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Punch-Out Wii turns a flavorful cast of NES boxers to a group bursting at the seams with personality. The gameplay remains challenging yet rewarding, and there's a persistent charm to everything you encounter. While sprawling open worlds and massive multiplayer arenas have become all the rage these days, this small series of challenges remains one of Nintendo's strongest outings in history.

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Von Kaiser

i got a lot of love for this game. this was a cousin bonding game. this was a game i watched my friend struggle on title defense glass joe for 2 hours. fun game too

this game is so so fun... if only the world weren't too woke for a new punch out...

The game that finally made me understand what a “boss pattern” is

the best punch out game by far. i was able to get this game on the eshop for the wii u and i absolutely loved it. the boxers just ooze character through their funny little opening scenes to their trash talk in between rounds. in the ring its also great. all of the fights are great bouts that are really satisfying to get right and there is a lot of replayability through the title defence matches and the 3 star challenges in the free play mode. a great time, if you have a wii this is a must play

This game is so full of character, its hard to put words to how good it is. Next Level did so well with each and every character, interaction, and feature, that it is practically insulting that Nintendo hasn't greenlit another Punch-Out game from them. Definitely one of the best games on the console

I've never felt more alive playing a video game

A puzzle game disguised as a boxing game? Sign me up!
Every fight makes you think where you can hit those star punches, when to get your hits in, where are the weakspots of your enemy.
Quick and refreshing, its like a pallet cleanser you might need between longer games.

Man I love Little Mac; he is, to be honest, the best underdog in the history of gaming.

Did Contender and got to Soda Popinski Title Defense, I’m sure I’ll beat him eventually but I just need a break from this

I love how this game kicks my ass, it’s not really infuriating but it reached the point where I’m tired and I think I’ll move on for now

we're never getting another one, racism is no longer socially acceptable.

Lovely charming game with a really fun ganeplay loop in an unddrapreciated series. The comittment to making fighters authentic with language etc was really enjoyable and cool. Super satisfying gameplay. Sometimes ehen winning a fight was just about fast reaction times the fights felt like bs but still it was really fun.

The fact that we never got another game after this is a crime

even though i stopped using the motion controls i feel like this game made the motion controls work so well

Actually an amazing and fun boss rush game that has a somewhat funny story

This game rules, the 2nd best trequel of all time.

Played on Dolphin

oozing with charm, quick, snappy gameplay, and just all around good time. The satisfaction from beating a boxer feels amazing. Can be super brutal at times but never feels impossible

Really challenging and rewarding to learn. Also every character is a stereotype, funny stuff.

This game is my whole being, my absolute everything.

tudo que eu tenho pra reclamar desse jogo a culpa é pura e exclusivamente do controle de movimento do wii não ser perfeito.
por que honestamente esse jogo é uma das coisas mais divertidas que eu já joguei na minha vida.

El unico juego en el que no me siento moralmente mal por golpear a un frances

de los mejores juegos de la wii muy emocionante y integran muy bien el mando de la wii puede llegar a ser fustrante pero cuando pasas el nivel da mucha alegria.

This is literally the best Nintendo game of all time, Little Mac is my son, and I love all of the characters with a passion…yes, even Aran Ryan

Soca fofo? Cabou teu problema

Cara isso aqui é muito dificil e eu não to nem zuando, papo de tu ficar ai uns 2 dias se dedicando pra acabar com o adversário e isso é MUITO BOM, porque encaixa perfeitamente com a vibe do boxe.

Aqui você não entra só pra meter soco sem parar, você tem que estudar o seu adversário, saber pra onde e quando ele vai da o soco, ficar de olho nos movimentos dele e ter uma paciência de jó, isso aqui vai testar muito a tua cabeça e não to falando brincando não, pra quem nunca jogou Punch Out como eu esse jogo vai ser um inferno

Então já deixo claro que se tu não tiver na vibe de passar raiva ou se dedicar pra passar de uma fase, nem entra nesse jogo, espera chegar o momento certo. Porque o punch out gira em torno de te fazer aprender com seus erros e te deixar mestre no jogo, o que claramente da uma satisfação gigante no final, tu sente um bagulho parecido quando tu acaba com um boss em dark souls, só que melhor ainda. (Ou seja, estou te dizendo que esse jogo lhe da injeção de dopamina, logo há perigo aqui em você se viciar e ficar fazendo replay dele o tempo inteiro)

Mas não é só de dificuldade e desafios que Punch Out é feito, seus personagens são muito carismáticos apesar de serem esteriótipos ambulantes com nome as vezes um pouco clichê, acho isso sinceramente a única coisa que peca neles, mas cara é impossível você esquecer do Don Flamenco e seu narcisismo mesmo ele sem falar uma palavra.

Enfim JOGUEM punch out se tiverem ai velejando pelos mares assombrosos e aconchegantes da biblioteca do Wii, jogão e vale mó a pena

this game is really good but the title defense part is made for masochists i dont understand how people think its fun its so dumb

The dormant series made a grand return to Nintendo Wii with shining features. Not only did Little Mac get a fancy revamped presentation in full animation, but even the caricatures became curiously more tasteful, each character accurately speaking on their native language.

On top of it all, the optional motion controls are actually pretty stellar, they are properly responsive and doing a run for the champion belt make a very fun workout.

Do not overlook this one, fun is guaranteed.