Reviews from

in the past

The first Postal is a game that I feel is underrated in regards to what it accomplishes. What it accomplishes is a harrowing and unsettling atmosphere where the levels lack music, leaving the only sounds for the player to hear being the screams of those they've slain echoing through the wind and the sounds of their weapons.

When music does appear, it's all very droning and is paired with loading screens that feature grotesque artwork. The dude makes comments like in the other games but he's quite a bit more sadistic and uncaring in this game compared to later ones (and might not even be the dude himself if the file names tell us anything)

No hate to the later games intended but the first one is it's own beast, decidedly more horror in nature and less dark comedy.

More a mood piece than a functional video game and just a really strange example of something with such repetitive shooting gameplay yet the atmosphere and the storytelling and just the sort of feelings conveyed with it definitely compelled me. What's so interesting is how staggeringly different this is from Postal 2 both in terms of their interactivity (this is literally just shoot people to complete the level.) and also in terms of their tones where this one favours way more of this dark, angsty tone and seems to favour psychological horror above black comedy. This game's relationship with horror is the same as Postal 2's relationship with black comedy is and vice versa - like this starts off with Se7en esque title sequences and noisy industrial music just exuding dread. Some of the Postal Dude's quips and some parts of the game definitely do have understated dark humour behind it but unlike Postal 2 - it's not like the overwhelming element of it. That said, god, both games are just not at all subtle with their storytelling and I guess also notable is how the September 11th attacks happened in between the two games and this one just seems more focused on the psychology behind a spree killer and the inexplicable nature of it. Who knows what makes people tick?

Also definitely is elements of this game that feel edgy for the sake of edginess and it's also definitely a game that's very short and minimalist and will probably take you about three hours tops to complete. I dunno but this was kind of a weird stress relief game for me. Nothing relieves stress more than a game where you just gun down a bunch of people for the sake of it. Oh, also the fire mechanics in this are kind of fun but nowhere near as fun as Postal 2's fire mechanics. Also you can't urinate in this game but you can definitely still kill yourself. Oh how times change.

Uh yeah. Did anyone know this game existed without just logically deducing it from Postal 2? Possibly.

Jogo datado, crasha bastante, se tirassem nome postal viraria qualquer jogo edge qualquer e o pior...não é relaxante

edgy as hell mfs enjoying this bro

redux prolly better

É um tanto quanto complexo tentar avaliar esse jogo. Tecnicamente, ele não faz nada de errado. O game design funciona exatamente como ele deveria funcionar, os controles são simples e funcionais, os objetivos são claros, o arsenal é bem completo...

Mas como a gente avalia um jogo sobre chacinar pessoas? E como isso, na verdade, difere de qualquer outro jogo de ação onde você está sistematicamente matando pessoas, muitas vezes de modo infinitamente mais violentos e crueis?

Eu não sei como responder. Mas o jogo não é ruim. Talvez ele se leve a sério demais e isso seja o principal problema dele - o que é corrigido prontamente na sua sequência.

Postal é um jogo em que controlamos Postal Dude, um simples entregador dos correios, o qual acha que a sua cidade foi contaminada por uma doença que deixa as pessoas violentas e ele é o único imune, capaz de acabar com isso. A gameplay do jogo pode se tornar viciante durante as primeiras fases da campanha, com um grande arsenal a disposição, podemos acabar com vários inimigos de diversas formas possíveis, além de poder atacar civis e animais. Após algumas fases, notei que não havia mudanças significativas, além do cenários. Os inimigos continuam os mesmos, exceto alguns novos que surgem, como mineiros lançadores de bombas e torretas. A mecânica é sempre a mesma, bater uma meta de execuções, que pode ser atingida facilmente, mas não acrescenta muita dificuldade ao jogador. Então, acaba por ficar enjoativo quando perto de acabar o jogo, pois não nota-se grande diferenças. Tirando essa parte da variabilidade, o jogo pode ser sim bastante divertido para aqueles que procuram algo para passar o tempo e descontrair. Ele é simples, porém interessante na sua construção, tentar entender o porque o protagonista faz o que faz e o caos que se desenrola das suas insanidades, podendo também optar por "regredir".

just play it.
trust me its fun

I played this with slipknot. That was fcking awesome

The title screen spooked me more than any horror game

A mindless shoot-them-up game for the whole family.

