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in the past

we're never getting another one, racism is no longer socially acceptable.

Lovely charming game with a really fun ganeplay loop in an unddrapreciated series. The comittment to making fighters authentic with language etc was really enjoyable and cool. Super satisfying gameplay. Sometimes ehen winning a fight was just about fast reaction times the fights felt like bs but still it was really fun.

beautiful animation and fine-tuned, skill-intensive gameplay. refighting everyone with new moves and higher difficulty was AMAZING. the surprise of that mode and the effort put into it will forever stick in my brain. PLAY IT!!!

I thought I was headed to the UFC after playing this as a kid.

News update. I didnt.

One of the best games to make full use of the Wii’s motion controls. I’m incredibly surprised Nintendo didn’t try to make a sequel on the Switch.

An amazing, challenging gem. Try to make sure the TV is lagless.

Such an unexpectedly good evolution of the series after a decade and a half onto the Wii. The motion controls may sound gimmicky, and they are, but they also make the game unique. It still maintains and even perfects a lot of the elements that make the series work, and is easily one of the most pure fun games on the system.

FUN AF, great reimagining of the game

This soft reboot of Punch-Out as a whole is so god damn fun compared to the other two. This was my favourite in the trilogy as Next Level Games really brought so much life to this franchise from the '80s. The game plays exactly like the other two games, where you gotta win via TKO or by decision.
However they brought back the star punches from the NES, but changed to where they stack now rather than be an individual punch.

The boxers were so much fun to fight as their personalities shun through unlike the other two. Some of my favourites was definitely Aran Ryan, Bear Hugger, Mr. Sandman, and the new kid in the game, Disco Kid. What I didn't expect was that after you beat the game's career mode, you continue the game via Title Defence where you rematch all the fighters again but they either have a new mechanic, have faster moves, or have entirely new moves to boot.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to fight the secret character, Donkey Kong, but I still had a blast with this game. Solid recommendation for a bitesized Wii game. Now if only Nintendo could make a new Punch-Out game, that would be fire.

Ultra recomendable este juego.
Se que está más fácil que los anteriores pero eso no le quita que está súper disfrutable, el combate aunque si se puede abusar mucho más de los golpes críticos que los demás juegos de la saga, está excelente, aquí juega mucho el ensayo y error. Los controles están magníficos como se adaptaron a la Wii, el modo de defensa y la pelea con Donkey Kong son muy difíciles y le agregan mucho reto, así que decir que este juego es fácil no es del todo cierto, dure mucho aprendiendo los patrones en los modos avanzados.
El multijugador es una mierda y no debe ser tocado nunca.
Pero eso no le quita que es uno de los mejores titulos de esta saga y aparentemente el último por ahora.

Punch-Out!!! is a game that's strangely entertaining, with its quirky characters and humorous stereotypes. Even my duck, an avid gamer, got a kick out of it. However, Neil Druckmann, a character in the game, proved to be a tough challenge. My duck couldn't defeat him because Druckmann was always "calling HR" due to his CRUNCH-TIME habits, making the fight particularly tricky. It seems my duck's bad reputation with HR prevented him from making the call. On the bright side, Punch-Out!!! managed to distract my feathered friend from, at least for a little while.

Nintendo's collaboration with Naughty Dog employees to create Super Macho Man's character is intriguing. It's unusual for a game developer to bring in talent from a competitor like Naughty Dog, but it seems they did it to capture an authentic personality for the character. It's a testament to the lengths developers will go to create memorable characters in the gaming world.

In the words of a wise New Yorker, "New York is the greatest city in the world." Punch-Out!!! captures the essence of this statement, with its colorful characters and challenging boxing matches. It's a game where you'll find yourself battling not just in the ring but against some amusing stereotypes, making it a unique and enjoyable experience.

Score: 8/10

Punch-Out returns (or at least it did rip). Really fun and expressive characters.Simple, yet well executed classic gameplay turned modern.

It’s good, but they missed something that makes the original great. If you throw punches on the same side as the punch you dodged, you do more damage. That isn’t in this game, so it’s a let down.

Soca fofo? Cabou teu problema

Cara isso aqui é muito dificil e eu não to nem zuando, papo de tu ficar ai uns 2 dias se dedicando pra acabar com o adversário e isso é MUITO BOM, porque encaixa perfeitamente com a vibe do boxe.

