Reviews from

in the past

Yeah this and its sister game are definitely my least favourite gameplay wise. but + half a star for a good story and some Athena 2.0 focus (goated character)

This is just casual fun with the gang. The comedy is hilarious, the new characters are all fun, the combat works perfectly and most importantly, nothing overstays its welcome. This came out exactly like the developers intended: A cute little game that you can pick up at any point and have a good time.

It's a meme but it's short and I laughed. Worth playing for Athena's map drawings.

N é ruim, mas tbm nada mt de bom tbm. É basicamente dois jogos menores antes do Kichikuou, q remetem mt ao primeiro Rance, tanto em escala, tanto em gameplay. A unica coisa q realmente n gosto, é a "flanderização" do Rance. Nesses dois jogos ele é só filho da puta, sendo q a caracterização dele no III e IV foi perfeita. E eu n sou mt fan da Athena 2.0, mas é mais gosto pessoal.

Mid, mas daorinha

Literal Excel RPG.
I refuse to elaborate.

One of the most introspective experiences i've had. Never before has a piece of media captured something so human like with such simplicity.
Please play rance 4.1 ~ Save the Medicine Plant! ~

it was goofy thats all i got to say

It could be much better without random encounters.

plays and looks even worse than the first game by some incredible feat. you get to bully bird though. so there's that

Eu acho incrível como o Rance em Kichikuou parece uma pessoa mais decente que em 4.1/4.2

E isso diz muito sobre esses jogos.

A pretty fun game. Rance's antics are always fun to watch and this was the 1st (chronologically) Rance game to have good sex scenes
I love that there is no grinding and the combat is very fast
Athena 2.0 was a pretty fun travel companion but she is no Sill sadly

Tears. Cucking Bird was never more fun.

I liked this, but before the Windows compatibility patch game out I'm unsure if I could have fully recommended it. Nowadays I do think it is worth a go just because it and 4.2 are so short, and they're pretty solid overall, if mostly just filler that serves to develop Athena more.
Operation Pervert Bird is a masterpiece though.