Reviews from

in the past

Punch-Out!! (Wii) is a revitalizing remake of the classic NES boxing game. It captures the series' essence with its vibrant comic style, quirky characters, and memorization-based gameplay. You'll dodge, weave, and counter punches against a hilarious cast of boxers, each with their own tells and tells to exploit. While the core campaign can be mastered quickly, the true challenge lies in perfecting your timing and reflexes to achieve flawless victories and unlock hidden content. Punch-Out!! (Wii) is a delightful blend of strategy and reflexes that's both accessible and rewarding.

A modern punch-out may never exist, but here's to hoping that day may eventually come (without a future installment being racist of course)

As Doc Louis once said:
"You see, a comeback... is like a yo-yo: you're going to go down, but you're coming right back up! .... and then you may end up walking the dog..."

Punch-out!! for the Wii is one of the best revivals of anIP I have ever seen. It brings back what made the classic NES an SNES titles so enduring while also expanding upon it, with and timeless artstyle and a gameplay that is able generate an amazing flow and rhythm that will keep you punching for months.

All th ìe bigger icons are back and offer a series of challenges that will make you want more and more, and a final side mode so enthrilling that alone elevates the already big quality of this titles.

One of the biggest gems of the Wii era. An absolute must-play!

buffa o little mac no smash pls

donkey kong is in this game so there are already high expectations

Muy buena reinvicion, muy genial.

really fun and i love the exaggerated characters. Praying for a new punch out game some day

One of the best wii games I have played

I wish I could play it with a Wii Fit Balance Board, I know I'm missing the 50% of the fun with that.

Punch-Out Wii turns a flavorful cast of NES boxers to a group bursting at the seams with personality. The gameplay remains challenging yet rewarding, and there's a persistent charm to everything you encounter. While sprawling open worlds and massive multiplayer arenas have become all the rage these days, this small series of challenges remains one of Nintendo's strongest outings in history.

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Von Kaiser

i got a lot of love for this game. this was a cousin bonding game. this was a game i watched my friend struggle on title defense glass joe for 2 hours. fun game too

this game is so so fun... if only the world weren't too woke for a new punch out...

Sin duda el juego que más horas he pasado durante parte de mi infancia.
Cuando vi por primera vez este juego en la estantería de la tienda de videojuegos que más solíamos visitar, me invadieron unas ganas de probarlo enormes. Y desde aquel día fue un no parar de jugar hasta que lo completé.

Es una buena manera de jugar por primera vez a un juego de Punch-Out y conocer a los personajes de la saga, ya que en este juego es donde más personalidad tienen. Para un principiante como yo fue genial ver los retos que cada contrincante me planteó en el ring.
Llegar hasta el final después de mucho esfuerzo me hizo incluso llorar por todo lo que tuve que pasar junto a Little Mac.
Puede que en aquel entonces me emocionara más fácilmente que ahora, pero aún así me encantó la experiencia que este juego me sirvió.


Une masterclass malgré que le jeu soit assez dur à faire

Takes classic Punch-Out!!’s action-puzzler antics to new heights with cartoony flair to spare. Probably the game I’ve replayed the most, and one of the first games I truly got hooked on as a kid.

Once again the Punch-Out!! series continues to improve more each title. This really is the best one, all the attacks are visually clear and the sprites from the first two games are perfectly translated onto this one. It feels new while also keeping the spirit of what came before and as a result it's a delight to play. I guess really the only thing I can say as a complaint is that I feel like the difficulty curve is a little weird sometimes, like Aran Ryan and Soda Popinski being harder than Bald Bull and Super Macho Man, at least in my experience where I was able to knock out the latter two much easier than the former two despite the former coming first. Though, I wouldn't say the difficulty curve is bad, each Circuit feels like most or all fighters are the same difficulty, but that was one thing I felt like pointing out. Once again, what you see is what you get, so go play this game if you're interested. Overall, another very solid entry in the Punch-Out!! series and definitely the one I'd recommend the most.

Для моего здоровья! Drinks the soda

I didn't actually beat this game, just saw my cousin doing it for me. From what I played, this is a hard but very cool reimagining of the original Punch Out game!

I want to replay it myself now that I am a older and more experienced. I am not afraid of the fucking monkey anymore.

Hidden gem. Didn't even know this game existed for so long, but it is incredible. It has the simplicity of the original NES game but it is polished for modern players. The perfect amount of challenge, and tons of charm in the characters. In desperate need of a port.

How this game doesn't have a port or remaster or sequel or anything yet is beyond me

The fact that we never got another game after this is a crime

even though i stopped using the motion controls i feel like this game made the motion controls work so well

Actually an amazing and fun boss rush game that has a somewhat funny story

This game rules, the 2nd best trequel of all time.

Played on Dolphin

oozing with charm, quick, snappy gameplay, and just all around good time. The satisfaction from beating a boxer feels amazing. Can be super brutal at times but never feels impossible