Aqui você não entra só pra meter soco sem parar, você tem que estudar o seu adversário, saber pra onde e quando ele vai da o soco, ficar de olho nos movimentos dele e ter uma paciência de jó, isso aqui vai testar muito a tua cabeça e não to falando brincando não, pra quem nunca jogou Punch Out como eu esse jogo vai ser um inferno

Então já deixo claro que se tu não tiver na vibe de passar raiva ou se dedicar pra passar de uma fase, nem entra nesse jogo, espera chegar o momento certo. Porque o punch out gira em torno de te fazer aprender com seus erros e te deixar mestre no jogo, o que claramente da uma satisfação gigante no final, tu sente um bagulho parecido quando tu acaba com um boss em dark souls, só que melhor ainda. (Ou seja, estou te dizendo que esse jogo lhe da injeção de dopamina, logo há perigo aqui em você se viciar e ficar fazendo replay dele o tempo inteiro)

Mas não é só de dificuldade e desafios que Punch Out é feito, seus personagens são muito carismáticos apesar de serem esteriótipos ambulantes com nome as vezes um pouco clichê, acho isso sinceramente a única coisa que peca neles, mas cara é impossível você esquecer do Don Flamenco e seu narcisismo mesmo ele sem falar uma palavra.

Enfim JOGUEM punch out se tiverem ai velejando pelos mares assombrosos e aconchegantes da biblioteca do Wii, jogão e vale mó a pena

this game is really good but the title defense part is made for masochists i dont understand how people think its fun its so dumb

The dormant series made a grand return to Nintendo Wii with shining features. Not only did Little Mac get a fancy revamped presentation in full animation, but even the caricatures became curiously more tasteful, each character accurately speaking on their native language.

On top of it all, the optional motion controls are actually pretty stellar, they are properly responsive and doing a run for the champion belt make a very fun workout.

Do not overlook this one, fun is guaranteed.


This game is really good. The gameplay is surprisingly hard to master and satisfying when you beat that guy you couldn't beat for the longest time.

However, the characters are actuallt prettty weak, specially little mac. And the more you progress the frustraiting it gets. I can dig in a hard game from time to time like megaman and metroid, but this is too much for me. I shelved the game after a few of the rematches.

Great game, just not for me.


An unnecessarily good, polished, fun and satisfying experience from beginning to end, and I might replay it many times in the future. Solid, responsive and challenging.

this game is RAD
i’ve always wanted to play this game and i finally got my hands on it a few weeks ago and it’s everything i hoped it’d be
i got stuck on title defense bald bull for like four hours the other day
i’m so terrified for last stand i just want to unlock donkey kong i’m fine with not unlocking champion’s mode

There's nothing more satisfying than beating the shit out of your opponent after you've finally memorized his patterns after losing 50 times.

Holy shit. This was something else man. I have never felt more tested by a game than with Punch-Out!! on Wii. This pushed me to my gaming limits, and it was honestly hard to come back and keep playing. But I kept trying anyway! That’s how fun the game was. That said, the game has likely reached its top intensity for me. I still have the World Circuit left with the last 5 characters: Aran Ryan all the way to Mr Sandman. But I feel pretty proud of myself for making it all the way to the second phase of the Minor and Major Circuit. I already beat the main game and boxed Mr Sandman and now I’ve been rematching each boxer in Title Defense (which is post game content). Happy with how much fun I had playing, even if it got unbelievably hard by the end. We’ll see if I ever come back to finish the Title Defense of World Circuit. It would be fun to play the game before rematches too.

Aun me cuesta creer como es que un juego de box puede llegar a ser TAN DIVERTIDO.

Es un juego excelente en prácticamente todo, si bien es el Punch Out mas sencillo de toda la saga eso no le quita nada de bueno siendo para mi la opción perfecta para aquellos que quieran introducirse a la saga.

Quien sea que haya sido el genio que tuviera la idea de darle voces a los rivales ojala sea de los mejores pagados en su empleo por que solo este apartado le suma mucho al juego y los vuelve mucho mas carismáticos y únicos (casi todos destacan).

En cuanto al gameplay, es fácil de aprender pero difícil de dominar por lo mismo es un juego donde la estrategia juega un rol importante durante los combates ya que algunos solo son derrotados haciendo counter a sus ataques.

El Soundtrack es el mismo tema de pelea de Mike Tyson's Punch Out pero mejorado y mucho mas pegadizo aparte de que tiene remixes para cada circuito y personaje en el juego.

Nintendo, YOU are the worst company in the world for giving us Arms instead of another installment of this incredible franchise.

In the later game, sometimes the enemy patterns does begin to slightly tiptoe to being BS but otherwise a very awesome pattern focused boxing game.

Easily has some of the best animation and character designs out of any game of this kind period which really helps it pop even more amongst other combat sports game on the market.

You know what, I don't care, this game is perfect. This is quite easily, hands down, one of my new favorite Wii games of all time. Everything from like the charm, the personality, the characters, the fights, the music, it's all there. The ending left a lot to be desired and if leads room for a sequel which i'm hoping we get cause this series just needs to come back. I loved every second of this game, and even when I occasionally ran into the one or two roadblock boss, beating them just made it feel all the more satisfying to overcome. Yeah so if you haven't played this game idk what you're waiting for because it's truly one of those games that needs to be talked about more. Punch Out as a series is something that is so fascinating, there's only like 4 games but they're all quality in some way.
Definitely stands up there as one of the greats in Nintendo's lineup.

Pretty fun game. I hope a sequel comes out one day. 4/5