemon Ultra Sun is the absolute worst Pokemon game. A bad game not only by Pokemon standards, but by game standards in general. The entire game is a tutorial until the end, not exaggerating. I've never played a game that holds your hand as much as this and completely prevents the player from exploring. What's the point of playing an RPG that restricts the player solely to the main storyline?? Just a complete lack of depth, not only in story or character development, but in gameplay and every other aspect. Such a shame because I'm a huge fan of the unique Hawaiian-inspired Alolan region. Some of its exclusive regional pokemon are pretty cool too. I got to the elite four and, without ever battling them, abandoned the game out of spite. I have never been so disappointed with a game.

took the first one and added any features you really couldve asked for. story wasnt as good as the original in my opinion. rainbow rocket was pretty cool tho

it's actually not that bad. Having megas and Z moves in one game was pretty nice. I used to play it on long car rides before i got my switch

how do you actively make the story worse while keeping almost the entirely same beats? instead of lillie standing up to an abusive figure in her life.... lusamine just gets arbitrarily thwarted by ultra necrozma, who is the most unbalanced fight in the series. i fucking hate rotomdex in this, it never shuts the fuck up and literally introduces all of its lines with "here's advice you didn't ask for!!!". shut up you fucking piece of plastic. the only reason to buy this game is for dusk lycanroc. everything else is either in the original, a downgrade, or unnecessary fluff that doesn't justify a new game.