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Using single floors (mostly) and right angles only in the map design Project Warlock invokes Wolfenstein as its core base of influence rather than Doom/Duke/Quake etc. and in doing so, creates a game that is delightfully simple and extremely compulsive. Each chapter is split into four groups of levels and then a boss and you have to clear these with a limited amount of lives - no quicksaves! - to progress. Experience points from kills and finding secrets let you level up your magic abilities and weapons, eventually gaining some seriously OTT firepower, is a nice loop that keeps things interesting for the duration. Very little fat on this one, which although means few unique ideas it is mostly killer from start to finish.

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Project Warlock is a conflicted experience. One on hand it's a beautifully made retro fps with a ton of fun options and well paced encounters with a pretty decent OST to boot. And on the other is a game that struggles to fit into the roles it wants to be, with several parts feeling incredibly lacking(magic), mind numbingly repetitive(levels) or straight up godawful(BOSSES) in the design and execution. While at the end of the day I still think this is a great game it's also one that you have to know about before going in because of how oddly punishing it can be to those unfamiliar with the design of retro shooters (be prepared for a ton of wall humping).


docked an entire star for a lives system that literally undid all the work i put on my character and guns and made me start over from scratch

Indie games frequently look at the past for inspiration. It’s why we have so many SNES-era two-dimensional platformers and Metroidvanias. And for as much as Axiom Verge was like Metroid, Project Warlock is like the original Doom. It’s aiming its double-barrelled shotgun squarely at first-person shooters from the mid-1990s where you’re never reloading and never not sprinting. Project Warlock embraces those influences to craft an arcadey, nostalgic throwback with satisfying gunplay that proves why those games were so inspirational in the first place.

Read the full review here:

doom: strategically placing enemies so the player has a feel for the level design and can improve as they learn the area

project warlock: na lets just throw a bunch of em lmao thats what made these games good, right

A boomer shooter with magic and guns. Art is classic and quaint. Nothing innovative, but that's not what you're here for, right?

Awesome art style and variety to the weapons, however the life system is broken. Make sure you stock up on them!

Addictive in every sense of the word. I wish I was better at it so I can finish the game on the hardcord difficulty

yeah lets put references to all of the actually good old fps games because this one will be a classic!

there's honestly some potential here, but my god this lags an extraordinary amount. there's also just a lot of things that just straight-up don't work. for example, I didn't know if it was even possible to switch between spells you'd purchased or if you just had to stick with the one you most recently purchased