This game is nothing more than shooting people in the face, burn them, blow them up and pump their whole family full of lead. Easy and mindless but fun in a strange way.

You can play the campaign where you rampage trough different parts of the town, each time with a mandatory kill requirement. There are also many challenges you can complete. So, for its time, and still today, it is a huge game.

The game looks good for its time, the graphics and psychics are really well done, and the animations are fluent.

The sound is also surprisingly good with the constant moaning of dying people, the explosion sounds and the screams of people who are on fire. Yes, I can say this quite casually now because I also finished Postal 2.

For the time, this game was one big scandal and I can totally see why. Nowadays it is nothing more than a big shooting gallery where your only goal is to murder as much of the population as possible.

The reason I recommend this game is because the achievements make it fun to play. Normally after killing a whole neighborhood I am done with the game but the fact that you can achieve something makes it fun. Except for the “one million bullet achievement” of course, that one was sadistic.

Overall, it is free now so if you have a sadistic mood and some time to spend, give it a try.

Quite different from the more popular Postal 2, but still enjoyable in a way. The gameplay begs for more weapons and ways to kill your enemies, but what can you do.

They nailed the atmosphere, it's surreal and creepy going around looking for that one hostile so you can go to the next level, and you look at all of the dead bodies. Mix that with some creepy ambience, it really makes you think what you've done.

Today's patches make this game play like it's remake, Postal Redux and that's a BIG improvement. Trust me, this game would be insane and i'd give it 1 star if you could only play only with a keyboard.

I wish the amount of effort that was put into the art direction, audio, world/character building, and ending was put into the gameplay itself, which is pretty basic.

This games Atmosphere and Art direction is AMAZING.
Gameplay is pretty simple: Shoot everyone you come across.
Apart from the games premise it's also pretty forgettable.

Уныленький и простой топ-даун шутер. Осуждаю происходящее на экране
Пройдена в рамках дружеского ивента DGG

It's an ok game that thinks it's cool when it really isn't, but I had fun going around shooting people for no reason. The pressure from enemies constantly kept me on my toes, forcing me to adapt to the environment and experiment with the weapons. Sucks that the game doesn't tell you how things work unless you look at the controls menu and memorize everything. I don't have much else to say except that it's funny how a game this stupid managed to offend people, with the Postal Dude's constant quips and comically edgy monologues between levels. (am I just desensitized?) It's not the best thing in the world, but it ain't that bad.

A brisk yet satisfying game that still holds up. I'll definitely play it again when I want to blast through something quickly.

is alright. edgy ultraviolence but it definitely knows what it is

Has a very dark vibe I enjoy very much. I do prefer Redux in general but the ending for this hits harder

beautiful. this is so much more than just mercilessly shooting innocents like i first thought. this is its own experience and it's extremely different from other Postal games. i originally played this just to be done with it and move on to Postal 2, but this is genuinely its own thing. it's pretty good. there's some thing i don't like about it like the 'Super POSTAL' expansion and how sometimes it doesn't have the best controls (e.g. my mouse sometimes just disappears behind an object for SOME reason and i have to pause a bit and look for it. ruins the pacing). the gameplay is extremely enjoyable at times. the people who wrote this game's story are brilliant and definitely know how to write, that's for sure. i love The Postal Dude. he gets very funny at times, and makes me remember that this game was made by actual people who poured their time, love and effort into it. anyways, enough about me yapping. go play this one. it's free on Steam!

let's be honest, you're only thinking about this game cuz you want to play the second one

just go play postal 2

Edgy and 90's as hell! It's still fun years later!